Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Big brain time 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Took me a long time to figure out 'y' stands for 'why' and not 'yes'
Corontine 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well don't change the password, some of us moochers are in confinement as well.
I think, number 5 is best option 2 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
r/baduibattles has plenty more to scare you with :)
That's what you get for thinking outside the box 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Probably like any job where you create stuff, theres plenty of cool shit to do, but the majority of things a company will hire you to do (and that customers are willing to pay for) are gonna be boring.
Fan service 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I think it refers to big boobied girls and scenes where the curves are accentuated for no relevant reason.
Really helpful review 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Wtf is warm yoga and hot yoga ?
Welp, seeya later! 21 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
It's not the only game in town, but it sure as hell is the closest and most convenient / logical.
I'm sure the problem is EVERYONE ELSE dragging their feet and not that the promises made regarding Brexit were impossible to hold in the first place.
Welp, seeya later! 21 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Right right right.... Thats one way to see things.
Meanwhile the UK is currently still paying into the EU but no longer have a say in decision.... You know, quite literally taxation without representation.
They have to negotiate a trade deal with the EU, in which they really aren't in a position of power. That is if Boris actually gives a fuck, because he has multiple times alluded to no-deal.
And they will still have to deal with EU regulations, because otherwise they don't get to trade with the EU.
But I guess they get to say no to immigration so it's all worth it ? Of course THEY ALREADY COULD, but CHOSE not to.
Maybe you think being part of a group (and therefore abiding by the group's rules, but having a say in them), makes you less sovereign than being a small fish in a big pond at the mercy of the bigger fishes. Good luck to the UK, they'll need it, and the fools in power aren't the one who are gonna get hurt, they never are.
Welp, seeya later! 21 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I'm just here thinking it's the first damn time I see someone on the right say taxes are a 'small price to pay'.
Public & Private transport 11 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Really depends on the place. I live in Prague, the public transport is on time, covers the city quite nicely even at night. I take it daily and I haven't had any problems.
Boosting post 21 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Have you actually looked at his twitter ? coz it makes him look PRETTY bad.
Boosting post 21 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean... Trump has also decided that his tweets are official communication from the WH, and he IS the POTUS.
So is the media just supposed to ignore the inane shit POTUS says ?
Its better than being married to the wrong person 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well you can solve the first problem with snorkle googles ! And as a matter of fact, for the second problem, I know just the thing as well !
Did you just identify my species 16 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Oh yeah I was 100% sarcastic. I can even prove that, go to /fun/561899/ for another example of this same overused joke. And a comment by me pointing it out.
Did you just identify my species 16 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I'd say that makes it 2 jokes, but it really doesn't, does it ? It's just the same good ol' reliable and innovative joke.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
A truthful observation 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Basically, I don't see that as a raw cost on society, but rather as an investment. You give people the tools to become a productive member of society, and they will give it back because then they will be less likely to be dependent on more government help, they'll pay it back through taxes etc...
A truthful observation 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I'm not sure how it works in France, but you could add an age limit to some of the help (the housing help, I do feel the cost of the education itself should be low anyways, so people can chose to get an education later in life) to avoid people taking advantage all life long if you want (something like 25 or 30 or w.e).
But I don't think it's a big concern, because most people don't want to be in school forever. Same as people who think that people on foodstamps are lazy and taking advantage and just enjoy living off the hardwork of others. Almost nobody ENJOYS living off food stamps, it's not a lavish life, and if they had another solution they would take it. And the small portion of people that do aren't worth focusing on, because the benefits of providing that to the whole population outweighs the cost they induce by a lot.
A truthful observation 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Don't worry about the downvotes, I've accepted that on any political subject people downvote when they disagree rather than downvote when something is poor quality, I dont really care, and to be fair it happens to opinions I disagree with as well.
I don't think you can shield people from the consequences of their own choices their whole life, neither do I think you should. I was mostly addressing the issue of the disproportionate consequences the decisions kids have to make at 18 (out of high school).
If you chose to not pursue an education (college / learn a trade etc...) after high school (and I believe in 2020 thats a really dumb choice) that's on you. But the choice should be "do I have the drive / am I mature enough to realize how important it is", which I believe an 18yo is more than old enough to make for himself. But when that decision comes with a $50k price tag (and the loan and responsabilities that come with it) it's a whole other gamble.
But you cant talk at the library 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well now surely there MUST be a middleground ? Somewhere in between letting the world be run over by the Chinese and the Russians and spending more than the next 10 countries combined ?
And perhaps it turns out that investing in areas like this that help towards education / can help the youth in need later lends to less spending in other areas, by diminishing crime, by increasing the odds that those people can get a good life and be 'productive members of society who pay their taxes and give back' ? Perhaps it could help reduce the spending on prisons and other programs ?
Best not to risk it.
A truthful observation 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
You dont need a criteria, you can just make the consequences for fucking up that decision less severe. For instance if you stop making college and higher eductation force you into obscene debt for life, then making the wrong choice in term of education at 18 doesnt screw you over for life.
In Europe my college cost me 800euros a year, and that's because my parents could afford it so we paid full cost. Some friends whose parents had less income paid 50euro a year because of government assistance. What that meant was I chose a major I thought I'd like and didn't like terribly pressured at having chosen poorly. Worse case scenario my parents were out 2k euros, I was out 2 years and I couldmake a more informed choice at 20 after having spent two years learning different things, some that could stir me in the right direction
The decision is still the same, I picked a college major, but the consequences aren't nearly as severe, and it puts less pressure on the student.
· Edited 4 years ago
Word 14 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Basically some people believe that anyone on welfare is a lazy ass imigrant that abuses the system to sit at home taking drugs and getting drunk while honest hardworking people are forced to pay for them.
Of course the fact that statistically the amount of people on welfare doing that are negligible and it costs more to test people that it saves. But hey, facts don't matter if you ignore them to push your opinion.
Welcome to America 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Hey come on ! They only talked a few times. He barely knew who he was. Actually they never even met !
Welcome to America 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
So let me get this straight. The lazy democrats are doing nothing, damn them. But congress blocking the laws (that those lazy democrats are doing while doing nothing) is good. Got it. Im gonna stay in my world where facts and logic matter. Have a good one.
And btw, congress blocking laws isn't the same as McConnell not putting laws to a vote.
· Edited 4 years ago
Welcome to America 15 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean he's not receiving gifts, just they are somehow staying at Trump's hotel. Probably for the view I guess. As I said, the house waited for something more 'serious'.
That's a nice way of ignoring the fact that it was proven, by American intelligence agencies, that Russia had directly interfered in the 2016 election. But yeah, I guess other countries had opinions and Trump doesn't like french wine, so obviously all wine lovers were outraged and france intefered.
Regarding Mueller, you misrepresent Mueller following the DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president, and instead simply laying out the findings, and the multiple counts of alleged obstruction of justice. All while signaling that throughout the whole investigation the WH did all it could to block / limit it, so you know... he obstructed the investigation into obstruction.
In the meantime the democrats are waiting for McConnell to vote on 400bills, hundreds of them with bipartisan support, but hey, who cares about facts?
Madlad judge 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I haven't read the article, but my bet is that she tried to hide the winnings during the divorce to not have to split them, they found out and she got punished for it. Ill go read and come back.
edit : yup --> latimes [dot] com/archives/la-xpm-1999-nov-17-mn-34537-story [dot] html
22 · Edited 4 years ago