

— rachee Report User
Let the Rabbit Eat Trix! 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
damn long ears trying to take Easter from Jesus.
If we were living in 2265 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
essential workers because they get pissed if you call them sacrifices. and if you don't think their sacrifices remember during a pandemic politicians and businessmen are pushing to open up salons,gyms,bowling alleys and other really stupid shit.
But twitter screenshots aren't memes 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
no i didn't i'm in here bragging about it, i'm not even catholic.
Al Bean is going to need more meat balls. Over 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
no one talks about it but i'd bet money one of them drew a dick in the dirt on the moon and all the astronauts from back then know it. and if they didn't then what a waste of money.
This sign was probably not designed by an engineer 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
yes as long as the kid is the perfect cog for the machine he'll do great but if he doesn't fit in, well we will keep trying to force the kid to fit until either he becomes one of us, suicides.
Czech Republic puts up signs educating Chinese tourists about Tiananmen Square 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya but would they notice a difference between day-to-day life under communist rule and living in a gulag?
This has potential 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
or will be.
Look mom, its a rapper! 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
pfft 5 or 95 if you don't work with one every day when you do need one you will still grab it a go grrr and click it twice.
Cat to the face 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
cat over lord sent him to kill this guy and he has tried for month now but the poor little fella just doesn't have the arm strength to finish him off.
Maybe sit this one out, Megs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
first accused isn't the same as proven guilty that's for either one of them but yes multiple woman have accused him. and i don't know if he is with the other elite child molesters but i do know what he does to children on tv is very creepy. but i understand some people hate trump so much they'd rather a murder or a convicted child molester was president instead of trump so creepy joe would probably seem pretty good since he hasn't been convicted. bottom line would i trust trump with my wife probably not but if it was an emergency and i had to leave my kid with one of them ill trust trump over biden any day. and if i cant trust this guy with my kids how could i possibly trust him with my country.
Maybe sit this one out, Megs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
yes i'm fine. ill take the guy that's not good around woman instead of the guy that's not good around woman and children.
Maybe sit this one out, Megs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
wouldn't care about the age or even the heart attack if the doctors gave him the green light. it's the smelling children and inappropriate touching that's scary. now add to that and im not a follower so don't know the whole story but it looks like a lot of adult women are coming forward about stuff that he does or did that was real uncomfortable. trump isn't great but i think ill stick with the devil i know.
Realizing that squirrels usually land like Iron Man 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
leave the damned squirrels alone. do you want to have to move to an alternate reality because that's how we get forced in to moving to an alternate reality.
Valid point 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
we can make more kids, hell the fun of having kids is making them. matter of fact we'll make better kids with black jack and hookers.
Valid point 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i think you guys are way over thinking this one bath salts guy will do. first you can pump ten rounds in to it and they wont go down. second with the face eating they don't need a weapon. third face eating what more of a deterrent do you need. beats the shit out of the gun free zone signs. added bonus with the over dose rate the cost is pretty low.
So we went to the store yesterday and this was across the street lmfao 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya its a duck boat they use them for giving guided tours. and that one is pretty bland looking. on google type duck tour boat pic there trippy.
Woman beat up pensioner with no thought of the consequences 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
no she didn't she got off light. if she was doused in gasoline and light on fire she would have got what was coming to her.
Know your demographic 18 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
just cant figure out which pisses off the liberals worse the freedom to own a gun the freedom of religion or just plain the freedom the flag stands for. guess it doesn't matter all three were here long before the liberals and will be here long after there all gone.
Some people ask a lot of those around them 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
depends on the situation but could lend her 2 or 3 hens till she raises her own but she sounds like an entitled twit I'd tell he piss off.
'We found the leak.' 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well luckily it went throw the bald one that looks like it was siting in a junk yard.
Sleeve tattoo 11 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
DnD - Word has it Noah was the only survivor 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
worst part is when he tossed the stone the gm got a little smile because he was waiting for some one to come along and do just that.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
as for disciplining kids the less discipline we have done the worse the world has gotten. the kids have been coddled so bad half of them are running wild while the other half need a safe space because words hurt there feeling. but instead of saying we made a mistake some times a kid needs a smack in the ass there just going to keep doubling down no matter how many of us say we got spanked and are better for it. either way its to had to have a real discussion on line about a topic this big and i've wasted enough time on it so i'm going to leave it off here.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
to much to get in to on line all i can say is these snake oil sales men had study's to prove many treatments lobotomy's, shock treatment, blood letting, Isolation, i wont even get in to the treatments for hysteria and on and on, till 1982 they were still doing Metrazol Therapy with meds that caused patients to break there own bones. the only thing they've proven is mental health professionals were just as arrogant then as they are now and just as unwilling to admit they were wrong. if you tell them they are wrong they will tell you how much schooling they have had, but memorizing wrong information doesn't make it right. you literally have people saying that they were spanked and turned out better for it and the mental health people say no no your wrong i had a hypothesis and proved it with study's. but study's are always manipulated on purpose or by accident and mental health study have to many variables to be nearly as acute as they make it out to be.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
sorry but i have to disagree. i see how kids were disciplined and how they grew up and i see how there not disciplined and how it is today and it was better before. disciplined not abused. second a lot of times mental abuse can do way more damage than physical abuse even if the parent is heavy handed where do you draw that line between disciplining and mentally abusing a kid. a smack on the ass is way better than shaming which seems to be popular today. third if you get a kid that you can't control the damage he can do to him self is way worse than a smack on the ass to straighten him out as in to little discipline can lead to drugs, crime, gang involvement, or all kinds of other shit. i'm not saying go right to spanking. some kids talking to works some need to be grounded to under stand whats not acceptable behavior and others need a smack on the ass as a wake up call.