

— QueenAmidala8 Report User
seriously? 10 comments
queenamidala8 · 8 years ago
Totally agree! You'll be standing at stove stirring some mixture and they come behind you and start grinding.
I just want to know where I can find a krabby patty 5 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
And then you'll blow up. Lol
Nothin' like a 6:20am calltime for band tomorrow 6 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
This is me every morning when my child starts screaming at 3am:(
Healthy living 11 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
I don't understand what vaccines have to do with dying in childbirth? Doesn't that have to do with us having doctors who know how to properly deliver babies now?lol
Why did you betray me father? 5 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
This is from the movie "Milo and Otis" correct?
When I smell my pie burning 9 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
This is possible my most favorite gif ever!
Disney characters with more realistic faces 54 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
These aren't all Disney characters. Actually only 3 are Disney that I recognize.
Cats teaching a thing 36 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Isn't that the truth!
[ignorance intensifies] 23 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Thank you Raven. I appreciate that. At least you have some decency in how you give your opinion and for that I take your opinion into consideration.
If only all professors had a sense of humor 3 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
This is how my English professor in college was. He always did the craziest themes for each PowerPoint he had for us. One time he was lecturing on correct punctuation and stopped mid sentence and said,"are you guys as tired as I am of this crap? Let's just have a fun day." So he pulls out a dvd of the Xfiles and we spend the rest of the class watching it and eating snacks from the vending machines lol
[ignorance intensifies] 23 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Ns you need to calm down sheesh. Seriously talking about someone else family in that mannerism is truly offensive and also makes you seem ignorant. If you want someone to listen to your opinion and take what you have to say into consideration, you don't yell at them and talk badly about their family. Wisdom gets the point across and is better received by the listener if not spoken in a harsh tone. My cousin had all his vaccinations and was receiving the best of care at a Children's hospital especially for cancer patients. He battled cancer from 6months till he lost the battle when he was 3. His parents did everything in their power to try to save him but the cancer overcame his little body. It hurts my feelings that you would treat my painful loss as a way to rant at someone when you don't have all the facts.
[ignorance intensifies] 23 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Theres so much against shots nowadays and at the same time people are for them. I'm gonna have to do a lot of research before I have anything foreign pumped into my body. And I'm always very careful when it comes to hospitals and such. If I have a sick family member in the hospital I don't go cause I don't wanna risk anything. I had a cousin who passed away recently from cancer. He was 3 but I couldn't go see him cause I was scared I'd give home something.
[ignorance intensifies] 23 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
This is what I truly don't understand though guys maybe y'all can help me out here. If I'm not vaccinated am I not only endangering myself really? I mean if y'all are vaccinated against the diseases and sicknesses shouldn't you not be able to catch stuff from people like me who aren't vaccinated? Let's say I have the flu and you, the vaccinated person, come around me. Shouldn't your shots prevent you from catching what I have? If not, then why get the vaccines? And ns Id rather you not talk about my parents in such an offensive way. I'm nearly 21 years old and doing just fine. Never had a sickness other than the stomach virus twice. I think my parents raised me to the best of their knowledge.
[ignorance intensifies] 23 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
That's a little harsh. We don't sterilize parents who abuse their children or feed a drug addiction instead of their children. My parents didn't have my siblings and I vaccinated. I've never had a serious sickness, not even the flu. I think a parent should have the right to choose if they want to vaccinate their children or not and both sides of this debate should leave each other alone. It's a matter of personal opinion and both sides are kinda mean to each other:/
148 students were killed in Kenya 73 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
The news isn't reporting it cause it was Christians that got slaughtered. The only news channel I saw broadcasting it was Fox News. The Pope gave a speech on it and everything. Can't believe y'all didn't hear about it.
Dammit, Indiana!! 45 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Sparkles a true Christian does not hate gays. They're commissioned to love everyone. To Christians the act of being homosexual is a sin. It's not the person who is bad it's the "sin" they're practicing. I do not hate any person no matter how they live or what they do. It's what they do that I'm commanded to be against, not the human itself. And sadtruth the term Christian is more than just Catholics. Methodist, Baptist, Jehovah's Witness, Church of Christ...etc all use the term Christian. Christian actually just means a follower of Christ. It applies to anyone whoes religion is based off of Christ not just Catholics.
Dammit, Indiana!! 45 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
But, you see, the butcher didn't deny the pig service. He denied the owner of the pig for other reason but for his religion. The Muslims are allowed to follow their religion without hate so why aren't the Christians?
Dammit, Indiana!! 45 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but I'm saying it anyways. This whole situation is really stupid to me. If people wanna tell you they can't do something for you because it's against their religion I see nothing wrong with that. For example, say a man asked a Muslim butcher to dress his pig for him. The Muslim butcher would tell that man he can't touch pig because it is against his religion and do you think this would make news? I think not because no one would try to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. If these bakeries, florists...etc have to tell a homosexual they can't offer them service because it's against their religion it should be treated the same as for the Muslim butcher or anyone for that matter. It's not that these business owners hate these homosexuals or anything. Their just following the practices of their religion and I think it's ok for them to do that as long as it is done in a kindly manner.
The infinite energy dream 43 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
He also was for the sterilization of mentally retarded people and against women's right...but infinite energy would've been awesome!
Munchkin cats are adorable 5 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Where can I get one of these and are they expensive?
Blue Tim Tams 306 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Sorry guys I think I like my names the best...pink lace tacos. lol
Anyone else feel this way? 40 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
I love dogs too. I am both a pitbull owner and a vegan and I find the picture funny because most pitbull owners are as annoying as a vegetarian or vegan. They have to announce it before you can even say hi to them.
Anyone else feel this way? 40 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Found both of the pit bull lovers...lol
Not even noticeable 6 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Someone had to of made this up because if you look under the boxes there's already a door may there...
Did you ever see someone born in the middle east looks like a nordic 37 comments
queenamidala8 · 9 years ago
Jesus is a Jew...born in Bethlehem. His mother Mary is from the line of David. He did not look like this picture nor the pictures of him being fair skinned.