Nicolas Levesque


— Nicolas Levesque Report User
Just yeesssss 17 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
Being a hifi systems salesman. Being able to single out any instrument I want on any recording whenever I feel like it...
I have a dream 8 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
To reduce the words of such a man to promote something as stupid as this....
Getting sick in America sucks 16 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
No I think most of them are dying from GSW... Isn't that the 1st cause of death in people above 8yo in the us?
Getting sick in America sucks 16 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
At last. Somebody who heard of such things as scaringly high revenue taxes, 15% sales taxes and 'literally' years of waiting to meet with "free"specialist... just to know what's wrong with you (assuming you're not dead by then)we're not even talking treatment at this point. Unless it's a common cold.
So true.... 6 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
They tell you just that in hundreds of movies in which the "it sucks to be an outcast theme" is the basis for the scenario. What lies movies tell you is that at the end the outcasts wins and the jocks lose.
· Edited 9 years ago
A sense of priorities 11 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
The average time spent in prison overall is about 2 1/2 years.
Justin Bieber 2 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
Learn to crop.
Black magic powers 4 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
It's probably the same white people's that believe in creationism.
Don't kid yourself, clothes-shoppers. You are not getting a good deal 9 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
In Quebec, it's legal onlyif itwas really sold for that price i the past or if the manufacturer publishes the bigger price as the MSRP.
Honesty 8 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
So if a f***ing teacher try to force her belief to my kid like that, I'll have no rest 'till she's out of work.
The perfect mouth trap 7 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
If you get your tongue stuck in a mouse trap, you're the worst fucking excuse for a human I heard off.
A-f*cking-men 25 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
If you waste my time with a stupid post you're worthless. By the way, don't breathe my air you fucking waste.
I feel like this is Ian & Anthony from Smosh 4 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
Change hairdresser. Fast
I can't even began tell you how much I relate to this picture 8 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
He looks very stupid. I hope it doesn't apply to you.
This woman should be sterilized 69 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
She's a crazy cow and in an ideal world she wouldn't be able to reproduce for lack of the appropriate license.
Stop bullyin by changing the way you think first 62 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
As a parent, I don't want to be everyone's hero, I want to be my son's hero. If my sons get bullied, I guarantee you that my first move will not to go help the bully because: 1. I don't think my son would understand why and I don't want him to feel betrayed and. 2. Helping the bully getting a better environment IF this is the problem, should be the society's/government role through the school. Maybe in fantasia the victims help their victimizer and everybody becomes friends but in real life my obligations are to me and mines first. So even if we didn't miss the fact that bullies are bullied, everyone will still hate bullies because what are you gonna do? Turn the other cheek?
The power of RAW picture formats 4 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
A bit overdone for my taste, but still great.
When your to poor to get a real handbag 10 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
had higher education or any language course and my english is better than yours. Why? Because I put the effort in it.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
When your to poor to get a real handbag 10 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
I can't let this one slide. Do you know why you're poor? By the way you will always be poor but the reason is you don't put the effort. You don't spell you're correctly because you're too lazy to type the ' and you don't spell too correctly because you're too lazy to type the second o. That type of behavior can probably be seen everywhere else in your life. You apply the rule of the lesser effort because excellence don't matter to you and you think as long as the job is more or less done it shouldn't matter to anyone else. Guess what? Employers want to give top salaries for top results. They want to give bonuses for extra effort. They want excellence and they should get it if they are to pay you a premium. This should start in your private life. You should put the effort to spell right because it matters to you first and as long as things like this don't matter to you, you will not aim for excellence and will be poor. I live in quebec. My native and home language is french. I never
1 · Edited 9 years ago
When your to poor to get a real handbag 10 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
You're too poor to afford internet and annoy us then.
Police trying to be punny 3 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
We found the troll!!!!!!!
Wow, television with a deeper, underlying meaning? 23 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
You don't know what you're talkin' about. Go spend 24 hours in a waiting room with your kid in a canadian hospital. You don't know what he has. Every 6 or 7 hours you kind of loose it and go ask how long it's gonna be 'till you see the doctor to be answered that they don't givetime, they see patient based on priority established when you met the nurse. Then she goes back to chatting and laughing with the 4 other persons hired to handle the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, there may not even be a doctor in the building. When and if you meet a doctor (believe it or not, in canada almost 30% of patient leave emergecy rooms before seeing a doctor) if you have anything remotely odd, you'll be referred to a specialist with which you'll have to book an appointment yourself and probably in 18 months. In that period of time you have enough time to 1. Get better by yourself 2. Train to become an alpinist. 3. Try to climb the everest and DIE THERE IN A FRIGGIN SNOW STORM. This is free healthcare!
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Good guy cop 22 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
Well if I'm a cop and a dog bites me, he's dead. G-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D!!!
Wow, television with a deeper, underlying meaning? 23 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
Or you could die for free. Even here. (In Canada...)
Wow, television with a deeper, underlying meaning? 23 comments
nicklevys · 9 years ago
That's about right.