

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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Eat shit and die 8 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
EXCUSE ME <sir or ma’am>!!!!!
Contributing nothing 17 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Ok old fart here. What’s the E an the F for?
It's called kissing 1 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
It’s called FACE BATTLE. So next time go to the one you love an say you challenge them to a FACE. BATTLE!!! Then proceeded to annihilate them with your awesome battle moves!!
Life is like a game of Chess 4 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Good movie/ show. I think it’s called “Exit through the gift shop”. It’s about the dude ya see in the pics. He is some French dude that made friends with Banksy by lieing to him by saying he was also a street artist. He was one of the very few who actually met an videoed Banksy. But then it was leaked that he was a fraud an cause B to go even more into hiding. Y’all should check it out. It’s actually worth watching.
Siri is a wingman 2 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Took me a min to realize what she meant. I guess Siri is just pulling the trigger for her to get the ball rolling an for her to stop bitching an complaining to her about how he never calls or text her. So Siri just said “screw-it!!”. I’m sending him a text to get up on it.
Quest: Defeat the Sauce Boss 17 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
DAAAAAAMMMMNNNNNN!!! Parisqeen is testy!
No heroine for me 11 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Ya can “rail it” aka snort it. Ya can “boost it” aka inject it. Ya can “chase the dragons tail” an of course never catch it aka smoke it. Oh an ya can “parashoot” it aka wrap it in toliet paper. Swallow it an then when it hits your belly. The paper dissolves an releases the package. An I’ve heard of other ways. The ones I listed are just the main ones. Injection being number one. Ya get “high” a lot faster and stronger.
Quest: Defeat the Sauce Boss 17 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I’d prob eat him thinking he was a chocolate covered marshmallow.
Toby 20 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Ahhhh sorry. Was in the middle of being attacked by my kids an miss read what ya wrote.
Toby 20 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
That’s understandable. But from what the article is sayin they just didn’t want the cat so they tried to give it away an it kept coming back. So they said fuck let’s just kill it. That’s totally fucked up.
Drinking human urine 6 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Well shit. As long as it stays .99 I guess I can live with that.
Archer cosplay at NYCC 8 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
He looks like a cross between Woodhouse an Archer.
I think about that anytime I’m driving or doing something dangerous. 7 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Awesome ya have friends to help you out. An if ya need any help ya can always call on us to help ya
Toby 20 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Hell yeah as they should. If ya don’t want a pet give it to someone who does. Not kill it. That’s just some major BULLSHIT!!
I do this all the time taking tests & at work! 18 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
WOW!! That’s crazy! I’ve only heard of people doing that bad is when they had dementia.
((Dog-like panting)) 5 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Yeah good luck if that thing poops an pees in your car. The smell an stanes will be a bitch to get out of the seats.
How to end up with a Cat 5 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
HURRAY!!! Yay for both!!!
Toby 20 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Please tell me the shelter didn’t do it. I hope not. I’d gladly give the little fella a home. An I don’t really like cats.
10 · Edited 6 years ago
Some hero's don't wear capes! 4 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Shit she would smack them an make them her bitch. They wish they could handle someone like her.
Holycow!! That’s some crazy stuff right there!! 3 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
YaY!!!! I feel better knowing that!
Little Birb lost all her feathers, but she no longer minds 3 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Hahaha she’s just a naked chicken wing running around. I’m glad she found a caring home that is willing to take time for her needs.
Kid murders The Cramberries on ukulele 4 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
I actually was able to sing the song in my head, in my head, as he/she was playing it. Awesome job
I bless the gains down in Africa 6 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Hahahaha!! I think you are on to something!
1 · Edited 6 years ago
DIY halloween decoration.. 5 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Well it looks like they took care of the problem, in a very awesome way.