

— Mistoffelees Report User
Heartbreaking accented sharp 2 comments
mistoffelees · 11 weeks ago
We have air conditioning in cars, it's called air-con mostly but most people can't afford to have it in their houses due to the cozzie livs
Interdependent Hawk 2 comments
mistoffelees · 12 weeks ago
Not sure where this wild boar has been found but the average European wild boar is 220 lb
It matters 6 comments
mistoffelees · 25 weeks ago
Ah I see!
It matters 6 comments
mistoffelees · 25 weeks ago
How is it served normally, syrup mixed with carbonated water is the norm in most chain restaurants, pubs etc in the UK
Life hack: Describe your exact symptoms to the vet, but say it's about your dog 6 comments
mistoffelees · 29 weeks ago
Research done recently had shown it's the opposite way round in the UK
Lifehack! 4 comments
mistoffelees · 32 weeks ago
Googly eyes to stick on objects and create faces
Stubborn pedestrian bustling 7 comments
mistoffelees · 35 weeks ago
I've literally explained the reason why women don't respond positively to it, it's from experiences they will have had where men have cat called then followed up with threatening behaviour.
It's nothing to do with being wired differently.
If a woman approached me to compliment me or even shouted across the street to compliment me I'd think it odd but probably respond positively or neutrally. If a man did it I would feel threatened and worried about if I was potentially in danger and start looking for an escape route or a safe person to help me in case it escalated, as it has on numerous occasions before.
Stubborn pedestrian bustling 7 comments
mistoffelees · 35 weeks ago
The difference is most men could overpower and hurt a woman so it starts with a catcall but for the woman on the recieving end she has no idea whether it's going to end there or if the man is going to get aggressive, start following her, try to attack/rape her and she knows that ultimately if he decided to do that there's not an awful lot she could do to stop him.
Get a bloke bigger and stronger than the husband to stop him in his tracks and give him compliments, get aggressive when he tries to ignore or respond in any way and see how happy and confident he feels then.
Day 64 of Community Notes posting 7 comments
mistoffelees · 37 weeks ago
Skin-to-skin contact helps babies regulate their breathing and temperature, ideally straight after birth this would be with the mum but when that's not possible for whatever reason the dad is a great alternative.
Cool gate I passed by 2 comments
mistoffelees · 46 weeks ago
I tried to reverse image search but it just came up with similar gates
TIRED 2 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
So the first Michelin guide was kind of just that, a guide to some good places to stop, eat, get petrol etc around France and I heard someone suggest that maybe they were trying to get people to drive around more so they'd have to replace their tires more.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Yeah, what's up with that? 2 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
But if you have to soak something it's not an easy recipe anymore
Become what you fear 2 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Horrible thing to do to your children
I would watch the heck out of this 4 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Time to buy a menstrual cup
Real 1 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Wait, they're spacesuits?! I thought they were little monsters with one eye!
The Sumerians played a trick on us. 1 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Does it actually?
Potatoes! 5 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Oh I knew all that, I thought there was another revelation I was in for
Potatoes! 5 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Wait...what about the song Kokomo?
Indeed :) 2 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Interesting .. 6 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
In the UK it must be different because people have successfully incubated and hatched supermarket eggs
Interesting .. 6 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Unless you buy free-range eggs in which case they may be fertilised but without being incubated they won't develop into chicks
Critical Drinker voice: "Modern audiences" 12 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
That those damn women have their own thoughts, views and opinions. Everyone knows they don't, that's just modern propaganda trying to confuse men who are clearly the only ones worth listening to.
· Edited 1 year ago
Money money money .. 2 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
And semlordnilap is a word or phrase that can be read backwards and forwards but with different meanings, e.g. stressed and desserts
Cats! 3 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Instead I'm the dog watching you from afar creepily
The UK really do be quite hot rn 1 comments
mistoffelees · 1 year ago
Ooh that looks pain-ful