

— spursandniners Report User
Legends will know 7 comments
spursandniners · 5 years ago
Should’ve put the BRAZZERS logo.
Can't have my hands in my pockets 35 comments
spursandniners · 5 years ago
No headphones, or radio/speakers, as they are too dirty for the kitchen area. Yet there’s a computer that we all use, the contains a KEYBOARD. The DIRTIEST surface in the WORLD.
Sausages crying for their lives 3 comments
spursandniners · 5 years ago
Two sausages are thrown into a skillet. The 1st sausage turns to the 2nd and says “Man, it’s getting HOT in here”
2nd sausage yells “. OH MY GOD, A TALKING SAUSAGE!!!”
My speciality 15 comments
spursandniners · 5 years ago
Or when you live in Austin, Texas.
Man becomes female cycling champion 6 comments
spursandniners · 5 years ago
HE “Identifies” as the female cycling Champion.
My kind of pharmacy 3 comments
spursandniners · 6 years ago
Must be in Chicago.
Guard put this frozen fox to warn people on the lake 11 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Is it gonna make it?
For those saying only one of them works, life, uh...Finds a way 15 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Pregnant men? Yeah I've seen the movie "Junior"
Die doing what you love 1 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
He died doing what he loved, getting shot.
Little swimmers 5 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Dabbing is good 4 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Since you don't really "Destroy" bacteria, they should have put "DEFLECT"
Geevjo 126 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Don't assume its gender! 12 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Transgender bell pepper.
Kitty cafe in japan 4 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
That's a slaughterhouse. Dinner is gonna be a little late.
Karma 26 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Killed 1,(on accident) kicked 18 tossed 2 into pools, thrown 1.
Been scratched 2 times I THINK IM WINNING.
The rock (1.96 m) looks pretty small compared with basketball player Sun Ming Ming (2.36m) 9 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
In feet and inches please, as I'm 'Merican.
That's a lot of Adderall 4 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
EVERYTIME I see this pic, I can't help but think the candy was stacked correctly as in the right photo then this Douchenozzle just scrambles it up and wants us to think he fixed it.
Fun in the snow 8 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Some "Eiffel Tower" action!
Perfect tick 8 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Memes predicted google's fall 17 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
It wasn't loading for me a couple days ago, was on yahoo.com for 1 minute and gave up. 15 minutes later it was fine.
Rare white lobster caught out of Stonington, ME 14 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Maybe he won Super Bowl tickets for life?
That's a lot of toothpaste holy shit 6 comments
spursandniners · 7 years ago
Me, the morning of my dentist visit.
I've seen these people at the Wal Mart 2 comments
spursandniners · 8 years ago
"I'm gonna go heat up a bagel and have sex with it."
deep thoughts time 3 comments
spursandniners · 8 years ago
I call em "QUITERS"