Aaron LeRoy


— Aaron LeRoy Report User
The mental gymnastics of cancel culture astounds me 15 comments
medros · 2 years ago
How can so many americans not understand free speech? Free speech is the GOVERNMENT not stopping you from saying what you want. Private platforms (like facebook/twitter/etc) are not the government and can allow/edit/block whatever they want. People telling you to shut the fuck up isn't a violation of your 1st amendment rights.
I love transparency and accountability 9 comments
medros · 2 years ago
unique events require unique solutions. Reporting side effects is good, but for anyone seeing a conspiracy I'm sure they will just say they are covering something up. Even though covid vaccines are THE HIGHEST researched and tested vaccine in all of human history, from multiple countries that would like nothing better than to discredit each other. So either the entire geopolitical world has suddenly decided to hold hands and sing Kumbaya for one giant cover up or they have all reasonably come to the same conclusion that 2% death rate and 1 in 6 rate of serious illness of any infectious disease is a world disaster.
Remarkable 1 comments
medros · 2 years ago
"Kill yourselves, we're the bad guys. -Love Inga"
You can’t reason with this people 6 comments
medros · 2 years ago
every anti-vax, flat earther, "trump won" idiot out there really thinks facts are a matter of "belief".
I suspect not 12 comments
medros · 3 years ago
I strongly suspect you have never done a minute of research in your entire life. Not.one.minute. You are spoon fed rightwing garbage and just eat it up like a good little soldier. Sit down, the adults are talking about how 1% of americans have 35% of the total wealth. And FYI, since you don't know what google is, Biden is the least rich president since Ford. Also most of his "relations" died in a car accident, dick.
Hello you can go away now 5 comments
medros · 3 years ago
This is the ultimate "If you ignore your problems they will go away" mentality. Good luck guys.
Hurricane tips 9 comments
medros · 3 years ago
gLoBaL WaRmInG iSnT REaL!....Good, then stay in the path of the consistently increasingly worse hurricanes. If you are a REAL christian god will protect you!
Spitting facts 17 comments
medros · 3 years ago
at a certain point I think you need to admit it's not the cats mate....
The eternal ***or 3 comments
medros · 3 years ago
False equixially fallacy. Companies rights to allow what content they want on a site is protected by the 1st amendment and section 230. Apple has a right to search any phone on their network as well, but they will lose many, many users b/c they have embarrassing or sexual things it doesn't want apple seeing and leaking (data breaches for apple, 2021 Israeli software hack, 2019 google finds weakness in iphones, 2015 xcodeghost malware leak, etc etc etc) It's not about hiding illegal porn.
It's the law 2 comments
medros · 3 years ago
also most shoulder injuries have almost no effect on the ability to use that arm.
Where is my helicopter? 7 comments
medros · 3 years ago
so you want zero refunds. Got it. There were no blackhawks left in Afghanistan. The helicopters left were MD-530. Which is an armed light observation helicopter. A blackhawk could eat 15 of these for breakfast. how fucking stupid are tRump supporters? (rhetorical, I know exactly how stupid they are, very.)
Spitting facts 2 comments
medros · 3 years ago
Here's the other 65%, people can a have different sense of humor than you and you are both right.
Now thats an insurrection 24 comments
medros · 3 years ago
So chanting hang the vice president doesn't count as insurrection to you....nice revisionist history. I guess to you the nazis just had "tough immigration laws".
· Edited 3 years ago
Boom 2 comments
medros · 3 years ago
yeah, that's what you get when viewers and clicks become more important than content. FYI, there are still journalists out exposing corruption, if Russian hasn't killed them yet.
And then I can buy a house right? 36 comments
medros · 3 years ago
go back to browsing for tiki torches for your next "meeting".
This is with every book to film/tv 6 comments
medros · 3 years ago
tHe bOoK WaS bEtTeR!!!11! Ugg, just stop. No one cares the book was beater b/c the book is almost ALWAYS better. Just enjoy it for what it is or don't.
Cursed 2 comments
medros · 3 years ago
Socialism, but only for white people.
Good news 8 comments
medros · 3 years ago
but this only takes into account human death toll (still good news). The damage being done by hurricanes is vastly worse than it was before. If you are getting hit with 7+ major hurricanes per year and it keeps going up, you have to repair that damage over and over again. 2020 has 22 billion in damages just form hurricanes, not even all natural disasters (like fires). There is an economic component here.
Blasting Taylor Swift from the choppers 7 comments
medros · 3 years ago
So, there was a lot of factors. After Bush took the country, he had the opportunity to build up the military but decided to work on infrastructure. This allowed the taliban to build strength safely in pakistan (taliban ally) and come back harder than before. So after Bush passed the problem to Obama he tried to take it with a military surge, but the Taliban were too entrenched for a permanent victory. After Obama, Trump decided to leave and made a deal with the Taliban (you know, the guys that trained the 9/11 hijackers). Biden had to follow that deal. It's been a cluster since day 1, but it really isn't Trump/Biden/Obama's fault. They were just following an already bad plan by Bush.
I ***!Ng hate when old people say "back in my day" 4 comments
medros · 3 years ago
You mean conservative.
I know how to make pancakes 13 comments
medros · 3 years ago
Incels are out in force today...
Stupidity is a National Crisis 7 comments
medros · 3 years ago
this guys is also a transphobic conspiracy theorist....so he really shouldn't throw stones from that glass house.
Alpha male is such a sigma thing to say. 43 comments
medros · 3 years ago
If what you are saying was true then women would leave men for other men of higher stature as a point of practice. But we can see that is not true and most relationships are not based on public success, but personal connection.
I hope no man feels this pain 8 comments
medros · 3 years ago
Ok, math test time. Let's add up all the times provable sexual harassment and assault that have happened to a woman and then let's add up all the times provable false accusations have happened to a man. Enjoy your .01% of victimhood.
The audacity 16 comments
medros · 3 years ago
no significant group of individuals believe this. But rightwing asshats want to think they do b/c then it justifies their sexism.