

— One_Puma Report User
The office child edition 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
This is crazy how accurate this is. Is this like an app or just kids who look like them. Impressive either way.
What a smart mf 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
First of all Comey wasn't even investigating Trump, Rod rosensten hired Muller for the special counsel to investigate. So when Trump fired Comey, it had nothing to do with the investigation since rod was overseeing Muller investigation. He didn't even fire the investigators boss, he fired the ivestigators bosse's boss for leaking to the media if I remember correctly.
Who remembers getting hit by this ball when it was wet? 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Oh the sopping wet agony lol
Wow! That is quite the change indeed 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Wow, just wow
Wandering sour Rook 12 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Wandering sour Rook 12 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I live in Appleton too! Well technically grand chute but same thing right?
Llamas with hats! 9 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
What show is this?
Yeah, why indeed? 11 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Clearly never been to Wisconsin lol
Heavy sweltering Otter 4 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
*Insert heavy breathing meme*
Cleaned for the first time in 5 years 8 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Really impressive results
Can't wait for summer 4 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I cannot even imagine how long this took to create. Kudos to the creator.
Maybe Mexico will pay for kids' education instead 20 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
While that is true, the government spends billions of dollars every year on frivolous things like that bomber project they spent billions on only to scrap the idea. Point is the government has money at their disposal and could easily fund this without cuts to any programs. They just choose not to.
Maybe Mexico will pay for kids' education instead 20 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Down vote all you want, it wont change the facts.
Maybe Mexico will pay for kids' education instead 20 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Trust me there is more than enough money to build it. Our federal budget is massive compared to what trump is asking for. However Congress refuses to allocate the money in the budget. Now whether you agree a wall is a worthy cause or not is a completely different conversation but we(as in the us government) have MORE than enough.
No wages for Congress 27 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I can't argue with that lol
No wages for Congress 27 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I think that is something that we could all get behind but unfortunately those same Congress people would have to pass that law, which we all know will never happen unfortunately...
Black mirror intensifies 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Well up untill a few years ago I would have thought it impossible that any country(China) would implement a social point system that judges you on how you participate in society but here we are...
Child abuse 10 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Why am I getting downvoted, it's a rick and Morty reference.
Child abuse 10 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Welcome to real life 2 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
One of the 1st nights I worked at Walmart as a 3rd shift stocker, I literally watched 5 heavy set people on motor carts turn a corner into my aisle, 1 after the other. It was like Mario kart. Wild.
That would change things a lot 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
It is so weird. Same exact look but he really does look more intimidating. So sad for his people though, truly heartbreaking.
Living in Scandinavia 3 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Literally Wisconsin right now. Wednesday's gonna be a high of -12. That's without a windchill
Really activates the almonds 22 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
In a world where people are hated on so much for not believing in scientific evidence suggesting certain things, why is it so hard to believe that science could prove that 1 race was generally smarter due to brain development differences caused by genetic anomalies in evolution? This is not a racist statement he is making. Let's turn the tables and say that it proved that people from Africa were genetically disposed to higher IQ ratings than white people. Would he have been stripped of these titles then? Would people believe the science then? If so then it really shows how hypocritical people can be. Just my 2 cents.
Addressing Americans real problem 24 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
This is kind of a complex subject. On one hand you have businesses that want nothing to do with chip and pin as it is more complex, has to be paid for to be installed and has a lot more software glitches in the payment system. On the other hand you have point of sale software companies that are really slow to program for this type of payment. On another note you have point of sale resellers that are not up to par with the new software and are really slow at implementing the new software.
Which grocery story did they go to? 4 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Hmmm I hadn't noticed...