

Due to threats of violence against me because I dared express feminists views I have removed all feminist related posts and changed my e-mail.

— papallion Report User
Used bookstore 15 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
A local Half Price Book Store doesn't even accept them and you can get the entire series for a dollar.
When the girl in front of you won't get her hair off your desk 40 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
For years my hair was so long my braid reached past my butt and I feel for her, really. I only had this problem once, and the guy just brushed it off his desk.
I do hope it went to civil court as assault, but most likely everyone brushed it off.
When the girl in front of you won't get her hair off your desk 40 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
This is considered Simple Assault. In some cases it carries a fine and jail time.
If this person does this constantly despite being asked not to, you could ask the teacher to change places or move the desk back.
Something like this happened to me. The guy wouldn't stop kicking the back of my seat and the teacher wouldn't do anything, so each time he did so, I shouted out loud to stop in as annoying a yodel I could. Eventually the teacher got tired of me interrupting and made him move to the front of the row.
The exact moment I realized my date wasn't really into me 11 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Those things are so awesome. I have this incredible blouse that doesn't fit right since I lost weight and those dickies (go ahead and giggle, they're a form of dicky) are a lifesaver.
Let's be honest here... 30 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Your argument is flawed. You're saying not ALL men are bad.
And I can't walk away from all men. Ever say 'no' and walk away and have your wrist grabbed and hauled back by someone larger and stronger than you? It's pretty scary and I was called a bitch because I said no.
But seriously guys, tone it down 50 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
The thing is they CAN dress like this now and not be murdered as they walk down the street.
Oh, wait, that still happens.
Cut glass bottles in half with this trick! 3 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
You wan to be REALLY careful with this. I think our water was too cold and it was too much of a temperature shock for the glass since the bottle cracked and splintered. It was loud, too! Luckily we decided to lower it in with tongs in case it did explode and we weren't hurt. We didn't have the guts to try it again with the other bottles.
Let's be honest here... 30 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Ah, not ALL men. I see. Here, I'll just poison a fourth of this candy in the bowl. Now, why don't you eat some? Not ALL the candy is poison! It's not ALL the same!
As a woman I can wear whatever the hell I want and men can't? 37 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
You guys who down voted me are telling me sexism is over? WOW! I didn't know that! So it's safe for me, as a woman, to walk through the parking lot at night without gripping my keys to protect myself? And if I DO get assaulted, which one in four women will, he police won't tell me I as asking for it and dismiss me? You mean I can pay the same for a razor as a man and not worry about the pink tax? People will take my complaints seriously without asking if I'm on my period? My opinion MATTERS now? That is so good to hear!
World's Richest Selfie - Combined Net Worth of $143,000,000,000+ 9 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
No, I don't know him. I was just turning the corner and we bumped into each other and put me off balance. He was really polite about it and apologized.
He deserves better than being bullied, please support him 52 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
He did a great thing, yes, and we'll learn much from this expedition. But I'll never shake the feeling that if I ever talk to him I'll be doubting myself he'll ever take me seriously and respect me. I mean nothing to him since I' ma woman.
To give some perspective, imagine wearing a watermelon shirt to a Black Pride rally, or blasting Chris Brown at a Domestic Violence event. Are you breaking the law? No. Are you being tacky and ignorant of people's feelings?
Let's be honest here... 30 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
How about a deal? Start respecting women and we'll stop making a fuss about how we're disrespected.
Daily drama. 20 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Why should he or she date someone he or she isn't attracted to? They're both being a bit shallow, but I could be called shallow for not dating anyone who doesn't know who The Little Prince is.
Don't Try To Understand 13 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
I would have laughed so hard! Something like that happened to me. I really loved the toy She-Ra as a little Papa, and I still hold a fondness for it. My aunt wanted to get me a Christmas present Warcraft related, so she asked my cousin for help. You can buy mounts for cash, and she got me the sparkle pony since she thought it was She-ra's horse. I didn't care for the model, but I look at it and think, "Well, she tried." Now I use it when I'm sad.
She also scored me a Captain Harlock t-shirt. She heard me talking about the Space Pirates in Metroid and just goggled 'space pirate anime' shirt.'
As a woman I can wear whatever the hell I want and men can't? 37 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
You mean he didn't like being humiliated and treated like a second class citizen? Wow, imagine that!
I want to watch that! 7 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
The Simpson Guy show had ONE really good joke, and that was the James Wood joke. The rest of it was mean and petty.
The Simpsonrama episode was better, but just felt a little forced and flat.
World's Richest Selfie - Combined Net Worth of $143,000,000,000+ 9 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Jesus Christ I hate it when these people come to town. That's the Nebraska Furniture Mart on 72nd street. The guys in the photo? Not bad, bumped into Buffet once, literally, he was polite. Apologized for bumping into me and put his hand on my shoulder to steady me. (I was injured at the time and had a cane.)
It's their followers that are absolutely the rudest people I've ever met! One woman shoved me aside and picked up the tablet I was looking at and said she owned stock so she had the right to look at it first!
Scumbag Taylor Swift 23 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Gasp! She thinks people who spent time and effort should be compensated properly when their product is sold! The monster!
Tit for tat 6 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
He did ask, but he also gave her a back-handed compliment. He should have just asked instead of saying she had a nice ass and was asking for attention.
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
I found the shirt tacky and in bad taste. He demonstrates he does not respect women. "Should I wear a polo or my half naked chick shirt when I'm on TV? Half naked chick- chicks don't do science!"
How my school system expected me to deal with bullies 16 comments
papallion · 9 years ago
Same at my old school. "If you weren't so weird you wouldn't be picked on." "It's your fault, so you should learn some consequences."
Unique sentence 11 comments
papallion · 10 years ago
Yo, Banana Boy.
Best iPhone case 4 comments
papallion · 10 years ago
That's actually a really cute little toy!
This is not war, this is pest control 17 comments
papallion · 10 years ago
I never knew how much I wanted this until I saw it, and I almost wet my pants laughing!
Peek a boo! 8 comments
papallion · 10 years ago
Is that Juji Ito?