

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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Snail teeth 3 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Not drunk enough 1 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I would also be afraid of goin to jail.
Eeww 24 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@scatmandingo. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Planthopper nymphs look straight out of a fairy tail 4 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Oh shit they are alive? Damn I’ve never seen one in person or in a video. Just in pics. I’m glad I found out they are alive cause my dumbass would either just break the branch they are on or worse I’d scoop them up in my hand. Either way when I would find out they are alive I’d probably kill them all out of fear. But now I know they are alive I’m not gonna mess with them. Or if I do it will be only a couple at a time. I’m glad ya posted this. I learned something today!
Just checking...Lol 6 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@sephoria223. I saw you post where you emailed bootyeater an I really didn’t get the post. Now I understand it an have been giggling for the last half hour like a little kid. Did they ever respond to you email? If so what did they say?
This is easy 18 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
You have a brilliant mind!!!
#adultgoals 1 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Or donate blood first then go straight to the bar. Boom ya get to feel good an drunk with less drinks, which means ya don’t spend as much as ya normally do, and ya also feel good about maybe saving someone’s life with the blood ya just donated. Oh an make sure ya have a DD, cause ya don’t need a DUI or kill somebody cause ya was a dipshit that drank an drove.
· Edited 6 years ago
Haha ew 14 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
No drip semen collection tray is what made me go EEWWWWWW!! Everything else had me thinking about checking prices online.
Graceful fail 2 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Wonder why she took a swing at the other girl an if this is just a joke they planned out or they were really fighting?
· Edited 6 years ago
I don't need your help 11 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
That’s deff gonna cause some internal bleeding for sure. Also throw in some cracked/ broken bones as well. Poor kitty. Hope it was found by someone an they took it to the vet.
Boat with suspension 1 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Huh neat!! I’d like to go for a ride on one just to see how it really does in crappy water.
How clouds are made! 1 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Hehehehehe!! HELL YEAH!!!!
Yuuuuuup! Mine will make you wither in fear & depression 11 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Tisk, tisk, tisk what a shame! Them fuckers loss then. Maybe in the future they too will find the ways of pure ecstasy from doing the Purple nurple/ fart asphyxiation combo on yourself. So until they come begging you to teach them the ways, just keep on keeping on. They will learn. Even if it’s the hard long way.
Very sad 22 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
AMEN BROTHER AMEN!! I’m about to go through the big D an I’m hoping the ex will hold up her end of a deal we made where we both will have equal custody, but our daughter lives with her an I can get her when I want to. Cause MS is a very woman have full custody while man pay for support kind of state. So my fingers, toes, arms, legs an hell even eyes are crossed that she don’t pull a fast one an try to fight me in court.
Anon has a revelation 5 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I do know that they FART an if they want to will blow you out the bed with one. My Ex and daughter both have unleashed some that made me blackout due to lack of oxygen.
The look on his eyes . 7 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I can’t really tell if the mom, who’s a milf, is actually happy that she gets to shop for dresses now or is just going along with it, until he/she/ shim decides to move out.
Breaking sad 15 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@pokethebear! I got your six my friend. You an @yimmye got the green from me. I know you been on here for awhile like me an to this day I still haft to scratch my head cause some of the non offenseive or plane jane stuff people would post would get thumb down. I remember when ya could actually see it go into the negative. But I learned to not worry about what strangers give me when I post or say something. Like my bro LiquidE use to say. Be a duck. A duck don’t give a fu:k about what you do. Just as long as you don’t try to physically hurt it. You can call it every bad name in the world an that SOB will still keep on being a duck. So I’m being a duck an not giving a fu:k!!
Alpaca in the house 2 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Whoa, I’d hate to clean up after that! I’m sure they got the bladder of a horse. An I know you can house train them. But if they were to have an accident due to you not getting them out quick enough. I’m sure it would not be pretty.
You can't win 8 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@poopun you have spoken some very wise words & facts my friend! An now that I’m single again. I’m gonna haft to put this info to use. Thank you!
Very true 16 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@parisqeen, @calvinoot. BWAHAHAHA!!!! Y’all actually blood siblings or y’all just been knowing each other for such a long time that y’all are siblings? Y’all dont haft to answer, if ya think it’s to personal. I’m not trying to pry into yalls personal stuff. I’m just curious.
Oh no 9 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
That be he! Thank you good sir for the info!
I feel somehow violated 3 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Anybody know what that round silver thing is on top, or the right side of ya wanna get technical, of the phone is? I’m just curious that’s all. I’m thinking it’s part of the holder but I could be wrong.
· Edited 6 years ago
Test your kids quarterly 12 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I heard some 6 year olds say way harsher stuff. Use to work in the ghetto, an the thugs would teach their little bros, sisters & cousins stuff to say to any police or anybody that they didn’t like. An I’m talking about stuff that would make a sailor blush. Had one 7yr tell me he was gonna “fu:k the shit outta my wife’s ass an make her swallow his nut. Then pass her off to his homies” when I told him I was gonna bring him to jail he said I wasn’t gonna do shit. He knew he juvie would not to take him on a profanity charge. His older brother, who was a crip, was teaching him what he could & couldn’t do. His bro would send him into the gas stations to shoplift stuff they wanted cause they knew the juvie wouldn’t take him cause of his age an it being over crowded. When I asked the little shit where he learned that language, I was hoping he would say his bro, so I could get him for child abuse. Little shit said he wasn’t gonna snitch on anybody.
Test your kids quarterly 12 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
@purplepumpkin WOOT!!! Major props to your 4yo self for saving your grandmothers life. Awesome to know you actually remembered what your parents taught ya, an then used that info to save a love ones life.
Oh no 9 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Prob got a money shot or two in it. He is some porn star. I don’t remember his name right now but I read an article he did about the porn industry, couple weeks ago.