

— One_Puma Report User
Breaking News:Soccer anti vaxx mom offended by a f**king decal window sticker 3 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
But come on, crotch goblins has to be the best joke here lol
This is nice 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Absolutely wholesome (:
2 months after the move, first solo apartment 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Hmm I might have been confused at what the guest was saying, he might have been saying the poster was a bot, in that case sorry guest.
2 months after the move, first solo apartment 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
@guest I assure you I am not a are more likely the bot...
2 months after the move, first solo apartment 5 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Looks awesome! More pics
heros 6 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Whether you like it or not this is discrimination. I don't care if you believe it is warranted or "Has worked for other places", you are discriminating based on race and you should be ashamed of yourself. PATHETIC RACISTS!
Deer lost it's back hooves and was walking around on bone 18 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
That poor creature, I can't imagine the pain...
Cutting thread with a razor 8 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
So soothing to watch...
Did I ?? 8 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that
Did I ?? 8 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Ok guys listen up, lesson time. Just because someone does not support what you are doing in life does not mean that they don't love you. A mother may still visit her son in prison because she loves him but in no way supports the decision he made to get there. Unconditional love and unconditional support are not the same thing. The bible does not say to unconditionally support any decision a person makes, it says to love that person. I feel like so many people are confusing the two things. Also I am aware there are situations where say parents have stopped loving(or never loved) their children and those people are straying from the bible's teachings.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I may be getting a little heated on this one but there are certain things that just have to be said
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Yes the lines(boarders) fell as they are now when we moved into a time of relative peace as it pertains to conquering lands. If we are to remain in a state of peace(relatively) we must accept that the boarders are what they are and moved forward with our lives. Maybe in some distant future where humans are no longer hostile towards each other and don't abuse or mislead, maybe just maybe then boarder discussions can happen but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
I think the guest was referring to where or how they are being held being the issue. My response was do you have a better suggestion than camps. And that response was directed at guest. Also I'm not neccessary disagreeing with you.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
First you and alot of other people need to learn to separate immigration from illegal immigration. We have these laws for a reason. Being against illegal immigration does not equate to being anti immigration. If you can't see that I feel sorry for you. Two, do you think we are not aware of the past events that lead to the founding of our country. It is regrettable but something that cannot be changed. We cannot be held to the sins of our founders as we had no say in what happened. All we have is here and now and a country we were only born into. Also your first 5 words was racist, just saying.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
So what is it that you are suggesting? No one likes to see kids die like this but what are we supposed to do, fill up every hotel in America on taxpayers dime? Build mega complexes to house all these people? I see you complaining about something that is agreeable tragic, but I don't see you offering any actual advice on how we are supposed to handle this massive influx of people.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
@guest above lolcats, would you care to explain? What is so horrible about what I said that you felt the need to leave such a comment? Really, do enthrall us.
Climb into camp 34 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
In reply to @1_Puma. Legal? Maybe, ethical? No, but I agree with the premise that something has to be done. Our asylum system is being severely abused which is a shame. That system was meant to help legitimate people that we're truly in a fight for their life. it's sad to see so many people being coached on what to say to just to abuse our asylum system. At the same time overloading our border immigration system and then complaining about how slow and poor conditions there are. how can anybody think we could process the amount of people coming over every day. Like I have said in the past, we are doing our part to help the world's refugees but our system is being abused and it needs to stop.
Quack quack 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Thank you for furthering the conversation.
Quack quack 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Okay I've been trying not to get too political on here but this has to be said. Is this implying that we don't take in refugees or take in too little? The United States takes in a large number of refugees every year. We can only do our part, we cannot take in the entire world's refugee population. I forget the actual statistic but last time I heard we are near the top of the list for taking in the most refugees around the world. If this was just a joke that went over my head I apologize. It just feels like too many people think we don't do anything to help the refugee population and it annoys me. Alright back to fun posts.
I have plenty 11 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Yes I have had sleep paralysis and not see anything at all. It is still frightening to not be able to move your limbs but realize that you are awake.
Snake curls to fit perfectly on a branch 8 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Probably the coolest thing I've seen all day
Im this old 7 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Wow I totally forgot this existed. Loved that movie as a kid
Good old days 3 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Oh yeaaaaaah!
Good old days 3 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
Oh yeaaaaaah!
Recognize them? 22 comments
one_puma · 5 years ago
This might be the best thing I've seen all day