

— Snardo Report User
This took too long 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
I don't get it. Where is he?
GG sl*t 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
IF this is true, it reveals a deeply flawed, mother-biased child support system. Child support calculations absolutely SHOULD factor in the incomes of each parent. If she makes 10 times more than he does, his support payments should reflect that. If, in your situation, she has full custody, he shouldn't have to pay a dime.
GG sl*t 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
What kind of heartless c*nt looks at her earnings (regardless of the source) and says, "That's MY money for ME" when she has partial or total custody of a child? Reprehensible.
This sign at my local car wash has aged poorly 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Those hands were drawn by someone who had never seen an actual handshake (or actual hands) before.
Nite nite p*ssycat 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
That looks an awful lot like Butthead at age 25.
Wtf I like Elon now 16 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Not saying I worship the guy or anything, but shouldn't we allow people the grace to grow as people? First, it's hard to take a story like this at face value, but assuming it's true, do we use it as a basis to judge Ol' Musky forever after as a douchebag? Is there no scenario possible where someone may be allowed to grow and change over the course of their life?
This is what bothers me about condemning someone for a mean tweet they posted 10 years ago. Sure, out of context, it may look bad, but maybe stop for 5 seconds to consider whether that tweet is in line with everything else you know about a person's more recent history or whether it merely indicates that, at one time in their past, that person might have been a dick.
Oh my god so advanced 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Back in my day, there were written instructions:
1. Push butt
2. Rub hands gently under arm
3. Wipe hands on pants
If you're old enough you know what I mean.
To anyone who needs to hear this. 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
"Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria". First time I've heard it given such a fancy name. I will just note that the general approach to this type of dysphoria is to help people realize that their perception of themselves is not aligned with reality and to encourage them to discard that un-aligned perception in favor of reality.
Why do we not take the same approach with other types of dysphoria?
Truly disgusting 4 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
False accusations should be punishable with jail time and the dude should absolutely sue their asses.
Sears could make a comeback 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
The legendary "Craftsman House"
Painting over a painting 8 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
and now it's even BETTER!
Robin Williams Pocahontas 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Oops. You are correct, sir.
Robin Williams Pocahontas 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
In the US, for reasons few probably know, we often should Geronimo! when jumping for any significant height. Geronimo was the name of a relatively famous (though for what, I don't know) Native American in the 1800's. Likewise, Pocahontas was a famous Native American woman who served as a guide for the Lewis & Clark expedition to map the American northwest in the early 1800's. The other two words in the meme are actually names of Native American tribes, not individuals, so it breaks down a little there, but there's still a connection.
Robin Williams Pocahontas 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Doesn't quite work for me. Two of those are names of individual native americans and the other 2 are names of NA tribes. It really should be all individual names, but there probably aren't enough native americans that are widely enough known to pull this off. Geronimo, Crazy Horse, ???, Pocahontas.
I would torrent that reboot 3 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
"They have the same names as us!"
Kind architecture 7 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
If they have homes, then are they still homeless?
Kinda backfired 1 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Not to be a pedant, but Pilate really didn't care one way or another. He only sacrificed Jesus because he wanted the people and the Jewish leaders to like him, or at least not go into open revolt. It was entirely a political decision on his part that had nothing to do with Jesus' popularity.
3.5 grams, good grief 6 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
I can't quite make out the volumes, but the directions on the bottle suggest that this was a syrup for making your own soda. Directions tell you to dilute 1 ounce of this stuff with 7 (?) ounces of something else.
English is dumb 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Considering how much of English is borrowed from other languages, it really shouldn't surprise anyone. It's not we who are the problem. It's all the rest of y'all. Now get it together!
16 Vicars riding into oblivion 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Do these guys not have "civilian" clothes? They have to wear their robes and such even in this kind of situation? Interesting.
This meme will offend someone 21 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Agreed. It's one thing to be offended. It's a whole other thing to throw a hissy fit and demand everyone else cater to your demands so it doesn't happen again. That is the very definition of childishness and should not be tolerated.
Smart or mean ? 5 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
If it actually works, then technically is it still a toy?
Ha cha cha 2 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Puttin' on the Ritz!
Chinese Ginkgo Tree 10 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Hope it's not a female of the species. The berries from those things smell super nasty.
Sounds like somebody needs some civil disobedience 12 comments
snardo · 3 years ago
Right, so as long as you're not associated with a campaign, you can give out water all day long. Dems are telling all kinds of lies about the new Georgia law and they get away with it because the media backs them up. Sad.