

— Meatball2012 Report User
Nature is brutal 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Not really. Longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates are contributing to the overpopulation crisis which may someday in the future be the downfall of our planet.
Holy shit 15 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I’m not sure about your math but i’ll trust your numbers.. that’s made my day lmao.
Holy shit 15 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You’re not calculating how many thrusts in and out of the mouth occurred. You should research the average amount of succ’s it takes to ejaculate then multiple that number by 152.7
Miracle whip 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Why would it be, he uses his personal twitter not the POTUS account
This is what makes America great 21 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
If Trump is racist then so is Obama because detaining illegal immigrant families including their children was his policy during his administration and Trump actually signed an executive order to keep families together while they’re being detained. I don’t understand why people defend those who come to our country illegally. I’m not saying this goes for all of them, but if they’re won’t follow our immigration laws what makes you think they’ll follow other laws. Come into the country by be laws set in place and Trump and everyone else will welcome you.
This is what makes America great 21 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Perfectly said. Wanting to tighten our border security doesn’t equate to being racist.
This is what makes America great 21 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Doesn’t matter what you believe, he wouldn’t do that. He is only against those entering our country illegally.
What do you think? 18 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
That’s absolutely ridiculous that you can’t safeguard your own property from theft and somebody who gets injured from trying to steal your property can sue you for it.
Very interesting fact 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
They aren’t referring to the buttons, Mario is shirtless in Odyssey
Feels ahead 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Not everyone is active daily on this site to see every single post. Don’t get your panties in a wad over your minor inconvenience.
Feels ahead 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Idk why people throw a fit over reposts, maybe not everybody saw it. It’s not that hard to just scroll over it.
You're welcome society 10 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I could see a lot of problems with this.. good in theory though.
He saved everyone but couldn't save himself 10 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
This wasn’t his past he says things like this regularly. Regardless I think this is silly and people get offended over nothing.
He saved everyone but couldn't save himself 10 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
His channel name is MrBeast. A lot of it is from his own wallet but he also gets a lot of sponsors.
The truth has been spoken 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Not actually true funkmaster, you should read a Case for Christ if you’re actually interested. There is historical evidence Jesus Christ dying om the cross and coming back from the dead. Written by an atheist who was out to prove God wasn’t real and along the way discovered enough proof that made him believe. Regardless, no matter how much proof either side may have, you can’t ever prove the existence or nonexistence of a higher being so what is the point of all this arguing. Live your own life and quit being toxic to each other just cuz somebody has different religious beliefs.
· Edited 6 years ago
0 is infinite 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
This is snapchat tho..
Legend 24 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Quit gettin salty that’s generally the rule for spoilers after about a month it’s fair game. I feel like funsub did a good job respecting that during the first month it came out so calm yourself.
American guns 43 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Flyingoctopus my main point was that nobody is gonna take you or any news source seriously if you lump a pellet gun cracking a window or even suicides that aren’t a staff member or student along with shootings that involved the death of children by a gunman. When people see the words school shooting they imagine things like sandy hook or parkland, so when you call all those other incidents school shootings it shows intent to be misleading and if you want genuine change you have to talk about the real issues and come with important facts and statistics, not try to trick people into following along by convincing them all those “school shootings” resulted in innocent childrens’ lives lost at the hands of an assailant. You lose all credibility for a majority of Americans once you begin to do that.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
American guns 43 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Very misleading statistic and when CNN first posted that, they gave no methodology or source for that number. Even one shooting is a tragedy but use the correct information please.
9 · Edited 6 years ago
Oldie but a goldie 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
What is this from?
Atheists are edgy 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Lol you could say the same for atheists against religion. Y’all are just vicious against each other for no reason. I myself am religious but I understand no everybody has to or is going to agree with me. Not sure why everyone is so desperate to be right when there really isn’t any proof for or against a higher being until we die.
How was I supposed to know? 20 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
What r the extra steps..?
Ouch 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
That stuff is supposed to be for your face lmaooo
We should be sleeping at different times 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Well sometimes they’re homeless. It’s a sad world.
We should be sleeping at different times 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Uhmmm.. orphans?