

— rachee Report User
Get rekt 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
manners. if you see a pregnant woman you offer her your seat that's called being a gentleman. same with the elderly or injured/disabled it's what decent humans do instead of acting like some animal that just walked out of the jungle.
The End of Coffins - Organic Burial Pods Turn Bodies Into Trees 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
between the diet Pepsi and kit cat bars no tree could ever grow in the chemical soup that will be my body when i die but nice idea anyway.
Get rekt 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh that reminds me i should call my mom and thank her for teaching me manners and not letting me grow up to be an ignorant savage.
Adorable Jawas 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i think these are the ones that have their own landspeeder at comic con if you type in Sand people in stolen landspeeder and hit video its cute as can be.
The knowledge enters your mind when you reach 6ft 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
and 90% of the time it will be a little old lady that has no fear what so ever of any one. it could be a fire-breathing dragon standing there and she would still be like hay you, can you reach that box of cereal. and the dragon would still get humble and be like oh ok here you go grandma.
The only bird more dangerous than the feral pigeon 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i think its a peach faced lovebird. i don't think I've ever seen a mean one ever. they are all as sweet as their name applies its like locking up a puppy or a kitten it's just silly.
Gentleman league 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
too hard to argue with only one hand i guess.
Fear my crayon skills you peasants 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
am i the only one that looked at this and heard the first 2 notes from jaws?
Parenting level 10000 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
you reap what you sow. if your kids are unappreciative little ass holes time to rethink what you're doing as a parent and make some tweaks here and there.
Perspective: Just how rich are they 20 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i think what really matters your perspective on life. do you look and say i want the life of Kanye and Kim or do i want a life-like Carl and Ellie from up. a guy that sells balloons for a living doesn't make shit for money but i bet he wouldn't trade his life for all the money in the world. and if he had all the money in the world he would have traded it all for just one more day with Ellie.
The aliens are reproducing at an alarming rate 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
noooo!!!! dammit you'll kill us all.
The aliens are reproducing at an alarming rate 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
don't get it wet and for the love of god never feed them after midnight.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya for the most part we're on the same page i think or at the least understand where each other is coming from. the thing we don't agree on is a dead horse we could beat for days but that's just too much work for a sight called funsubstance not to mention things aren't getting done because im messing around on here to much. so i think this is a good place to quit. but it was an interesting chat. and I'm sure we'll do it again some time.
When the like count does not favour the dark lord 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
not in to religion but wasn't he actually a really good-looking angel before the fall and one of god's favorites? no clue about after.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
or he did saved the cross because in the future it would defeat satan and save million but that brings us back to the moral questions whats a life worth and are all lives equal. i skipped a lot because there was a lot of the same moral question but from different angles but didn't purposely avoid anything so if i missed some thing let me know.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
a true believer wont let harm come to the flag and will be just as protective of a new flag fresh out of the plastic bag as of an old flag to the point there is a ritual to dispose of a flag properly with respect. of coarse this is theoretical most true believers in religion seem to have gone off the deep end long ago or are corrupt from power thinking Inquisition on that one. rest of post morality stuff again interesting but to big to talk a bout properly. post 14 no I pin the wrongs of man on man and the wrongs of god on god. I chose to believe the cross didn't burn because of the way the path of the fire went not that there was a god saving a cross and not a child. but if it was a god saving the cross and not a child then i don't believe it's a god worth worshiping. this is all from a human point of view and going by personal morals. for all we know he didn't save the child because the child was the next Hitler.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
other that god works in mysterious ways. post 10 not talking about killing a child or raping a woman were talking about saving a cross or doing some thing better with gods power like save a child or stop a rape. of coarse this is where it is a faulty assumption that if there is said gods he can only do one task not both but that's because of the scenario I started with my post. the rest is all questions about man and moral choices just way to big of a topic to get in to. post 11 how do i explain? the value we put on the cross because of time has no meaning to a true believer the cross is just a symbol to pray to. for a true believer the cross could be made out of Popsicle sticks as long as its blessed or what not it becomes a holy item. basically don't think of fine art with the cross think a country's flag, new flag old flag doesn't matter.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
next post 5 yes god could do free will and no harm. free will I tell you don't shoot at people but its your decision but if you do I make you miss every shot. again better scenarios but you get it. so skip the rest of the black and white free will stuff and we come to post 8 the christian god. you start right off on a false assumption followers can't commit crime. well of corse they can and god even set it up that they can do bad and still follow the religion. im not religious so not much info on the whole jesus dying for sins and baptism and also confessional booth and hell marry's and what ever else. and true we don't need to worship god for good morality but a lot of people are too stupid to make a moral choice so following a god is better for morality depending on the teaching of that particular religion of corse. post 9 again cross so christian so all-powerful not an assumption a fact of their belief. not sure wich lore you're referring to about rainbows 24/7
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ok post by post. your post number 2 inherent assumption that the role of ones god must be that of “superhero" this is not an assumption its a gold cross so christian, an all-powerful and all-knowing god. and i don't think any religion thinks god dose or should protect from all harm and definitely not the christian one. so starting on a faulty assumption. from there you assume black or white either free will or total control obviously wrong god can give you free will to rob a bank but can make your gun jam to save some ones life probably better scenarios but you get the point. once you take a way the black or white the rest of that post falls apart. next couple post we skip there possibility 1 no god but at the bottom of post 4, equally pointless unless you personally see a point to them no? yes but take it next step no god means universe will die 5 billion years taking with it all man has accomplished so you can pretend what we do matters but all would truly be equally pointless.
Florida man strikes again 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
better yet how many empty kmarts and other department stores.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
wow don't know where to start first if you want to have a discussion you got to cut the bullshit down. I mean the first 100 words or so are about no god which has nothing to do with the meme or even what I wrote. were talking about the belief of god melting a cross or not and your off talking about batteries. part of a good theological discussion yes part of this meme not at all. from there you go on and on but never come to a conclusion on what you even believe just all statements about what you don't believe or might not believe. you posted 13 times in a row but the majority of it is either you don't know because you don't know the will of god or its possible god works in mysterious ways. i wrote 2 sentences and you know what my feeling are about this. you wrote 13 posts and no clue what you believe about god and the situation with the cross in any of the posts. you really need to cut it down to 2 or 3 posts and try to stay on topic.
Florida man strikes again 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ever they need and not enough room in actual shelter/soup kitchens that we can keep sanitary and try to help the sick or at least try to cut down the spread of diseases. and of corse some taking advantage of the law just to push the homeless out of there city.
Florida man strikes again 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ok this is only 1/2 truth. some scumbag politicians are using this as an excuse to push the home less out. but this isn't the cold-hearted law its being made out to be. ill simplify it imagine if you're feeding stray cats nothing wrong on the surface you're doing a good deed but the problem is you now created a spot for feline leukemia and rabies and other diseases to infect all the cats. your intentions were good but bad results that end with a lot of dead cats. so we set up shelters for cats and test them and isolate them from other cats if there sick. now imagine the same scenario but with homeless but add in mental illness and unsanitary conditions dirty cloths and a lot of them not bathing as often as they should lot of issues with human wast on the side walks in some places. so we have a good place for bad stuff to happen. so we pass laws to stop that from happening. the bad part is that's where it all stops no new places for them to go no new places for them to get food or what
Awesome opossum 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
exquisite piece. the background of a Monet and a foreground of a possible young Michelangelo maybe.
Dan isn't the stupid one here 55 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
murder, rape, robbery, and god said no time to deal with that stuff i got to save this gold cross. no either not a miracle or not a god to follow.