

— Meatball2012 Report User
Car for wheelchair users 15 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Oh cool, that's good to know. Thanks for the education lol.
Car for wheelchair users 15 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I like the idea but if a person is paralyzed from the waist down how would they control the pedals?..
Expensive boots 16 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
No, but it clearly shows that you should be able to afford at least ramen if you manage your money.
Expensive boots 16 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
But what defines rich?
He/she/it has a point 2 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You think santa gives a damn about our calendar, his year revolves around christmas not new years you hoes.
Hilarious chase 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
They actually don't show car chases on the news anymore because people used it as a way to get famous. They might show a short bit of it after it happens but never live.
Almost got offended 20 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
This was the old testament, and the purpose of Jesus giving his life on the cross was that we would be forgiven for these sins. The punishment now comes after death, and only God may be the judge. It is our duty now to just love them unconditionally and show them the light of a loving God. There may be strict rules, but he is loving none the less.
Not a Big Enough Stash Spot 4 Me 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
The bloody commies that's who!
Big doggo 7 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Oooo I wanna grab that ass and slap it so hard. Same goes for the girl. ;)
Advanced German engineering 13 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Uhm... that's exactly what makes it dark humor is that it's sick? It might be incredibly morally wrong to laugh at but that's what makes it dark humor. Just because its extreme doesn't make it less than dark humor.
Advanced German engineering 13 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Dark humor, my friend. It may be very wrong in reality but our minds our messed up and some people find it funny.
Mom is always right 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
It's funny that everyone who complains about grades defining them are the ones who certainly could have put in a lot more effort. They're also the ones who retweet memes about wasting time, procrastinating, and doing everything but homework and studying for exams until the very last minute.
Almost got offended 20 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You say recovery as if being christian is a disease. Being close-minded is a more of a disease than being christian. And no not all christians are close-minded. I've studied other religions and christianity seems the most plausible to me. I don't need your opinion on that because you won't change mind. (Before you call me close-minded for saying that it's because i've already done my research and made my decision). It is a christians personal belief that the bible is God-breathed and therefore is entirely correct. You may believe whatever you'd like but don't insult people who believe in God as if it's some disease because at the end of the day there is no concrete proof for or against a higher being.
Almost got offended 20 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Yes that is true. There is no mention in the bible of Jesus commenting on homosexuality that i'm aware of.
Wholesome Trump 24 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
The boy clearly has a liking for President Trump regardless of your opinion of him. If your favorite celebrity took time to tweet you while you were on your death bed don't you think that would cheer you up in a time of sadness? Sure he could have done more for the boy but he also could have done less. It's not his responsibility to take care of every sick child in the country and it was kind of him to take some time to recognize this boy.
Wholesome Trump 24 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
If you have a brain tumor you're pretty much dead so healthcare won't do much for you except lower costs for your family as they watch you die.
Almost got offended 20 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Romans 1:26-27
Before you start hating on me, there's only a few verses about homosexuality, but there are many more about how God is the only one who can judge us and that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. The bible is actually quite clear that homosexuality is a sin, but so is lying and we do that daily. All sin is equal, because the wages of sin is death. I'm not the type of person who tells gay people they're going to hell or God doesn't love them, because he does, he loves us all. It isn't our job to judge people but rather to accept and love them regardless of their life choices.
Matthew 18:9 8 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
This is of course if you believe in God. Live your life how you wish but it is my own belief that this would have been God's will and as a follower I believe it is my duty to spread the word. Take it as you will.
Matthew 18:9 8 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
That doesn't mean Jesus would have praised women for dressing scanty. He accepted and loved everyone as equals, including prostitutes, but that does not make it less of a sin to be promiscuous. Men and women alike need to hold themselves accountable. Women, dress modestly and preserve your innocence. Men, keep your eyes forward and your mind pure from dirty thoughts.
Yo tell your dog to watch his mouth 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
They can say it but only with a hard R
Step up, Europe 85 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
What was factual about it? That was strictly your opinion. And quite an unpopular one might I add. It's sad that you can't be a patriot without being called arrogant.
Step up, Europe 85 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Well we're 2-0 so far.. I like our odds. After all since Germany went all environmental we could bomb the hell out of you and you couldn't fight back with nearly as much force. Don't get me wrong, not advocating for a war, and bombing Germany is the last thing i'd wanna do. Just pointing out itd be absolutely stupid of Germany to pick a fight with us just because they don't like President Trump.
Edit: I expected this to be an unpopular opinion but apparently not lol.
15 · Edited 6 years ago
Such a threat 25 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Even if they side against you and you get sued or face some jail time, id almost say it's worth it for the guy to get what he deserved.
Such a threat 25 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Okay but you're gonna end up hurting whoever you're with at some point or another. It might be something small or something big and you may or may not recover from it. Relationships aren't perfect. Physically hurting someone isn't acceptable but there will always be some emotional pain and expecting that a relationship goes perfectly will likely cause the relationship to fail
He was a strong a$$ man 4 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Ouch right in the jaw