


— tara Report User
Perfect timing, three-headed stag 5 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
Oh wow haha thanks for pointing that out!
it kinda makes me uncomfartable 10 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
But it's a well known fact that Thomas Sangster stopped ageing at around 12 so does it really count?
XD 15 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
I don't know why but I kept pulling my finger away even though I knew it wasn't hurting him, no matter how many times I did it.
True friendship = working together 12 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
Of course I would shoot them, I would shoot anyone for money as long as I knew that it wouldn't kill them and that they would be better in the end.
Well that escalated quickly 8 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
I remember that one!
Sass level: over 9000. 3 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
I had the same sort of answer when I was little:
*grandad* so, when will you be four?
*me* when I'm finished being three.
The first line of code ever written by a U.S. President was moveForward(100); 6 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
I used that website in my IT classes!
I decided to give it a try 92 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
Oh my goodness that author's father was my English teacher in yr 8
Dumblr 17 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
That iPod one had me in bits!
A Caffeinated Christmas Miracle 7 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
I burst into tears too!
Road Rage in Canada 5 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
This is... this is amazing!
Deep thought 2 12 comments
t3b · 9 years ago
Honestly I like this post for the pictures in the background... my favourite storybook as a child :)
Australia's not all that bad 41 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
You know you could've just gone with a koala, or a possum or a bandicoot or a quoll or a bettong or a wallaby...
There is much lower percentage of people with phobias of those.
Just saying.
We all have goals in life 10 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
I wonder what bra size he wears...
This is kinda depressing 14 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
I don't understand... is it different in other countries? 'Cos in Australia, schools are actually helping people become their own person, not turn us all into perfect copies of an ideal citizen. I see a lot of stuff about this, about fighting against the teachers and going against the rules that apparently hold us down, but I don't see the problem... explain?
Google doesn't get enough credit 2 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
If you search it now, it comes up with all these memes and a reddit link, then the actual result shown here
Orphans 6 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
"Why anyone would want to be an orphan I would never know..."
If you know what I'm quoting, be my friend.
Well... Shit 94 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
The Lovely Bones, oh I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying it. It's good.
Well... Shit 94 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
Sophie couldn't get over the smell of the place.
Obviously my love life is doing well.
We all know why 11 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
My french teacher walked out of class the other day... trust me it's not as fun as you think.
Toilets on British trains 9 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
But I can still chuck my jury duty notice down there, right?
The bearded vulture looks like a modern day dinosaur 19 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
Or Vyvyan from "the young ones"
Dystopian propaganda 4 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
"... to be repeated one hundred and twenty times, three times a week, for thirty months..."
- Brave New World
Mirror 12 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
oh wow. sounds both cool and terrifying.... thanks for the link! :)
Mirror 12 comments
t3b · 10 years ago
Can someone please put me in a giant box full of mirrors?!