

— rachee Report User
Preach 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya no shit the point is if you put 10 anti vaxxers in a room alone no one gets polio you need an outside source to get it. they didn't create it in their basement and it doesn't just magically appear. we have morons that think immigration laws are stupid so we have cities that literally don't uphold the law which allows a disease that was eradicated to enter into the country and allows the carrier to stay and spread it to as many unvaccinated people that they com in contact with, more illegals or anti vaxxers or immunocompromised. there blaming this kid for getting polio on anti vaxxers but how many anti vaxxers did he have contact with now how many illegal immigrants. I've never met an anti vaxxer but there's plenty illegals all over these sanctuary city's. id love to see the numbers on how many unvaccinated illegals there are compared to plain us citizen anti vaxxers. i'm betting the numbers are perity low, it dose takes a special kind of stupid the be anti vax .
Preach 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
did they make it in their basement? or are we just trying to blame them for more than they are actually responsible for.
Everytime this happens 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i have to disagree. i think 1/2 the democrats voted to impeach simply because it's trump. while 1/2 the republicans voted not to just to spit in the eyes of ones like pelosi. unfortunately i think this had very little to do with guilty or innocent and more to do with popularity.
Ultimate madlad 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
the clothes are cool but what i really like it this shows the progression of age so well it's sort of reminds me of the beginning of up in a weird way.
Go ahead and try 21 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
and in other news dunkin donuts has a mysterious week of record sales.
Did you ever go to taco bell? 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
sad part is it's usually the lady's room that has the worst behavior.
How is this so accurate? 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well shit that's great the millennial fixed all the problems so no more debating it i guess and also great that the black community is so involved with saving the planet. and they road a way on their unicorns and lived happily ever after. sorry im done trying to educate the home boys. at this point they can live in ignorant bliss.
Don't need comment 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
it's about etiquette. yes its natural but we don't talk about it in public. its like being at a party and a guy/girl comes out of the bathroom and says you should see the size of the giant shit i just took. yes we all poop but no it's not proper to talk about it in public and i don't think any one likes that guy/girl. it's just some thing from a bygone day when we strove to be classy or at the very least just better than the common low life. from what i hear in some parts of the south it's still that way guys wont fart in front of a woman and other guys will look down on you if you do.
Private homeowners on top malls in China 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
Hol up 10 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well im sure there being welcomed with open arms and given free schooling and healthcare just like they expect america to do with its illegal immigrants.
Robert and Steve Irwin feeding the same croc fifteen years apart 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
need to restart the show and first episode pick up where Steve left off swimming with the rays. you can picture it with the Australian accent "hay fellas my dad had a accident here a while back so I'll be taking over for him and i got to say you guys are beautiful" with that big Erwin smile.
How is this so accurate? 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
not many are doing things about it most are standing at a microphone screaming how its some one else's fault. tons of yelling about whether we broke the climate or if it's just the natural cycle. we complain about the air but no one is talking about not buying stuff made from India and china the 2 biggest air polluters on the planet (and i'm not getting in to that debate ) but you know what i mean. elon and others donate money for trees but how much will actually go to planting trees and is someone actually planting them because i would think that would be a big story the first tree to be planted with all that money (mind you im not up on current news so that might have happened already) but you get where im coming from. where's the big debate about cleaning up the ocean we definitely polluted it and we can definitely fix it but its going to take money and man power but that's work and most of these mouthpieces don't want to work they want the spot light and to feel superior to others
How is this so accurate? 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
good analogy but take the next step. then the millennials came along and started wiping their ass with their bare hands and endlessly bitching that the boomers didn't change the roll instead of doing some thing about it.
Can we just make this mandatory? 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
depends on your definition of worked. did it inform people of the dangers of the product or activity they are about to partake in? then yes it worked well did it force people to act the way others believe they should act then no it didn't work at all people still have the freedom to choose how they live there lives.
Ah, the funsubstance gold you stumble upon in random 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
the day after the Hiroshima bomb they said they were alright but they weren't alright, no they weren't alright at all.
Found on a boring distopia 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
hope he doesn't commit suicide next time he's locked up by our wonderful government.
The classic trick~ 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
universal health care in usa
This is the opposite of a problem 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
one of my few rules in life if my dog doesn't like some one i will never trust that person no matter what.
Peace was never an option 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i think he is just looking for a ring a hobbits stole from him.
It's cowboy season, lads 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i'm betting it will be built in to do that. and built in kill system for real criminals.
They are an economical bunch, those boomers 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
so you have one person that hasn't put in the work and is just starting and wants handouts and another person that has worked all their life to get where they are to have the things they want and there bad for having them and not giving their stuff to the first person. not the world i want to live in i'd rather keep what i worked for. and you work for what you want and get to keep it.
You gotta be loyal 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
no what's really bothering is each one taste different. if it was like from a mountain stream that would make sense different minerals and such but this is filtered bottle water none of it should taste at all.
Galaxy named COSMOS-AzTEC-1. Located 12.4 Billion light years away. 1000 times bigger 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
hay they said size didn't matter.
Nobody knows everything, even the one who knows Cosmology 22 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ok first get ride of the frame and wheels and all and go just motor to motor. second how do they compare in the long run. how efficient is it? how much are you emptying the battery compared to the gas tank. diesel-powered dump truck carries 40 tons every day how will electric hold up with wear and tear. and torque isn't everything. i could hollow out a log fill it with gun powder and its a rocket with more torque than both vehicles combined but only for about 30 seconds. basically i could make a 1980 vw bug pull both of these vehicles if i built it right but that doesn't mean the vw is the better car.
Gamers on the rise 10 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
had similar problem. in everquest gtg meant good to go as in ready to fight. went to lotro and gtg meant got to go as in leave the game.