

— Meatball2012 Report User
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Thank you attempting to find it though I'm legitimately curious to get the exact facts.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Statistics could have changed in that time and with the anti-police atmosphere the past year or two I wouldn't be surprised if police deaths have increased.
Finally, someone's telling the truth 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Im not in any way endorsing people who make overweight people feel awful about themselves, but at the same time if you get rejected enough times and given enough looks, maybe it'll motivate you to really make change. Don't get me wrong i'm not encouraging you to go make fun of them that's horrible, but there's always gonna be people who do. But as you said if you choose to love yourself as you are then you accept the consequences such as disease and an early death.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
And could you link those FBI statistics please? I'm not saying you're lying I'd just like to see your source for those stats.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I didn't know any bad cops nor did my dad. And regardless of the number of deaths I believe you have to be much braver to be a police officer because every day is a mystery and since you're a wearing a uniform but criminals aren't, you could be ambushed at any second of any day. Many of the deaths of the professions you mentioned were accidents, ether by horrible luck or a mistake by the worker or someone else, but most of the deaths from cops are them being killed in the line of duty. But even if you disregard them risking their lives what makes them criminals?
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Why I love twitter 16 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You don't necessarily have to gag for it to be pleasurable for a guy. Focus on the head really and they usually won't have a problem with it. If whoever you're with wants you to deepthroat but you're not comfortable gagging like that just let them know.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Also I realize I said most are good men, but there are also many great female cops as well, I've just met many more male cops. I respect all of our men and women who risk their lives daily and put up with hatred to protect people.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
The media will show you the cases of police brutality which I can agree are disgraceful, but they do that because they are profit driven and it attracts attention. Cops aren't criminals, they actually have the best interest of the people in mind 99.9% of the time.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I'll accept you may have a decent point, but i'd also like to say how grossly inaccurate you are in saying police are the real criminals. My dad was police officer for over 30 years and is an incredible man. He was involved in many shootings, but only ever had to shoot back once, during a bank robbery when the guy was running from him, but shooting over his shoulder. He actually hit my dads partner in the chest and knocked him unconscious (he was alright because of his vest). My dad chose to shoot the man in the leg and proceeded to tackle him rather than shoot and kill him which would have been justified given that he had shot a man and intended to shoot my dad as well. So don't go telling me "you're more likely to be shot by a cop for doing nothing than by a weed dealer." The vast vast VAST majority of cops are good men who do their job properly and only use their weapons in times of absolute necessities. My dad was on SWAT for 5 years and the team as a whole never once killed anyone
4 · Edited 6 years ago
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Also, trying to discredit people by guessing their age is a childish and immature move. People tend to attempt to discredit someone they disagree with when their own argument is going south, so how about you cut that crap and be respectful.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
alekzama it's not that's we're saying all criminals are the same, but rather that no law is less important than another. you cannot pick and choose which laws you wish to follow, and it doesn't matter which law you break, that makes you a criminal and you should be punished for it. nobody ever said anything about rape and murder being the same as selling weed, but it doesn't take away that selling weed is still a crime. your personal opinion doesn't matter when it comes to the law. if you want the law changed then go through legal processes and petition to have it changed but until then it's your duty as a citizen to obey that law and you accept any punishment that comes with it if you decide to break that law.
Why I love twitter 16 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
If you don't like sucking dick you can't complain if a boy doesn't wanna go down on you. Neither of you are required to do anything, so if you don't want to do it, you can't be upset if he won't either.
Weed dealers are so dangerous, woah 32 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You realize there's more than two cops in a police department? Somebody has to go after the little guys while others will go after the "bigger fish." Uploading the photo is just to positively boost their image in the community, so people may begin to trust them more when they see they're getting work done. Also I'm not sure what kind of internet you have but uploading a picture does not take 20 minutes, more like 2 minutes. Whether you agree with weed being illegal or not it is still an illegal drug and dealing it is more illegal than just having it on your person, so yes, there are cops that are going to arrest weed dealers.
Calls for a tender hand 30 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Or you could punish your child for being so sexual at such a young age. It's not your business what parents do to their children either, unless it's abusive. Children shouldn't have total privacy at that age, it's called parenting.
Great service 18 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Wtf if somebody points a gun at you how are you not gonna shoot back? Self defense is your right whether you're a cop or not. If you can avoid shooting him that's the best option but if he chose suicide by cop that's on him not the cops. If somebody aims a gun at you you're not gonna risk your life for theirs.
Has it changed much? 49 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
People fail to realize a very simple issue with raising the minimum wage. You give people more money, companies raise their prices. Tada. You may get to see a few more numbers on your paycheck but the cost of living will go up as well to adjust for it.
Which one are you? 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Execute all the normies
He has learnt his lesson 27 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I'm not sure why i've been downvoted so much. Do you guys have a problem with treating presidential candidates equally? If you're gonna bash Trump why did nobody bash Hillary for what she said? And why would you down vote me when I said I do NOT support Trump's sexual harassment and I think it's disgusting. My only point was that it's wrong to smother somebody's reputation because of a private conversation. You wouldn't want something you said 12 years ago in a completely private convo to come back up suddenly and almost ruin you.
He has learnt his lesson 27 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Just to be clear, im not defending Trump grabbing women, that's disgusting, but I also respect that it was a private conversation and should never have been heard by the public.
He has learnt his lesson 27 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
If people are gonna keep bringing up Trump saying he grabs women by the pussy during a private conversation in 2005, then how come nobody ever talks about when Hillary Clinton, while being a senator for NY, said in a 2002 interview that she was opposed to gay marriage and marriage should stay between a man and a woman. If you're gonna dig up little details from people's lives to criticize them you'll always find something because nobody is perfect.
Drinking beer 17 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I believe it's season 5, episode 4&5
You are skilled 8 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I shoved a plunger up my butt when I was 12 to see what it felt like
Why are you taking pictures at that speed 15 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
The speed limit for most interstates in America is 65mph (about 105km/h)... I envy Europe for their beautiful, smooth roads that allow them to go so fast. Many of our roads simply aren't built for that kind of speed and there's too many uneven patches and potholes.
Discrimination 23 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You're part of a secret society of pornstars who have weekly orgies and discuss their rankings amongst each other??
Discrimination 23 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
What if it's a gay pornstar?..