

— Redroses Report User
Comment one thing you love about yourself - (I love that I forgive people easily) 73 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
I've been told I'm easy to talk to, so I love that I make people feel comfortable :)
1.5 years clean from cutting :) 21 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Hey Matthewg! OP here. Reading it again after your comment, I can see what you're saying, reading "where we have been" as referring to whatever driving factor there was for cutting, but I originally read "where we have been" as referring more to the mindset of cutting in itself. Like scars remind us that we got to a place in our lives where we felt like we needed to cut, but they don't consign us to being in that place forever.
#irishpride 57 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
For black folks in America today racial prejudice isn't a thing of history. You're not about to get turned down for a job interview because your name is Pat O'Brien, but you are if your name is Devonte Johnson. There have been studies that show it.
Tina knows what's up 30 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Oh for god's sake, here we go again. It's called feminism for historical reasons. The movement began with people pushing for female suffrage (aka the feminine vote...Hence, feminism) and since it's the same damn movement, the name hasn't changed. This is the same as many, many organizations. The Republican Party promotes democracy and the Democrats and all other American political parties operate in a republic. AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph, though it's a multinational company and telegraphs are obsolete. But no one wants them to change it to "MT" or something, or force political parties to rename themselves in accordance with their current platforms.
He will never go back. 12 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Do Malfoy Crabbe(?) and Goyle really hold hands in the movie??
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, everybody. 26 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Yes to supporting women worldwide. No to blaming rape on Muslim men. No to claiming that Islamic and Western cultures are completely unable to coexist.
reminder 26 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
And while we are on the topic of who employers choose out of all the applicants for a certain job, what right does someone who's applying have to claim that job as "theirs" in the first place, so that it's "stealing" from them (instead of them just being turned down in favor of someone else) when another applicant is offered the position instead of them?
They lacked walls back then 17 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Just a little historical point here. Even after the invasion of Americas by Europeans (because that's what it really was, an invasion) Native American tribes were still big players in national politics. Tecumseh and his role in early international conflicts in New England is well known, but lesser known is the empire built up by the Comanche nation in the southwest, which was a real military and economic threat to both American and Spanish/Mexican forces. There's a really cool article called "Politics of Grass" about it, but if you aren't affiliated with a university or something that has access to academic journals on JSTOR, here's the Wikipedia page based on the author's research.
The "noble savage" image is bullshit, fueled by pop culture that continues to represent Native Americans as uncivilized, un-modern, and in need of saving by white people.
What's wrong with feminism 45 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
It's called feminism for historical reasons. First wave feminism was women organizing to get the Constitutional right to vote, which was focusing on a problem affecting the feminine half of the population. The later waves of the feminist movement grew out of the first one and opted not to change the name even while advocating for gender equality in a way that directly benefits men, too. It's an honor to be connected to those first activists and be part of a movement that was started by people like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ida B. Wells.
It's a lot like members of the Democratic Party calling themselves democrats even though the party (and the American government in general) actually functions as a republic. You need a word to differentiate yourself from other political groups and choose a name that harkens back to Ancient Greece because that's where some of our most prized principles of government come from.
What's wrong with feminism 45 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Another factor to this is that the first one is not an action that looks real or in any way represents real life (it's almost kind of whimsical) but the second shows an action that is very much a reality for many women out there.
Also, the x-men one is a billboard and can't be avoided nearly as easily as someone could avoid a movie poster. Domestic violence victims (men *and* women) have to drive past this giant picture of something that happened to them depicted as though watching a woman get choked to death is the reason someone would go see a movie (after all, dvertisements are designed to attract viewers) whereas someone who has been dangled off a building with one hand could avoid the part of a movie theatre where they show posters for upcoming features, which is not the perfect solution but a hell of a lot easier and probably affecting fewer people out there.
You are a monster 3 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
What have you done? Invade a pristine world, claim it as your own... Weren't you listening?
Me too Clint, me too 25 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
My name is blurry face and I care what you think
Think of the possibilities! 6 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Reminds me of all the obscure codes from the Series of Unfortunate Events. "Varied Flower Dialogue" maybe.
Crow 9 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
I am here to learn geometrees!
Fight For Women's Rights 45 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
The thing that gets me about modern economists is that they don't seem to have their priorities in order. If the US experiences a recession, that's a crisis. The problem is that Haiti exists. There is a country in the world where 80% of its citizens live below the poverty line. There are around 400,000 street children in India. France's unemployment rate is nearly twice that of the US. Trying to create jobs for Americans while other countries have a lower standard of living than the US is like someone standing up during the worst years of the transatlantic slave trade and saying "I think we should rename blackberries because it may be offensive to African Americans."
(To be clear, the above is satire.)
The harsh realities of life. 32 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I think that it's a beautiful thing that folks worry about the trivial things through stupid stuff like justgirlythings. Like thanks to what our soldiers do, American teenage girls can worry about summer clothes and high school drama rather than not freezing to death or being shot at. Maybe it's stupid, but it's a blessing to be so carefree.
What constitutes a 1 star review Abe? 3 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Yet he still gives it 2 stars
Black eyes are so cool... does anyone here have them? 25 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Somebody call the Winchesters
...This 17 comments
redroses · 8 years ago
Devilishly handsome
Sign me up 6 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
are they smiling like that because those guys look so FRICKING COOL 18 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
And yet all the couples still kinda match
Some fancy mannequins 7 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
It must be SUCH a pain to dress them
Saturn's Moons 10 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
Moonwalk. That's a moonwalk.
I guess the door won 15 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
That's a-door-able.
guys, as of today I am 9 f*cking months clean & proud!! 57 comments
redroses · 9 years ago
Congratulations! That is amazing and inspiring to hear! I want to get there someday :)