

— Redroses Report User
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
@kurama_otsutsuki Sorry for the delay in response. I wanted to make sure I had sources and wasn't just talking out of my ass.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: workplace deaths
While it’s true that more men than women work in dangerous jobs and therefore more men than women die on the job (93% of fatalities are male- pg 8:, when controlling for hours worked and the type of jobs worked, women are slightly more likely than men to be injured on the job, at least according to one study on heavy manufacturing.
Re: circumcision
The reason male circumcision is not illegal is that some doctors/researchers believe there are health benefits that justify leaving it up to the parents (, whereas female circumcision doesn’t provide any health benefits as far as anyone knows. But yeah, there is something uncomfortable about the lack of choice for the infant, and that the bodily autonomy is handed wholly over to the parents.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: homelessness
Single adult homeless population 51% men 1%7 women -
Re: suicide
2016 stats suggest that men are actually only 3.5 times more likely to die from suicide than women. (I believe the 4 times more likely comes from stats on white males, specifically). However, it’s important to note that 3 times as many women attempt suicide compared to men.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: having reproductive rights
Defining reproductive rights as “the rights of individuals to decide whether to reproduce and have reproductive health,” I would argue that men do have reproductive rights, and there are few, if any, people who want to restrict them. There are no movements to limit access to prostate exams, prostate cancer screenings, testicular cancer screenings, erectile dysfunction screenings, vasectomies, Viagra, or condoms, unless you count attempts to close planned parenthood The only area of restriction that I can think of is if a woman’s partner does not want her to get an abortion that she wants to have, since the Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood v. Danforth placed a woman’s bodily autonomy/right to privacy over a father’s parental rights.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: domestic abuse:
Across the board more women are victims of domestic abuse than men, though you’re right, LGBT women appear to be more likely to be victims than heterosexual ones. Between bisexual, straight, and gay men, bisexual men are the most likely to suffer domestic abuse, though gay men are slightly less likely than straight ones, so that seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. Looks like bisexual people in general are the most at risk, rather than just men or women.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: stealing sperm, rape, child support:
As we’ve discussed before, the instances of rape and sperm theft for the sake of child support were anecdotal, and even though they were horribly screwed up, shouldn’t be mistaken for population-wide trends.
Also as we’ve discussed before, the trend to award women custody of children and require men to pay child support comes from stereotypes that cast women as nurturers and men as providers, which is limiting for everyone involved. Similarly, the notion that men are abusers and women are abused comes from stereotypes about violent men and submissive women, which leaves male victims unsupported and female perpetrators unsuspected.
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Re: women in politics
I suppose that’s fair, since 3 million more people voted for the first female president than for the 45th male one, though it’s difficult to vote for a female presidential candidate when there isn’t one (aside from Hillary there was only Shirley Chisholm in 1972). And no, men elected this male president, not women (54% for Hillary).
The issue of women in Congress and state governments is more nuanced than just women voting only for men, though obviously some do. See more here
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Iceland and equality 44 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Yeah! I can't wait for the day we elect the first male president! Or send enough men to Congress to finally reach 50% representation!
Native americans agree 14 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
If you mean the Mayans/Aztecs/Mesoamericans, hell yes they did!! The Mayans were so cool! I took a class on Mayan writing and literature last semester and it was fascinating!
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Native americans agree 14 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
If we're talking all of the Americas, we can add Mayan, Zapotec, and epi-Olmec to the list of writing sysyems. Plus the incredible engineering and astronomical prowess that went into building Mesoamerican and Anasazi monuments. Add the hundreds of religions and political systems of South and Central America to the North American ones silver already pointed out.
How civilized are we?? 21 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
@kurama_otsutsuki thanks for the links! I agree that anecdotal evidence shouldn't be mistaken for population-wide trends, though those cases are awful. And I also think the criminal justice system at present has some serious issues. I agree with the authors of the legal articles that black and Latino men are incarcerated at an alarmingly high rate compared to everyone else- including women. But I think the disregard of fathers' parental rights comes from a sense that women are naturally predisposed to child care and men are not, which is just restrictive for everybody. And I'm guessing that stereotypes about men being violent and dangerous and women being submissive and peaceful also affects the way juries/judges see male and female defendants. Again, this is restrictive to both sexes in different arenas.
I'm also curious what you thought of the points my article made about women's healthcare, maternal mortality rates etc.
How civilized are we?? 21 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
@kurama_otsutsuki - I'd actually be really interested to read more about the stats/phenomena you mentioned. Do you have links to the studies they came from?
How civilized are we?? 21 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
I found this article pretty interesting on that point.
This is so messed up 6 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
1) this was in 20-freakin-12
2) complaints were followed up and dismissed.
Hungry wings 6 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Oh my god they are like 70% mouth
The police 39 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Oh yeah right, as entertainment capitals they have a huge interest in broad protections for speech. Besides, the Supreme Court literally JUST unanimously upheld protections for potentially offensive speech on Monday.
· Edited 7 years ago
The police 39 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Well, the U.K. doesnt have the same kind of protections for speech that the US does. In that particular county threats, verbal abuse, and insults are classified as one kind of hate crime. So yeah, your offensive message might literally be against the laws that the police are sworn to uphold.
If you had any to begin with... 4 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Good thing they're wearing socks to keep it in.
Not all heroes wear capes 2 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Aww that's so sweet!
Another SJW getting offended on behalf of someone else.  14 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Her last name, Palacios, sounds like she might be Latina too... Just because some Latinos don't care doesn't mean we all don't, and the second commenter doesn't get to speak for everyone either.
· Edited 7 years ago
Fox bamboozles 11 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Oh my god the "ring ding ding" part kills me
Absolute motivation 18 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
I know him!! He's a nice guy! (As well as hella impressive, obviously.)
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Pretty princess pupper 2 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Thank you for posting all these lovely puppers!! I love them all!!
A different brooklyn roof 3 comments
redroses · 7 years ago
Plus putting plants on your roof is good for the environment! Especially in a city.