

— LunaSwan Report User
What is happening here? 35 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Human version of Alvin and the chipmunks 37 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I thought it was James and Peter along with some weird guy they didn't know.
Almost that time of year 4 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
No-one came to our house this year. And I mean NO-ONE.
Poor robin 10 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I only start getting exited for Christmas around the 20th of November
BOOBIES 11 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Uuuuuuh that's what they said...
Yeah, I'm still believing 18 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I read the first bit as 'everyone is the new Spider-Man'
Looks like she needs to let the soup cool down before she gets burned. Oh too late! 16 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I'm feeling pity for everyone who knows her.
Who ever gets this is instantly my friend 22 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Luke skywalkers legs look sort of...stumpy
your fandoms, people!!! temme. 13 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Everyone is dead but not really-Once Upon A Time (except Graham, he's pretty dead...)
He wants that booty 2 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Can someone please explain what happened in this episode? I vaguely remember but not really.
This happened xD 3 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I am amazed 11 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
I've actually been in a maize maze. So fun. I'm serious. So fun.
12 crazy ideas that just need to happen already 17 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
What does the elevator one say?
Science. It reduces the stupid 16 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Science. It reduces the stupid 16 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
Wait it's not?
I hate political cartoons but 9 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
What's that?
She wanted to play luna, and she did 9 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
No. Rowling didn't even know she had auditioned until she had already gotten the role.
Superglue is Serious Business 4 comments
lunaswan · 8 years ago
*David Attenborough voice* If you look closely they are actually the same clothes! The clothes have gotten tighter and the girl on the right's t-shirt has faded.
Swiper, no swiping. 7 comments
lunaswan · 9 years ago
Dat title though, cracked me up.
Phil Mahar 7 comments
lunaswan · 9 years ago
Phil Mahar 7 comments
lunaswan · 9 years ago
I don't get it...
And a diet coke pls 13 comments
lunaswan · 9 years ago
Okay by the way Diet Coke isn't just for people's who don't want to get fat. I drink Diet Coke just because I think it tastes nicer
Manly tears were shed upon reading these lines 9 comments
lunaswan · 9 years ago
If the lady took her husbands name the her husbands name would be 'John Johnston'