

— rachee Report User
Where's the lie ? 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
not a big deal we've done it with doctor who for years. they change the darlacks for like the fifth time or the lizard people and we're just like yup that's how they always looked.
I'm italian and I totally agree 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
could be worse he could be a mooch always looking for handouts.
Out for a Ssstroll 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
first thought was he is on his way to an archery competition to capture robin hood.
I made dis 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
just pictured the Mexican getting home, his wife there "oh your early did you sell all the oranges?" him head down with a big sigh " no it happened again"
Merely pretending 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
but why does it look like JFK?
This is fashion? 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
fashion based on you running out of toilet paper and the cabinet being on the other side of the room.
This triggers me 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
if your not using vlc this is true it plays everything and has tools to fix stuff like the sound not synced to the video and stuff like that.
Thicc skull 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya can we classify this as animal abuse and make a law to put a stop to it please.
Fire fox baby 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
looking at the bottom pic all i can think is he will be a powerful force for good once he is trained in the Jedi ways.
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
of coarse the real question is after this did they ban light sabers or at least pass back ground checks and waiting periods before you can buy a light saber. Obviously like always the assault weapon was the problem here. lol
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
you spend your life watching all wealth around you Yoda getting in to his little green VW (what else would YODA drive) and you live with this day after day for years till your finally old enough to go and try to rescue he your self and you get there and she is captured beaten and dying. cant really blame him for killing the ones that killed his mother or even the council that allowed it to happen.
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
shouldn't be that hard to find. Not a lot on the planet its a desert. Its the scrap yard ran by a bug in the town/city with the pod racing. how many coliseums can they have on the planet. but any way Imagine it from his point of view your mom is a slave, and you know this kid grew up with nothing probably going to bed hungry at times. So they take you off planet on this big silver ship and take you to a new planet as you land its just a abundance of wealth vehicles and ship every where and building higher then you could Imagine existing. you land and they take you to a sky scraper to the council where guys are sitting on nice clean comfy chairs, every ones well fed and nice belongings but no one helps your enslaved mother.
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh well in that case screw her, she can stay a slave.
Completely understand why. But you just confirmed her fears lol 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
I'm not your guy, friend.
Denied 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well there all red heads so obviously Irish and since there are a shit ton sleeping on the floor i'm guess Irish Catholics (no birth control) it all makes perfect sense.
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
this was one that confused me did the council not have the balls to free a slave being held by the local junk yard guy or the money to buy his mom from junk yard guy or where they just trying to make an evil prick that would kill them all? this hole part was equal to a bully asking "is someone miss their mommy? you gonna cry oh little baby going to cry". should have ended with Yoda hitting anakin with his own hand going "why you hitting your self why you hitting your self"
Hmmm 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh a suicide booth.
Stay healthy 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
pizza in school was the best it kicked the shit out of this kind of stuff but some one fixed it so now it sucks.
You did good, Oppy 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
true its bigger but what makes the rover the rover? can't take the whole thing but i could see the hard drive in a museum with a nice plaque in memory of all he gave us.
Are you afraid of the dark? 24 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i still think assault rifle should be changed to some thing like this. maybe the blame will be put on the shooting instead of the tool he used with a name like shooty-tooty-pointy-shooty.
They're The Only Feet I've Got 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
kid is either a genus or a moron further testing will be needed. but he's a human so i don't like your odds.
Ρєяfє¢тℓу вαℓαи¢є∂ 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
one of the biggest fears all truck drivers have is the kid that comes running out from behind a parked car chasing a ball. most of them have made the decision that if it ever happens they will flip the truck or put it in the trees/ditch even at the risk of their own lives to avoid hitting the kid. this car is programmed to do the opposite, can't say that's a good thing. is my life worth more than some junkie crossing the road sure. but some kid makes a mistake chasing a ball no i'd rather take my chances hitting a tree avoiding the kid. self driving cars are great in theory but there are going to be problems with ethical dilemmas like this. what if its end up in the corn field or hit a dog? id choose the field but it's up to the car/programmer, pretty scary thoughts.
The hk war cry 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well if me a guy in the US sitting here looking at memes knows about this then I'd bet the UN knows about it to, and are doing everything they can. im sure there are nicely typed briefs, guys with suits and ties sending emails to other guys with suits and ties what more could you ask for from a group of money-grubbing pricks. can't expect the united nations to band together for human right issues can you. there's no money to be made going against this sort of thing. if there was they would have shut down the death camps in north Korea long ago.
Met on 4 years ago, moved across the world to be together and got married yesterday 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
its Guinness so it wont last long but will be happy.
We don't deserve dogs 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
DON'T TOUCH. evolution has given the deer some nice stuff speed, sight, and hearing. but if say a pack of wolf comes along mama deer can't fight that off all she can do is run and hope for the best. so nature has given the fawn some advantages first he has very very little smell, the dog probably tripped over the fawn to find it and a dog's nose is no joke. second the fawn will hold perfectly still no matter what threat and won't move till mom comes back. so if you find one of these in the woods take a pic and get out of their mom is watching and really nervous about you finding her baby. once all has settled down mom will come out to find the baby. she has a call and he will call back to her. if you feel its necessary you can come back to check on the fawn latter in an hour or so but give it time to settle and her to come back. so no dead deer means mom is watching. near roads makes it harder but still the same situation no dead deer than mom is watching/waiting.