

— Snardo Report User
Hope it's a PS5! 9 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Why does that tree look like it's about to get married?
Hope it's a PS5! 9 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Why does that tree look like it's about to get married?
be a decent human being bc you can. 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Or, instead of saying, "I pray that God can help you", realize that you are the means by which God provides help to others.
They offered me almost twice as much as I used to make 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
And it will cost you more than you will make to be able to afford housing anywhere near where you will work. Congrats!
So proud - finally sold my first piece of artwork 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Looks like a trippy pirate treasure map. Cool.
Crazy good Captain Marvel cosplay 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
I know, I was being sarcastic.
Crazy good Captain Marvel cosplay 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Is this one of those "who wore it better" things? Cause that girl on the left looks awesome. Whoever that white girl is should give up cosplaying, cause she got nothin'.
Oi mate 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Two points:
1) Though it is presented as "free" to the recipient, none of the things mentioned - healthcare, paid time off, etc... - is actually free. Someone has to pay for it. In this case the government pays for it with other peoples' money because the Government does not generate it's own income, it only takes it from the working citizens.
2) Many, if not most, of the advancements in medical science that improve quality of life and life expectancy are the result of the capitalist healthcare system in the United States. Without the incentive of profit, which is virtually non-existent in countries with a socialized healthcare system, many of the advancements we all take for granted would not exist or would be far less commonly available. You're welcome.
My daughter had wanted to try oysters for so long and she finally got her wish. Not what 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Mmmm, seawater-flavored boogers. What's not to like?
Be indispensable 7 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
That was a great show!
Spit shine your life 10 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Serious question: Is this why we instinctively try to suck on certain body parts when they get hurt?
Thy opassom is poetic 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Can we go back to using "the bignes of" instead of "the size of"? Please?
Transgender experience 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
And the preponderance of evidence indicates that "transitioning" doesn't change this.
Rays of sun illuminating the gorge - Watkins Glen, NY [OC] 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Grew up there. Imagine my surprise as I scrolled through and recognized the location before seeing the title.
Suffering from prolonged heebie jeebies 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Can something be both sudden and prolonged?
Son of a gun 9 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Point of order: That's not a Glock. M&P below the Knee? Semi-auto near your toe?
American elections got me like 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Dems would be pretty pissed too if over 100K ballots suddenly showed up in the middle of the night, hours after polls closed and they were ALL for the other guy. Every. Single. One. Tell me that doesn't sound just a little sketchy.
Spoilers! 4 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
nobody ever does!
Good mates 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
The one on the left seems to have a nice view.
C'mere bigguy 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Shape looks like a polar bear, but I've never seen a brown one before.
Oh perhaps yes 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
"New properties opening up in your area now!"
RIP 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Shouldn't the second frame read, "Hot shingles, you shay?"
RIP 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Shouldn't the second frame read, "Hot shingles, you shay?"
And I rode through the desert on a Centaur in Disguise 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Only someone who has never seen a person rife a horse would think this was an effective disguise. When you sit on a horse, you don't sit on the shoulders, you sit on the middle of the back, between the shoulders and hips. Cool art, weird idea.
Dolly enjoys the best of both worlds. #yeehaw 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
That's some impressive "blending in" if she can escape notice while sporting those massive cans of hers.