

— mjlewis104 Report User
Potatoes! 1 comments
mjlewis104 · 6 weeks ago
So true. My favourite statement is, "Too many people have opinions on what they have been told as opposed to what they have actually learned"
Cookie Monster 1 comments
mjlewis104 · 2 years ago
Brilliant...well done :)
Why has this man not got an Oscar! 5 comments
mjlewis104 · 3 years ago
Ha! I bet he didn't really!
Send us a message if you can hear us! 2 comments
mjlewis104 · 3 years ago
Zoom / Teams....they are all the same. Dreadful and will never ever replace face-to-face meetings. Sadly though, we are all doomed to have to forever distance ourselves as a result of the plague. Still, on the upside, computers never go wrong do they???
The Social Dilema (Trailer) 5 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
While I was watching, I visited my FB page, Google and YouTube and systematically entered searches and joined groups for Sport/Football/Cycling/Fishing etc....basically to try and f*ck with their algorithms as I am not in the least bit interested in anything that is sport related! Indeed, this is my mission in life now...sad but true.
Oh yes and I ALWAYS shut down my browser when an advert interrupts whatever I am watching on YouTube :)
The Social Dilema (Trailer) 5 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
Completely brilliant.
The Social Dilema (Trailer) 5 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
Completely brilliant.
While I was watching, I visited my FB page, Google and YouTube and systematically entered searches and joined groups for Sport/Football/Cycling/Fishing etc....basically to try and f*ck with their algorithms as I am not in the least bit interested in anything that is sport related! Indeed, this is my mission in life now...sad but true.
Oh yes and I ALWAYS shut down my browser when an advert interrupts whatever I am watching on YouTube :)
This profile is dedicated to such Igloo related facts 2 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
Again, what has Epstein got to do with this???
The invention of insulin :) 3 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
What has Epstein having 13 different phone numbers for Prince Andrew go to do with this???
Who remembers 9 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
Totally agree. We have been sorting/recycling for a few months now and it makes for cleaner and less smelly bins! Also I am looking to get an electric car when there are sufficient charging points around as it doesn't make sense to keep in relying upon a diminishing resource (oil). I also accept that the climate is changing, as it does on other planets as well (the Mars ice caps are melting!) but I am not about to give in to the sheer hysteria that surrounds the climate change debate because if some of the rubbish people are coming out with is true (only eleven years to go etc) then if you think logically about it, we are all doomed anyway, regardless of the steps we are taking now.
Who remembers 9 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
It's how government's keep control of the population. We have to have something to be scared about. I would add Nukes; Afghanistan (when the Russians invaded); the Falklands etc. Remember, we only started really worrying about the climate after the Berlin Wall came down.
You can do it! 6 comments
mjlewis104 · 4 years ago
My brain just exploded!!!
Values 1 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
It's a learned skill 11 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
True, very true. But if you dare to even question the assertion that climate change is man made, you'll be in deep trouble. (Sits back and waits for the hate mail to pour in!!)
Delicious candy is delicious 7 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
Even better when dissolved in a bottle of vodka!!!
Anon explains a Simpsons joke 8 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
Could have been worse if the guy who owns the store now is called Frank!!!!
Ahahaha so true 25 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
And just to prove my point, I have lost almost a days work today because my PC (or maybe it was Microsoft) decided that it didn't like my profile. Consequently, I have wasted all this afternoon reinstating preferences etc. I do think we are building up a huge problem for ourselves by this over reliance upon technology. God help us if they ever put driver-less cars on the roads....it will be utter carnage!!
Ahahaha so true 25 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
Oh right, thank you. I am very old and write everything very neatly in my day book using a pen. That's an Apple Pencil on my iPad which backs up into my PC thereby allowing me to work anywhere in the world as long as I can get a wi-fi signal.....you see I am totally paperless! Trouble is that IT (or "tech" which is a term I hate) is bloody fragile and will let you down at the drop of a hat. Happy days :)
Ahahaha so true 25 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
Er, what exactly is "Cursive" ??
It's over 17 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
I leave cobwebs where they are as they make great fly/wasp traps. Honey bees never get caught because they're not stupid!!
No wonder 13 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
I think that a lot of this is a result of over-reliance upon social media. I know people who seem to live their lives on Facebook, appealing to "friends" to reply to their messages (which are really cries for help).
Freedom 1 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
You can say this about every country in the world!
Helpful utopian Porcupine 5 comments
mjlewis104 · 5 years ago
I've given up watching YT now. Can't stand adverts and there's plenty of other stuff to look at when I have a spare moment.