

— rachee Report User
I used the stones to destroy the stones 3 comments
rachee · 7 weeks ago
you needed to highlight multiple just to add insult to injury.
Wtf-Really? There needed to be a pictogram? 3 comments
rachee · 8 weeks ago
Funny the synagogue has one similar but just slightly different.
Classic 1 comments
rachee · 11 weeks ago
Wow, I didn't have glasses on, and though this is a picture of Rasputin.
Interdependent Hawk 2 comments
rachee · 12 weeks ago
They're a cross. A domestic pig got lose and bred with a European. so occasionally you run in to a huge pig that looks like a wild boar. but calling them that is using the term very loosely. hogzilla was one of the well known ones.
Livid seemly past 2 comments
rachee · 31 weeks ago
yup as long as they can get attention by bitching about it.
gaydar 1 comments
rachee · 36 weeks ago
For the home addition, fill the medicine cabinet full of marbles and see which friend is the curious one.
Civic opaque considerate 2 comments
rachee · 40 weeks ago
The economy is so shitty that only the ones who can afford to not work can afford kids (the very poor or the financially sound). The average person isn't willing to work three jobs to feed the family, so they just don't have kids. not as many marriages today ether. but if you manipulate the number just right, it looks like a good thing.
Caretaker slimy networked 1 comments
rachee · 46 weeks ago
absolutely true. I did that for years. way better pay, and any overtime is under the table. sounds great, but the other half of this is left out—totally shitty or zero benefits. and you are always the low man on the totem pole, so if something crapy has to get done, you'll be the one doing it.
But they sure trust engineering. 4 comments
rachee · 1 year ago
a bunch of scientists got together to test a frog, They cut off one leg and yelled jump and the frog jumped, cut off another leg, yelled jump and the frog jumped the same with the next leg, then they cut off the fourth leg and yelled jump over and over and the frog did not jump. thus proving that frogs with no legs go def. you can use science to prove any thing as long as no one questions you and just trusts the science.
Let him fly 1 comments
rachee · 1 year ago
imagine you walk on the plane and every seat has a dog except yours. It's all barking and tails wagging, but after 20 min the plane takes off and they all settle down and take a nap un like the humans on planes that never shut up and stop bitching. I'd take doggie air any time.
I don't get payed enough 9 comments
rachee · 1 year ago
if looking to get fired gwar fing a animal will do nicely.
Happy Lunar New Year! 3 comments
rachee · 1 year ago
That's the most foul,
cruel, and bad-tempered
rodent you ever set eyes on!
Self care is important 2 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
it's only hoarding if you never use them, but if you can find a place to use just one screw then its ok you were being smart knowing one day you would need that screw. as you get older you get more screws till you need a shed to keep them in then you start to sort them out till you have many jars with all different shapes and sizes in them, and not just screws but nails ,nuts, and bolts then one day your old enough you peel an apple with a pocket knife and eat a slice off the blade, then you're known as the old wise man till the day you die. then the screws get given to friends and neighbors and sold in yard sales and some one is walking home and drops a screw in the bus stop and the circle of life continues on. of course if you don't use one you're just a wacko that collects screws and all the neighborhood kids make fun of you.
Slow day at CNN 5 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
depends on the contract the company has with the store.
To stop a bad guy with a gun.... 4 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
can we all get together and donate towards getting them a submarine with torpedoes to use the same simple trick to stop the whaling .
heh 4 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
lot of meth heads in this country but not one meth head judge either. maybe we should pick based on qualifications instead of making sure everyone gets a turn.
I would totally go 8 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
need a viewing glass for non drinkers. how funny will it be to sit and watch a dozen drunks and a dozen parrots getting into a fight yelling no fuck you at each other.
This is crazy. 4 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
or were they just corrupt cops dealing that got caught and faked it.
We are just a part of the sizzle of light between periods of seemingly never ending 5 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
I've wondered if all the black holes will come together and form one giant black hole that will compress so tight something happens inside and bang, a new big bang happens and that's the cycle that takes place for ever. With infinite time it's hard to imagine nothingness will last for ever. more likely infinite universes in infinite cycles. but im not a science guy so probably completely wrong lol.
I guess you're free to go 7 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
you say i'm not aware of any laws i was breaking, never offer any info and never ever admit guilt to any thing. if necessary invoke your right to remain silent but be courteous and respectful about it don't piss him off, he will make you pay for being an ass hole. people think they can talk there way out of a 100 dollar ticked but they never think i can answer questions and talk my self in to a thousand dollar ticket or worse. its like when they ask where you coming from you say McDonalds, well that place just got robbed and you just admitted to being there guess who is now a suspect all because you answered a simple harmless question. did the robber look like you? this is going to escalate fast.
Oooof 2 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
its funny how by accident it's now a story to tell all his friends for the rest of his life and his furry brother will be remembered long after he is gone, not a bad tattoo if you ask me.
No sir 1 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
I prefer the quote from Tony Soprano "You can't put the shit back in the donkey."
Dark Souls players are screwed 28 comments
rachee · 2 years ago
lotro I'll be in the shire smoking some pipe weed and having a pint with the little folk.
King Dong 10 comments
rachee · 3 years ago
i showed this to my brother and he goes " well now we know king Kong wasn't Jewish"