Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
It's reasonable to be angry. 53 comments
poopun · 2 years ago
God damn, that was a nice read.
Ever seen someone you despise get wasted and make a fool of themselves publicly ? That's how it felt watching @famousone argue that a raise to the budget that is used to pay staff is the same as a personal raise to congressmen. And then try to argue that he is a badass who's sitting there with better things to do, cleaning a gun, (I guess that's part of the badass ? Im unconvinced), 10 comments deep but he "doesn't care" and has "nothing to prove".
It's a guilty pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless.
Next iPhone feature 18 comments
poopun · 2 years ago
Hey man, you never know where you will be when diarrhea strikes.
Bored of the Things 14 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
This is insane, we're TWO years into the pandemic and people are still out there spewing bullshit.
Wearing a mask isn't meant to protect YOU its meant to protect others. It doesn't prevent you from catching it, it helps prevent you from SPREADING it.
That's also why you not wearing a mask isn't only a you problem. It's an everyone problem.
Before who? 6 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Ah, so THAT's why churches are tax exempt ! They are following in Christ's footsteps. Tax evasion is a sacred ritual protected under religious freedom.
I passed all of this for nothing ;-; 5 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Hey, I think you got a good pitch for a nice video game there, and the gameplay is interesting. Not a fan of the dinosaur theme though. I think if we flesh out the details and replace the dinos this could very well work ! How about and Italian plumber?
Bird dude was dumby jealous don’t let him lie 1 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Pretty sure this is from Parks and Rec originally. Great show.
I wish I got allowance :( 10 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
I mean, regarding the South Korea thing, imagine if prices in the US were listed in cents rather than dollars. All of a sudden every price has a number 100times bigger than before, but it doesn't change the price of anything at all : a kid getting a 1000cent allowance is pretty normal, and a donut costing a 100cents wouldn't make you think twice. It's just a different scale.
Regarding rich people blowing ludicrous amounts of money... yeah, that shit is nuts.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
I wish I got allowance :( 10 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Which was the point of my parenthesis. South Korea isn't a poor, developing country. It is very much a first world country, and 10k Won won't get you further there than 10dollars would in the US.
The main bill used over there is actually a 10k bill (at least it was when I lived there). A donut at the donut shop was 1k-2k Won. My allowance as a teenager was 20k/month, and I basically used it on sweets, and a toy here and there if I saved up. Basically, there was a *1000 factor on all the prices compared to what you'd see in the US/EU (and obviously a *1000 factor to salaries).
Don't get me wrong, most likely this meme wasn't meant with South Korea in mind, and is definitely poking fun at overly rich kids, but still. There are countries where 10k of the local currency a week as an allowance wouldn't be THAT farfetched.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
I wish I got allowance :( 10 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
10k Won in South Korea is worth about 10 dollars (and South Korea isn't a poor country where that goes a long way).
SmolMan, Ruiner of p*dophiles 14 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Can we please not glorify sexual predators just because they are women ? Reverse the genders, if you're disgusted, you should be disgusted.
Care because it could've been real 3 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
You know all those posts with useless red arrows or red circles because it's pretty obvious what you're supposed to look at in the post ? Well this poster somehow managed to make a post with a useless red arrow because the arrow itself is actually almost invisible. And that's a first, at least for me.
*mic drop* 7 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
I'm glad that you agree that the police voluntarily letting violent protesters, encouraged by the sitting US president and who were out to murder legislators into the fucking Capitol is a big deal that should be looked into. I believe if the people doing it are colored we call them 'terrorists'.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
*mic drop* 7 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Ah, the good old whataboutism. Always reliable, even when you need to defend insurrectionists.
Muggles 12 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
As in any post that mentions Harry Potter and guns, I'll leave this copy pasta here, because it's one of those things that is so good, that everyone should get to read it :
reddit (dot) com /r/copypasta/comments/8kr0n1/why_harry_potter_needs_a_gun/
I’m a traditionalist. 2 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
You wanna make that YYYY-MM-DD so that the slashes ( / ) don't mess up with file system paths, and so that sorting alphabetically also sorts by date.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
"I was referring to leaving the post? Which it seems you really don't have the self-control to do the thing you said you were going to do (shocked and appalled here)." said xvarnah in his 35th reply in this thread.
Something something Hippopotamus ;)
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
No, I tagged him because I'm not gonna talk about him behind his back. If he's decided that thread is a lost cause he doesn't have to reply, I'm sure he'll be back on another post with more debunked theories soon enough.
And idk what to tell you, this thread starts with, once again, famous spreading right wing misinformation. People correcting that bullshit is not harassment.
You can't go around talking bullshit and then claim harassment when people call you out on it.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
You seem to be under the impression I care or not if you take me seriously. If someone is still, to this day, a Trump supporter and a believer that the election was stolen, then there's no point in arguing that with them. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
@famousone is entitled to his opinion, and I'm entitled to ridicule him for it. The day he comes to the table with a claim that isn't yet another right wing talking point that has been debunked over and over again is the day I'll actually consider his point. Wanna see it debunked ? Check the Republican track record on the endless lawsuits they filled for voter fraud this election. You think you know better than the courts ? Go be a judge.
And of course I knew hypocrisy has nothing to do with hippos, it's about Hippocrates, the father of medecine. I'm not dumb.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
And yet through this whole fucking thread, not once has famous backed up his voter fraud claim. He says he wants us to discuss and debunk his claims, but he doesn't backup his claims, so there's nothing to debunk.
The reason people now make fun of him for it, is that it's not the first time this has happened. It's basically the same MO of every right wing bullshit talking point that can't stand 2 minutes under scrutiny. Make up a claim, act outraged, don't provide proof (coz there is none), move on to the next bs claim when called out on it. It's what Trump did for four years, and Republicans are so far lost in their alternative world that now Q conspiracies are Congress worthy.
When you observe the same delusional behavior for 4 years, and people doubling down every step of the way, stepping further away from normal, rational thought at every chance, you either laugh about it or you cry. I'm all for laughing. At him, about him, and with him if he ever gets his head out his own ass.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
I mean his argument is he has no argument. If there had been "massive voter fraud" the right would have had provided at least one plausible bit of evidence. Yet he keeps insisting that it's there.
When your argument is "there's no proof, believe me, we tried, but I still think it's true.", there's nothing to argue. Your stance is quite literally to ignore evidence because you don't like what it shows.
When on top of that you characterize the take over of the fucking capitol by a mob of rabid extremists out for blood (and yes, they WERE out for blood) as "pacific" you really do give other people a lot of reasons to question your character.
Describing oneself as a "reasonable" person "forced" to go to "unreasonable" measures is exactly how extremists describe themselves. No-one claims to have gone to the extreme for the lulz.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
@famousone when you claim voter fraud and that an election is illegitimate, the burden of proof is on YOU. So the ACTUAL response is : is there any goddamn proof of what you allege ?
And the answer is NO. We know that because the Trump campaign tried again and again to make voter fraud cases yet wasn't once able to provide proof.
Get out from under your rock, stop drinking the cool aid, and come back to reality.
Okay barbara 3 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Few people know, but she is the one the term "barbarians" is derived from.
Peacekeeping accidental blue-collar Boar 3 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
And that is why French people can all smoke and drink too much wine and still make it. The stinkier the cheese the better*.
* this claims applies to the taste of the cheese, not the health benefits.
heh 20 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
You're arguing that he got them legally so he should be free to do whatever, but also that laws are wrong, and that laws aren't a good measure of morality, but what he is doing is immoral.
Laws are rules we, as a society, decide to live by. At some point, people agreed that DURING AN EMERGENCY, maybe unrestricted capitalism wasn't the best course to go, and as a result anti-price gouging laws were created. So what he is doing is ILLEGAL. Why is it illegal ? Because society decided it was a very immoral thing to do because, again, DURING AN EMERGENCY, the standard supply / demand equilibrium is toppled.
And btw, why are the anti trust / anti monopoly laws "good" in your opinion, but anti price gouging laws are not ? Why are you a good judge of what is a "good" and a "bad" law ? Both rules exist to prevent the market from being "abused".
heh 20 comments
poopun · 3 years ago
Oi, fair enough then, I didn't realize "the laws are wrong" is a valid defense for illegal behaviour. My mistake.
He got it legally at an affordable price because the companies selling it were selling them at that affordable price because they followed the laws against price gouging.