

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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he's born without ears.. now he got new ones :3 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Is it wrong to think it’s still very cute, an would love to own one?
Don’t play with his name 9 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ummmmm....... WHAT?!?!?
Maybe maybe maybe 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
But I still think 400,000 is to much. I see your point. An you are correct. But when ya have skill you can take the surrounding into play. Yes you do have the shit that pops up unexpectedly. Like wind or an animal. But a lot of the job is dude to time an with time equals skills.
· Edited 5 years ago
Maybe maybe maybe 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ya think 400,000 tones of luck. Maybe 200,000. But not 400,000. The dude obviously knew what he was doin other wise he would not have split the buildings.
Not mime 6 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
This is what happens when lava goes underwater 2 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That is some scary lookin stuff going on down there!
It haunts me 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
WOOOOT!!! So we got a pro to teach us!!! Hell yeah!!! When do you give out the spandex?
Ahhhhhhhh..... the “joys” of being a parent! 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hahaha. Your welcome! My kid is my demon seed an my soon the be ex wife was called the warden while we were together.
I'm not sorry 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Up ya got that right!
It haunts me 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Damn that sucks. Maybe ol @dash224 can have a class an teach us all to do one.
Not mime 6 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Yeah I’d most likely impregnate her cause I wouldn’t be able to hold it back.
It haunts me 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
We’ll train him instead of just sayin it’s not that hard. The dude clearly don’t know how to do one, so he is depressed about it.
I'm not sorry 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I get the joke, I really do. But come on. You should know better than to post this as sayin WD40 is what they should use. When clearly they should be using white lithium grease or silicone or hell even PB Blaster. Not WD40.
Maybe maybe maybe 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Now THAT is some major skills right there!!
Ahhhhhhhh..... the “joys” of being a parent! 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Oh yeah for sure. I’d never trade my demon seed for anything.
Oh yeah WE deff know this! 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
No I have never tried an ice bath. But if I did mine prob go up behind my eyes.
· Edited 5 years ago
Don’t normally post awwwww stuff but this made me go AWWWWWW..... 2 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
LMFAO!!! Beautiful just beautiful masterpiece you wrote there!!
This is the Moses Bridge in the Netherlands 6 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That is actually really cool lookin. I know if I ever get a chance to go over there I’d love to see it in person.
Bounce 9 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I stood at attention and saluted that beautiful voluptuous flag. God bless America!!
"Not everything on the internet is true" - Winston Churchill, 2013 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I think he stole that quote from Lincoln. I could be wrong.
You never know where your food has been 31 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I do know you can be infected with chlamydia and not know ya have it. I had a buddy have it an only knew when he an his current girl went an got tested so they could get married. Well luckily his wife to be was a virgin. So he knew he did t get it from her. But his last hook up was about 1-1.5yrs before the test. He never showed any signs that he had it. But it wasn’t something fun to explain to your new wife to be that ya had an STD that ya could have given her on her wedding night.
They met in Paris on top of the Eiffel 4 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Her lips are nothing to be trifled, cause they so good it will make you read the Bible, cause you will think you found god,.
You never know where your food has been 31 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Yes. That’s it. I heard that you can get it from just a scratch, not to sure about that but I really don’t know, or small bite, this is can see happening,. That’s some scary shit.
You never know where your food has been 31 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
Yeah I forgot about that. Them little fuckers carry some type of STD. Don’t remember which one though.
Baby raccoons 5 comments
t__v__t · 6 years ago
That’s what I was gonna say. Don’t mess with unless ya want your face scratched and bitten off by an angry momma coon.