

— Stable_Genius Report User
humble 4 comments
stable_genius · 2 years ago
natural selection tbh 4 comments
stable_genius · 2 years ago
This didn’t age well.
Good guy Jim 5 comments
stable_genius · 2 years ago
It was a strategic move for him not to. He and Pam are beloved characters in the series. If his character cheated, I think people’s negative opinion would’ve extended to John himself. People have a hard time keeping fiction and realty separate.
When enemies goals align .. 7 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
What an absolutely stupid thing to say.
Difference between supporting something, and thinking everyone should be forced to comply 11 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
I’m liberal, and I generally agree with this post, but the context is everything. I think mandating masks and vaccinations isn’t an infringement on “personal rights” because someone’s decision to not wear a mask or get vaccinated can and does have adverse effects on others. It’s like second hand smoking, where a smoker’s actions adversely affect me and those in the community. But read it from a stance on abortion. I might be pro-life but wouldn’t agree with legislation to prohibit women from getting abortions, even though I don’t personally agree with it, because that’s their protected right to do so. Or not do so.
The crux of it all is this: your rights end where they infringe upon mine, and visa versa.
If only I can see him 5 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
It’s called an anechoic chamber. Apparently if you stay in one long enough, you’ll be able to hear your body make noises and hear your blood pumping. Isn’t the record for staying in one only like an hour or so because it’s so maddening?
Empty nester 1 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Alone in a loafer
Damn figs 6 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
If you like eating figs, then I have to warn you not to look up anything about how they’re pollinated. You might not want to eat them after that.
Damn figs 6 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
If you like eating figs, then I have to warn you not to look up anything about how they’re pollinated. You might not want to eat them after that.
Italians be like: 1 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
As an Italian, I can confirm this stereotype is definitely true. ????????????
Thank you ;( 2 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Is it your birthday?
I too am extraordinarily humble 4 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
There’s a whole world beyond your mother’s basement just waiting for you to explore.
I too am extraordinarily humble 4 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
“No need to thank me”
not? 11 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Bottom left is a fox
The trumpet, which is a sort of loud pretzel 4 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
What is this from? I want to read more!
How bees see flowers 4 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
This is awesome!
Stupid questions 8 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Ricky, Lucy, Fred and Ethel
Those guys are so cool 39 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Suineg elbats
This aged well has aged well 2 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
It’s grate!
So the limit is 4799 11 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
Internet says terminal velocity of a squirrel is 46 feet per sec. And this question was specifically asked and calculated the be 6 days.
· Edited 3 years ago
Crayons 6 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
The Americrayon. Missed marketing opportunity.
Just checking 2 comments
stable_genius · 3 years ago
When you fall asleep, your heart rate and breathing slow down a bit, and this sensation of falling happens when your heart rate and breathing slow too rapidly. Your body thinks it’s dying so your brain jolts you awake/alive.