Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Won't somebody please think of the dandelions?! 14 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well now I know how I'm nicknaming my ding-dong.
Wonder if they are comfortable? 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
"And as Joan of Arc yote the English out of France, we hereby yeet the oppressor out of our homeland, and declare the Independence of our great nation."
This greyhound can jump over 30ft 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
He can leap 30+ feet.
As in leap forward 30+ feet.
He doesn't jump 30+ into the fucking sky do you know how terrifying that would be the human race wouldn't have survived because we'd have all had heart attacks while still in Africa.
I love English! 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Also, it's because you're looking at defenestration as if i'ts this smarty-pants word. But really :
'fenêtre means 'window' in french.
The '^' accent is literally a placeholder for words where old french used to have an S that got silenced / removed.
So 'fenestre' means 'window'
The prefix 'de' means 'to remove' / 'to cancel' / to undo' (to 'demonetize' something --> to remove funding).
So 'defenestrate' is literally to 'un-window' something / someone.
So this 'fancy english word' is literally old english, explained.
Police infiltrate magic the gathering 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
No-one playing Magic has the funds to also take drugs. However there's a decent chance they're dealing, working at Mc D's isn't gonna get you that Black Lotus .
Oh how the tables have turned! 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Also, highly advise against shrooms / psychedelics if you're depressed.
They are the fucking best if you're in a good state of mind, and confident, but they really multiply your state of mind, so taking some when you're depressed feels like a great way to have a bad trip.
This is also why peer pressuring people who don't really want to take some is a terrible idea (aside from the fact that it's just a straight up shitty thing to do), if they are feeling apprehensive, and are kinda afraid, it increases the chances they have a bad trip.
Drugs (especially psychedelics) are fun, and sharing them with people is a blast, but doing so in a safe and respecting environment is a must. 'No.' is a full sentence in general, but it's particularly true when it comes to sex, drugs, and probably rock and roll.
A man protesting Maryland's sodomy law, circa 1985 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I'm gonna go ahead and guess it's a baseball metaphor for top / bottom, and I'm mightily disappointed that none of those terms are 'batter'.
11 oo's in one paragraph 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
It's in the name.
Facts. The question is, what was speedy on? 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Cocaine doesn't make you slowpoke tho.
Apple products never fail to amuse us 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Wasn't the whole argument for airpods that it allows them to make the phone thinner (which for some reason is a maketting argument for some people) ? This case defeats that purpose.
Also I feel like it would make the phone less "comfortable" to hold (it now has a bump in the back etc...). Idk, I don't like it, but then again I don't like airpods in the first place.
Also, if a thief pickpockets your phone, or steals it from your purse, or snatches it in the street etc... he's not gonna linger around and steal your airpods too.
Check For Cat Arm 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Cruises are cancelled for all bovine members until COVID is proven to not be contagious to them.
My ideology can beat your ideology's ass 10 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
famous pegging himself as someone who is sympathetic and makes sense. I had a good laugh at least.
I need you 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
How in the pastashit did YOU find this x) ? I got a notification coz you commented on a post I had commented.
I need you 30 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
So... I'll ignore the necro on a 2 year old post and add that to the anecdote :
I tried this pick up line on tinder a while ago when this resurfaced on reddit. Turns out, if you want to use copy pastas to pick up girls you should probably do that before they re-become so famous, because she was not impressed.
· Edited 4 years ago
Yes that's the perfect solution to overpopulation 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Eh, she could be mature enough to do both had she received a decent education, but, you know, abstinence only education.
@cakelover , the thing is, it doesn't matter who is giving her a child (her own actions, the state, or immaculate conception), if you forbid abortion because she isn't mature enough make that choice, you're literally saying "this person is not mature enough to make the choice to end her pregnancy, therefore she isn't allowed to end her pregnancy, so SHE WILL HAVE A CHILD.". Because she's already pregnant. It's no longer a choice wether she gets pregnant or not.
Unless you're trying to punish women for having sex (which yall claim you're not, so i'm gonna assume you're not), the argument against abortion is usually the right of the 'kid' to live. Is it really good for kids to be raised by parents who are so immature that they can't make choices regarding their own life ?
It is true tho 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
The problem is the game is A M A Z I N G.
But the community is shit, and more importantly, the matchmaking and balance is fucked up. So you end up playing a game that has insane potential to be amazing, but the outcome of each match is determined by who gets the worse player (which is basically a coinflip) in a match were 3/4 or the characters are annoying af to play against (but they are very fun to PLAY AS).
So you keep playing, because you are chasing those 10% games where the matchmaking struck gold and both teams have players of equal skill, and the game is SO SO GOOD. But 90% of the matches are a coinflip where, no matter how well you perform, you can't really influence the outcome.
So you want to stop playing. But you can't find another game that provides that same feeling when you get a tight match, and you make a smart af play and change the outcome and it feels so good and godamnit let me just play another one !
Yeah that game is addictive af.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Leslie knope 2020 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Parks and Recreations reference. If you haven't watched it, it's an amazing comedy, on of the best tv series ever in my book. Also, it makes watching "guardians of the galaxy" even funnier, because I can't help but see Chris Pratt as his character in Parks and Recs, and that creates a funny gap in expectations.
One thing : if you do decide to watch it, you'll probably have to power through the first season (only 6 episodes). I hated them, but the show gets SO GOOD once the characters are all set up, definitely worth it.
How do write upside down for the Aussies? 57 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
No way scat, I'm sure NOTHING sounds less racist than a POS voluntarily using degrading slurs to describe all and any citizens of a different country, then acting dumb about being racist, then maintaining the slurs he uses are "not racists, they just describe facts about them", and finally ends his argument with "nothing against the brown ones in particular". /sarcasm.
@famous, it's true that the CCP needs to be reigned in. It's also true that hating all chinese people because of it is pretty fucking dumb. They don't get to chose their leaders you know ? They also don't get to protest you know (see tiananmen square).
Hate the CCP all you want, it would probably be the first time I would agree with you on something, don't hate on every person who didn't chose them, didn't chose to be born there. Don't let hate guide you, use your brain for a change, it'll get you places.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
How do write upside down for the Aussies? 57 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Casual racism is cool huh.
How do write upside down for the Aussies? 57 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Lmao what alternate reality do you live in ? Nurses are craft scrubs from whatever they can find, there's definitely not enough respirators, not enough PPE and the fucking states are smuggling equipment on the down low and only announcing it once it fucking reaches destination because otherwise for some fucking reason the feds try to intercept it.
But yeah, everything is peachy.
How do write upside down for the Aussies? 57 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Hey @famousone, have you been sure to account for the godamn absolute lack of testing in the US right now ? Or do you only adjust for the inflated numbers you "know for a fact" (which I "know for a fact ;)" you just "know for an intuition") when it suits you ?
And aside from that, how blind can you be to reality ? Every goddamn country on earth agrees on the fact that it's a big deal. Every goddamn country on earth understands that you need to flatten the curve because the mortality rate spikes when the number of infected increases because then the healthcare system can't keep up. So all of a sudden you have an increased amount of infected people AND an increased mortality rate. I'll let you do the math on that one. Medical personnel across the globe are overwhelmed and will tell you "STFU and stay at home".
But are we supposed to listen to your nonsense because you want to be able to go get a haircut ? fuck out of here.
My boyfriend doesn’t think he looked like McLovin as a kid 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Cheeky op, posted two pictures of McLovin and thought we wouldn't notice. Nice try.
Looks like the final resting place of Clifford the big red dog 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
If it helps, I'd bet a good amount of money this is photoshopped. That tail looks absolutely not natural, and the overall picture has the same vibe as the "photo" of the 'Mt susitna sleeping lady' that circulated a little while ago, and that was photoshopped as well (google 'mt susitna sleeping lady photoshop' and you should find a 'leadstories' article fact checking that).
Photo in question can be found : reddit com /r/SighsUnzips/comments/fvb5hl/sleeping_lady_mountain_range_shot_from_drone/
I duuunnnoooo.... Seems like taxes will go up, though 31 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
oh my bad. I misunderstood you, I thought you were saying "why would an employer want to hire people that cant work coz they are sick". Im definitely the daft one.
Keep paying customer safe 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Do you trust pedestrians to be anywhere except where pedestrians are supposed to be ?