Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Welcome to America 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
To that you could add the various attempts by republicans to spread the conspiracy that Ukraine might be the source of the 2016 interference, which is a theory that has been debunked by American intelligence agencies, and proven as Russian propaganda. But you know.... it makes for good soundbytes so who cares about facts ? No-one is gonna fact check Fox News anyways.
Finally, you say the left coached the complainant, and I'd love some quotes on that, but even so, that's a nice case of hypocrisy when you consider McConell was OPENLY cooperating and taking instructions from the defendant (aka Trump) to ensure they could lead the trial in a way that would lead to a quick exoneration. Because who cares about checks and balance anyways ?
Just because one party refuses to hold their own accountable, doesn't make one any less guilty.
Welcome to America 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
The lack of self awareness is nice.
Republicans were talking about impeaching Clinton if she was elected as well. So it's a bit rich to criticize democrats for being consistent in their belief that Trump was corrupt since day 1. It's not like Trump has been wiping his ass with the emoluments clause since the day he took office. Just because the democrats have had to wait until Trump did something really obviously bad doesn't mean he hasn't been doing shaddy shit since he took office.
Making up lies about the case can be argued against republicans just as much, you know they whole "no obstruction no collusion" when anyone who actually read the Mueller report could see multiple counts of obstruction. And thats despite the best effort of the WH to... you know... obstruct the investigation.
Medick 2 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I had to read that way too many times to realize he wasn't saying his GENITALS were back to their normal green.
US politics are more funny as even German 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
"all candidates are a joke" is exactly what Bloomberg wants you to think so you don't care about the elections and another corporate candidate gets elected and nothing changes for the billionaires.
Ofc Bloomberg is a joke, anyone who cares at all about politics realizes he's a shill who's effectively buying his way into the election through adds. He isn't what real democrats want.
That doesn't make all the other candidates jokes. That makes him a shill.
Well he's not wrong 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
That's unfortunately what a lot of people do. And in the process they forget that they should be excellent to each other.
>Motorcross 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
If that ain't the Ol' reliable one joke !
Wouldn’t trade it for the world!! 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Can i borrow about $3.50 ?
It's best to eat diverse food stuffs 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Yeah, he was severly obese AND was frequently checking in with doctors. He didnt just stop eating and pop some pills. That's crazy joe down the road. Dont be like crazy joe.
Thiiick 2 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean if you;re already dying what's he gonna do ? Make you die more ? Might as well risk it.
Skin 10 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
PSA you can send smoke signals to your local fire department 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
"Hi, you have reached 911. Before I proceed to helping you with your emergency, please provide proof that you are speach / hearing impaired, as diagnosed by a medical professionnal.
Best regards, your 911 operator."
Kids and their drug habits 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Thermal paste appliers (used for computer parts and stuff). Which traditionnally looks like a syringe, because it was a syringe because syringes are convenient for this stuff.
But then it leads to parents finding a syringe in their kid's bedroom and freaking out.
Math optional 28 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
That's a nice bunch of nice sounding bullshit that really didn't address anything. In a system where you would vote directly everyone's vote also only counts once, and on top of that everyone's vote counts for the same !
You say the electoral college is to prevent a few high population states to impose their will on all 50 states, yet you seem contempt with it resulting in a few low population battleground states.
You say one should protect their right to representation at all costs, so I'm assuming you're disgusted by the repeated attemps by the GOP at gerrymandering and removing people from the list of registered voters. And at the lack of action take to prevent foreign interference and attacks on the election ? As well of course you're in favor of making voting as easy as accessible as possible so that even people who are in a situation where they can't afford to take a day off work can also vote. Or do you ?
Math optional 28 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean is it tho ? Doesn't your system revolve around a handful of key states ? Kinda like a tyranny of the minority rather than that of a majority ?
Math optional 28 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
And this right there sounded 100% like someone who's been taught critcal thinking and logic, and not one been like someone who's been indoctrinated.
Until today 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean what if you're in a life and death situation, and you don't know the thing that would save you. In fact you don't even know there's something that could save you so you dont know that you don't know. So you die : that was something you needed to know and you never knew.
My point being, you could miss opportunities that would make your life better / easier / make your dreams come true that you wouldnt even know about.
And im done talking about this because its a very "snake biting its own tail" train of thought.
When u change ur profession but ur basics are strong 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Bad, just because your eyes will register this as an extra step (because that's how every other stairs work) and youll trip, and possibly injure yourself (think other people).
If every stair was like this then it wouldnt be a problem because you would be used to it.
On another note, arrays start at 0, and that's how it should be.
You can sell anything with a foundation 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Just wanted to let you know, you made me chuckle :)
You're not just wrong, you're stupid 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
What I dont understand is... Does this need to be a NEW game ?
I get they're trying to make people think about the privilege men have by reverting the roles and make you think and stuff. But regardless if this is good or not, I'm pretty sure I don't need a whole new box and design and w.e to play with this rule.
Free and effective medical 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well, if middle aged women return to their room with their penis outside, it's probably gender dysphoria. Works just fine.
Very very true 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
From a coding point of view, the system most likely uses whole numbers (ie : display the result of 'number_of_votes_yes / total_votes'), because that's the first instinct anyone will have. And that results in performing integer division (meaning you get a whole number and a remainder), so it could be 99.9999% and it would still show as 99.
Debt is weird 20 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Dude he did it because they made a piece on debt and debt collection agencies. And yes, they do sell debt for pennies on the dollar.
And yes, they bought it for "entertainment" (not publicity), they're running a TV show, that's their business. Makes for a good show, makes for a good deed, brings attention to this phenomenon (which they are trying to do since, you know, theyre MAKING A PIECE ON IT), and now he gets to claim he made a bigger giveaway than Oprah giving away cars.
That's a win win win win.
Debt is weird 20 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I dont know why you're down-voting him tho, the fact that medical expenses and education expenses are through the roof doesn't mean the DEBT system is fucked.
Being able to forgive debt is an obvious concept, and the other concept is just "a penny now is better than the promiss of 1 dollar next month. So it makes sense that some compagnies would specialize in giving you that penny today, do they can make a dollar next month.
Never thought of this point of view 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
And a mamoth gets you food for a fuckton of days.
Help me understand this concept 44 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
So are you advocating for reducing the military expenses and instead investing that in some healthcare / education reforms that the USA direly needs ? Because that doesn't sound like half a bad idea !