

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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"It's just one straw, it's just one disposable cup, it's just one 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That shit just hit hard....... cause nobody ever thinks of the “others” only of themselves when doing shit like this. I’m just as guilty of it!
To an earlier post about Jellyfish patties. (May be gross) 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
But are you willing to try it?
Interesting sport 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Yup an to not loose yo BALLS!!!
· Edited 5 years ago
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’m gonna try an keep fighting them as long as I can. But you just need to know if you need an ear or shoulder just holla an I’ll do what I can. I would give ya my email but don’t know how without making it public. I get enough spam from sites selling my info to junk places.
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well coming from a military/law enforcement background an hearing someone say they got my six/back means a lot. When it’s said it’s a big task to be taking ownership to. I very rarely except someone who says that, cause a lot of people talk shit an say it cause it’s cool like the movies. For some reason I felt comfortable when I read that, an feel that ya mean it. So thank you very much. An I got your six. I’m not gonna make you regret saying it. I try to tell myself that I do deserve to be happy. I of course get happy by making others happy but I get to caught up in doing that, that I don’t focus on making sure I try to make myself happy. The stuff was/is bad/ painful things that happened. It’s hard to let go of things you wish you could of done...... different. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you into my Abyss of my life. But yeah I got a lot of demons I’m trying to take care of before they take care of me. Stuff I really don’t wanna make public.
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I guess you can say I’m kinda like you in the way that when unusual things happen to me. I tend to see them as a little bit more special than the “normal” people do. I’m the one who will “dwell” on a flower that bloomed through a crack in the sidewalk, where others will go huh an then either step over or on the flower. Where I’ll actually take a pic an send it to others hoping to spread the cheer it has given me to others. As for getting into my rut. I’m letting A LOT of stuff that I can not change get to me. An it’s eating away at me. Stuff I know I should let go or accept but not doing either of that. Thus forming a dangerous rut that is gonna quite possibly be the end of me if I don’t snap out of it. So everyday that I crack open an eye, I accept it as a day to send that flower pic to others, an hope I make someone’s day better than mine!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
It's funny though 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@mrscollector. See that’s what makes you an awesome catch!! You are willing to participate in your husbands “hobby”. He is doing something that is a bit different but it’s not hurting anybody, so why not help him out with something that makes him happy. An in the end y’all both will be happy cause he is seeing he has an awesome better half and you knowing he is not going anywhere cause nobody else is gonna wanna deal with his “hobby”! An the line about nobody wanting him is a joke. So I’m not being a dick saying nobody gonna want him cause he is weird in a bad way.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Duly noted. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t say the wrong thing, so I threw them both out there. I’m happy to know your bubble is interesting. That can mean its not boaring or in a rut. Mine is kinda both of them right now. Sucks but I put myself in that position so I can’t complain. But other than that, I still haven’t woke up dead yet. So I guess that means I still have some sort of purpose on this blue marble.
Tourism in Britain 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I always have trouble with advertisements from the UK. An not that it’s bad but if they actually advertise like this or if this is fake. Cause I know over there they get to say an do stuff we would consider a unholy treason to life itself. I wish we would get the stick out of our butts an relax like the UK does on language an certain acts on the air, t.v. or billboards.
Order and law 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ooohhhh here we go with the white on black crime!!
Meatball with a face 1 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well shit the meatball done got freakin hair all over it. I would throw it away but it licked my face an wants me to rub its belly, didn’t know meatballs had belly’s, so now I think I’m gonna keep it, an name it roofis!
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
RIGHT!! I’d get confused with another type of vehicle an think it’s the turn signal or wipers. So instead of spraying the windows I’m spraying the ground with tranny guts, “I know that wouldn’t likely happen. But it’s still a scary thought”. An how are you doing today Mrs/Miss Aviva? Hope all is good in your bubble!
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hell im tryin to find the shifter for the Mercedes. That one is a real mind fuck. It’s on the steering column like a turn signal lever. An you gotta do all kinds of weird shit to get it into “park” which it reall don’t have. It’s kinda an auto feature that when you stop an shut it off it just goes into park. You don’t “shift” it into park.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
This is the shifter for the new Chevy Terrain. The crap they are coming out with! SMH!! 19 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
At least you can “ choose” to go into 1st gear if you want. But still a shitty design. An that’s just my opinion. Someone out there may love this. An so be it. I’m not gonna hate. I just like the column or floor shifters for automatic trans or I’ll take the good ol stick shift just about any day!!
Worst gear shift 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That’s awesome you got your cousins sending you music. That way you are not really funneled into one type of music. I started to just click on different videos on YT that I’d normally wouldn’t even take a second look at. An I’ve found there’s a crap load of artists that are not necessarily main stream as they are not what’s “hot” right now but they are awesomely badass in their own world of that type of music. An I’m just now finding them. I feel like I’ve lived under a rock for my whole life
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
WOOOOT!!!! HECK YEAH!!!! Congrats!! You deserve it!!
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva. Who do you like to listen to, to help you escape reality for a bit?
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
How I thought being an adult would be sooo much better.
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Yuuuup!! You said it!! I take it all back!!
I can feel your pain little dude! 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’ve actually put people to sleep with them. Weather they were just that tired or I had a little magic in my fingers to knock them out, in a good way. Not like I rubbed their temples an hit a nerve knocking them out. At least I hope not., but so far so good I haven’t had any complaints. An my phone is becoming my SO too. An my music is my way to escape reality for a bit. At least until I gotta come back an go to work an pay the bills. Damnit!!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Eww icky 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ummmm...... yeah I believe ya. But I was just stating that if you do CPR an crack or bruise a rib you could be liable for it an be sued. Cause from what I heard they are trying to do away with the Good Samaritan Act that would cover you from such bullshit law suits.
Tea at my place? Bring your mustache 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ohhhh didn’t know that. Well now I do, an feel sophisticated. Why thank you @f_kyeahhamburg.
She's a witch 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hey Hey I was there. I was the dry eraser and everybody did loose their shit cause the universe did align for her. I mean people were being either turned into dust, like in Infinity war cause of the stars coming so close or were sucked into the abyss cause of the Blackhole that formed. I almost didn’t get out of there alive myself. I got lucky and jumped on to her broom as she took off. It was total terror. But it happened like she said ok! OK!!!!
WTF did I read 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
WOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!!! What @scarmandingo said went waaaaaaaay over my head for some reason!! Thank you @celticrose for saving the day!!!