

— Sortiack Report User
Dose of goodness: This South African doctor 21 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
My brother and sister were the same. They were born three months early and they had to stay in the hospital for something like two months before they were allowed to leave. My brother stopped breathing multiple times, and my sister had heart problems.
Cam here for the Taco 4 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
How did he eat 12 tacos in nine minutes???
Word play 9 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
I don't know if I love this or hate this
Unbelievable Batman Sand Sculpture in Parksville, British Columbia 2 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
I go there every summer and theres always a contest. There are insane sculptures every single year. They're massive and take days to build. There have been entire dragons made, it's incredible. If you're in the area in around July I highly recommend going.
I can't take this seriously 2 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
Is that a plumbus?
Prehistoric child's toy . Jumping antelope spinning disk 3 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
Prehistoric Fidget Spinner?
Family names 3 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
I think my future wife would have it pretty easy considering my last name is Day.
Same here 6 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
I mean he is taller than that door
What a d*ck move 11 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
But is it a MUST watch?
Have a great week 16 comments
sortiack · 6 years ago
Trump is president
Just wholesome pics 8 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
I think its meant to be a video, where instead of fighting they hug each other
People care about you 8 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
Nah, He gets norbert to cook them for him
Accurate 4 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
Except he isn't leaning with his shot
Phineas and Ferb ! 14 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
"Doofenshmirtz house in the suburbs"
Phineas and Ferb ! 14 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
*doofenshmirtz evil incorporated* You sang that to yourself, didn't you?
I'm not even halfway through high school but I want things to change 20 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
Well yeah. Of course people play video games because Video games are cooler. Thats also why people watch movies, read books, watch a TV show. Because whats happening in that thing is better than the majorities of people lives, more intense, awesome and badass than anyone's life, or just more entertaining. Thats why it's called entertainment. Because it's more entertaining than our regular lives. And I think the structure of classes need to change. We should still sometimes buckle down and do the work, but thats not all you do in reality. You should have discussions, debates, present to one another, have projects, stuff like that. I feel like the way something is taught will make a class either better or worse. Depending on my teacher I either hated or loved Science. We learned similar stuff, but one class was boring, all we did was take notes, and the other was fun, we had discussions, played kahoots, and we did take notes, it wasn't the same thing over and over again.
I'm not even halfway through high school but I want things to change 20 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
The thing is History, Science, math can all be helpful. I'm not saying they will be helpful for everyone, but what about the people who don't know what they want to do? What if someone doesn't know if they want to be an actor or an engineer? They need to learn both of those things in school, so they can choose one of them. If everyone only learns the basics of everything at your school, no one will get into college, and get a further education. I agree that school shouldn't just be siting down for 6-8 hours writing notes, it should be engaging, but somethings you need to sit down and write those notes, because you're going to have to be in meetings all day at some point in your life. I don't enjoy that. I don't necessarily want to take a three hour exam at the end of my grade 12 year, and I don't think that exam should count for 80% of my grade, but I do think sometimes everyone needs sit down get out their notebook and take notes for an hour, because things like that do help you learn
Visiting Dad at work 5 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
Toronto Maple Leafs FTW!
Ducking cute! 14 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
They shit everywhere. Canadian geese are actually horrible. They smell bad, are loud and shit everywhere and anywhere. And it's illegal to hunt them so their numbers just increase every year. The place my grandma lives got special permission to cull them because of how awful they were and were negatively affecting the beach and park.
No more protection 3 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
It does. It has a depth sensor thing. So you'd need a 3D model of their face to open it, and your eyes have to be open for the facial recognition to work.
Watch your weight 19 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
I'm 15 though and play lots of sports, so when I'm older I'll probably be over 200 pounds and still be at a healthy weight though. So that's why I'm 155 pounds.
Watch your weight 19 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
You must be skinny as fuck then. I'm 6'2" and pretty skinny, but 155 pounds
Zero Foxtrot 3 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
This is the same squad. The first picture is before drinking, the second is the morning after where they're hungover as fuck and too lazy to put on actual clothes.
Your patients can really surprise you 10 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
May I ask what he did?
You can't spell Harassment without Ass and Men 9 comments
sortiack · 7 years ago
and hat in what.