

— princessmonstertru Report User
An abandoned tomb inside a forest. Pohorje, Slovenia 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 45 weeks ago
Abandoned? As opposed to an occupied tumb?
Highly valuable merchandise 1 comments
princessmonstertru · 48 weeks ago
It has nothing to do with the extent of the value. It has everything to do with the culture of the population regarding right and wrong.
Gibraltar be like 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
FYI, this meme.....on the internet..... is absolutely innacurat.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
This person should probably travel to Florida and see how misinformed they are.
Biological meme 5 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
What provocative and witty insight! That must make it true....right?
I send a heart emoji 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
How about tell your friend "hey, I'm not looking for a conversation right now, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you"?
Life hack, buy and destroy housing to force renting. 20 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
@karlboll, how does that declaration of human rights work in 3rd world countries today? If these people have a right to those service (which are provided by other people), who is responsible to make sure those services happen?
Should someone be taking doctors as slaves from western countries and shipping them to 3rd world countries to make sure that poverty stricken people have their Healthcare right? Or maybe those doctors get ensentivised to go, with money perhaps? But who pays them?
My point is that a service cannot be deemed a right without infringing on the service provider's right to not do it.
Life hack, buy and destroy housing to force renting. 20 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
To the OP: People don't have a right to housing. If the rent is too high, find cheaper rent, a smaller apartment or a worse location. go buy your own house or apartment. Lots of options here and you are entitled to none of them! You are, however, entitled to the right to pursue all of them within the terms that the current owner sets. The property owners hold the cards (always have, always will)... if that bothers you, set your sights on how to become a property owner.
Be fair warned though that by the time you achieve property ownership you'll understand why your current understanding here is wrong.
There's no way around it 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
I disagree. He was flawed for sure. Egotistical, and too extreme. but his fame was due to his critical thinking. If anyone spent the time to listen to him instead of hearing other commentor's opinions ilof Limbaugh's edited sound bites they would understand. Maybe not agree, but understand anyway.
It be like that 1 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
It is a mistake to assume the cleverness of an analogy is proportionate to the accuracy
Puhlitikal fillosuffee 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
This is practically the concept of City, County, State, and federal governing
So I messaged a guy on eBay to show me more photos of his Pikachu collection… 1 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
You're an adult. Who messaged another adult about Pikachu on the internet. You got off easy.
It's like some sort of .. virus! 1 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
Have you tried putting your life on hold and freaking out about it? Because those people appear to be super strong minded and great contributors to society these days....
Forbes aged well 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 1 year ago
I don't even know who those people are...
Today I learned 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
That is a whole lot more than 40k lbs of concrete. 40k lbs of concrete is only about 20 cubic yards.
Maybe we're modelling it wrong 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Hold on, the 2010 discruption is simple capitalism. You can tell because there is a CHOICE to partake in the sharing, and a reward for doing so.
The two scenarios are fundamentally very different.
But what about rich people's yacht money? 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
How about this argument....
1st quote: what if creating profit is the reason a life saving product is created? Then the product will never exist and the people die not knowing that some strangers desire to create profit could have saved them.....
Regarding the 2nd quote: this suggest either a system has to be perfect or dismantled. Striving for a perfect system is absurd. Even if perfect is possible, the path to it would definitely be through the gradual improvement of an imperfect system.
Those two quotes are theoretically inspiring, but, practically speaking, useless.
Uhm.. Yeah.. That would be horrible. 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Currently, men are supposed to initiate the meeting process in a culture where asking women who are not mutually interested is deemed harassment. Then there are some women who enjoy the pursuit so they'll say "no" when they really mean "keep pursuing, i enjoy the banter". Finally, the luxury of calling foul on any point in the process is a gift heald only by women.
regularly get hit on by women and all we have to do is say "no thank you" until someone asks who we're interested in.....
Where do we sign up?
RIP 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Go woke, go broke
Potatoes? 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
No argument from me on that!
Potatoes? 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Is it possible that you haven't sampled a reasonable spectrum of employers, and that just maybe there are healthy employers available?
Maybe it shouldn't 31 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Look at you appreciating your accomplishments!
True 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Agreed. Love & Thunder was sadly disappointing!
Joy is not the absence of sadness. It is dancing even when your feet hurt. 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
I suppose it depends on the circumstances
Joy is not the absence of sadness. It is dancing even when your feet hurt. 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 2 years ago
Being capable of great harm, and choosing not to makes you virtuous. Not being capable of great harm simply makes you harmless.