

— Meatball2012 Report User
Not for the faint of heart 19 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Savages* Not sophisticated.
That's how you Canadian 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You’re absolutely right guest. I just saw the emphasis on “Not with bullets, not with violence,” as being aggressive to those who choose to use violence in situations where it’s necessary.
That's how you Canadian 6 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Very respectable, but not all situations can be solved like this and I don’t like the way it demonizes police officers who do choose to resolve certain situations by firing their gun. Sometimes it is simply necessary to protect themself or the public. Regardless still a very brave thing this man did.
Good job Norton 2 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
My dad insists norton is the best option and got mad at a best buy employee for saying “If you have norton your laptop has a virus guaranteed.” Or something along those lines. He refuses to accept that it’s awful.
What do they hunt with this thing? Planets? 4 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
They hunt your mom. Gottem
· Edited 6 years ago
Memes have overtaken religion 11 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
It’s also made life more bearable and meaningful for others. To each their own.
Superman is scared of false rape accusations, lmao 41 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
She wasn’t punished at all
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
In what trial has that ever been the procedure? When you find evidence you present it. Withholding evidence and lying to Congress saying you’ve got nothing would be a crime.
Superman is scared of false rape accusations, lmao 41 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
My dad was a resource officer for a high school. A girl accused the varsity quarterback of rape and he went to prison for it and lost scholarships until she admitted she made the whole thing up 2 years later and he was released. Ruined his life. False rape accusations are real and a scummy thing to do.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Yes but the congressional hearings are public, and if there were evidence the democrats would do anything in their power to get Trump out of office so they wouldn’t cover up stuff they’ve found.
Can this be a movie? 12 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
It could be exciting if you follow the story of the ship wreck and the crew struggling to survive and add some creative liberties to make it a bit more dramatic and eventually end with their death
23 · Edited 6 years ago
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Well they’ve been trying to prove it with the Russia investigation and haven’t found a single bit of evidence against him so yeah I’d say he’s not all too corrupt. Even if he were corrupt, which honestly for all I know he could be but I personally don’t believe he is, Hillary is far more corrupt than him for a handful of scandals she’s been involved with.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Actually many teachers may already be qualified to properly handle and shoot firearms in a high stress situation and if they aren’t there are many training programs available that could be made prerequisites. I don’t disagree that fire extinguishers are a good idea. In fact I agree that every room should be equipped with one. My school had a fire in our woodshop room that unfortunately the fire extinguisher wasn’t able to put out and it left a portion of the school closed for about 2 weeks. And it is a great defense against attackers in close range. I just feel like arming HIGHLY qualified teachers on top of that would be very useful.
And another one gone 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I’m sitting in my dentists waiting room and I started scrolling through funsub. This is the first post I saw and guess what song is playing on the radio.. What are the odds of that.
Incredibly accurate shot 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Still impressive that’s like a one in a million shot.
Not all heroes wear capes 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Wtf I don’t think you realize that there was 12 children trapped in the cave and they were running out of oxygen. If you’ve seen diagrams of the cave and how difficult and dangerous it is to navigate even for professional cave divers you’d shut your mouth. A diver said on the news that divers specifically avoid this cave because it’s “the mt everest of cave diving.”
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Guards are ideal yes, but then any potential shooter would know exactly who is armed. And as diyrogue said, guards are an extra expense that many schools may not be able to afford. Many teachers are probably already gun owners and might even have a concealed carry permit.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
None of us agreed that healthcare is mostly for gunshot wounds? That was never actually mentioned. Gunshot wounds are covered under healthcare if that’s what you meant. And stupidity is thinking people with bad intentions will stop shooting up schools because we decide to outlaw guns that are already in circulation. Fight fire with fire. And Trump won because Hillary was the worst possible candidate for the democrats and Americans were sick of corrupt career politicians. Trump is no angel but Hillary is genuinely corrupt.
Russian women liberated from a slave labor camp lay flowers at the feet of three soldiers 5 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
There’s been slaves of all races throughout history. Black people in America feel oppressed simply because America used mainly slaves from Africa. Slavery wasn’t about racism it was about availability. They didn’t think, “I hate these black people lets sail to Africa to enslave them.” That doesn’t mean that people didn’t hate them and saw them as inferior but that’s not why they were enslaved and white people have historically suffered just as much cruelty.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Also I’m not an idiot I’m well aware that healthcare isn’t just for injuries from the violence. I just meant I think the high rate of murders is more important to be dealt with than healthcare. Saving lives is higher on my priority list. I wish everyone could afford healthcare don’t get me wrong I just think it’s lower on the priority list.
4 · Edited 6 years ago
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Then what would you define as defensive capabailities? You don’t bring knives to a gun fight. Fight fire with fire. If you start abolishing gun free zones and allow law abiding citizens to carry guns in public, there will already be less shootings because no place will be safe for a shooter because they won’t know who is and isn’t armed. And if a shooting does happen the shooter can be neutralized fairly quickly before killing many innocent people. The police have a decently quick response time usually but they aren’t super heroes. Having a gun in the immediate area is the best way to stop a shooter.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
That’s my point. Priorities need to be set. Good for you, you gave people healthcare which debatably wasn’t even that great but people are still dying in the streets in absurdly high numbers
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Yeah they’re in desperate need of healthcare after they get injured from all the violence.
This is checkmate 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Thank you wise female
This is checkmate 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You’re brilliant