

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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Forget Avengers Endgame, this is the new game 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hers looks like a lighter blue to me. Could be wrong. I’ve been eating sooooo much junk food since this Friday, I’m surprised I haven’t gone into diabetic shock yet, an I’m not even a diabetic,. Some good friends came over to stay the weekend and cheer me up.
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva. Yes just you were there for my dad an tired to help him when you didn’t know him. That shows me that I can trust you an that is very hard for me to do. Hope you have a great day sis!!
Hershey's Chocolate-Like Substance 27 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@shikharizad. Sadly yes. And I had a cousin killed in an auto accident. My dad and Uncle were both war buddies. They both were helping each other with problems. I’ll explain the whole thing when I get the nerves up to do it. Thanks for the push of confidence.
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well ya still look good to me an I’m a 13yro girl, I’m not trying to bait you by no means!!! I just got a raw deal with my family. Actually a very raw deal. But luckily my dad and uncle were both members of FS, my dads online name is what I’m using now, and my Uncles was LiquidE. I wish I had my uncles log info. He was one of the OGs on this site back in the day! Oh well life goes on an on. I’m actually going this time. My lazy butt is not gonna be happy when that alarm goes off. Now Madam I wish you a very peaceful slumber and a very comfortable nights rest!! Very glad my sis has met you! But the warning is still goin!! Night night!!
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
DAMNIT!!! I’m sooooooo soooooooo SOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!! The warning still stands!! An sorry!
Best Aquaman cosplay 2 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Meh I wouldn’t kick it out of bed for eating FISHSTICKS!!
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
And to you good sir!! I like to play keybord warrior from time to time. I also stalked your page, posts and comments. You’re a stand up guy! I can tell you will treat her with respect and such. So even though I don’t think I’m ever gonna use it, just good to know that it’s still there waiting!! Goodnight Mr. Savage!! Holla at ya later sometime!!
I'm probably gonna do it anyway, but I'd love to hear your opinions on this haircolour 33 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
You look like a GODDESS!! Hair all glowing! Bet your olman prob was like all for it when ya first had it done. Now he can’t sleep due to the sunburn he is getting from it! I STILL LOVE IT!!! Wish I could do that to mine one day!!!
When hot water meets -30 degrees 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! As Ol-Heisenberg said “You”re Goddamn right!!!
Hershey's Chocolate-Like Substance 27 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
AWESOME!! Thank you for the info!!! You are another one my dad talked about. First off my name is S. I am logged under my dad account t_v_t because he felt that committing suicide was the only way to get rid of his problems. My Uncle C, known as LiquidE here, died couple of months befoe my dad by doing the same shitty thing!! Back to something positive. My Dad said you are a good person an that I could count on you if I needed a question answered or just about anything else. It’s hard to find people you can trust now! So Mrs. Collector. Can I please call on you if I need to? Hopefully it won’t be anything very personal or perverted. And you can call me if ya need anything. If I can help just holla an I’m there for ya!! I gotta go get ready for bed. I got school in the morning. Good night an hope y’all sleep tight!!
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I was taught to always ask if ya can ask a possible personal question. I don’t know if ya recognize the name I’m logged in as. This is my dads account I’m under. He passed this last October from a self inflicted wound. My Uncle C, known as LiquidE on here passed couple of months before by the same way. Long story. I’ll tell it all soon. I’m still kinda shook from it! I just wanted to say HI! My name is S, my Uncle D don’t want me to put my real name on the web. My dad an Uncle both talked about you an various other FS people. They said you are an awesome artist, a smartASS & into tattoos. That’s freakin AWESOME!! They said you are a great person to holla at if I needed help with something. Is is ok if I call on ya if I need help with something on FS? My big sis, @aviva, helps me but I know she can’t be on here 24/7/365. It’s AWESOME to have more than one person I can call on. An you can too. If I can help then I’m in. Well I’m going to bed. Got school in the morning. Good night!!
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@savage_demmigod. WHOOA WHOOA WHOOA there!! Just wanting to poke my info into yo convo by saying ya can be friends/ best friends but nothing more than that!!! CAPISH!! That’s my big sis an I have been tasked to help keep a watch on her six, to make sure nobody hurts her. I’m new at this so bear with me. I know accidents happen an we all do them. And we move on an learn from them. But if ya intentionally hurt her, I may be young and small but I got ways to help you pick/find a god before you blackout from lack of blood. Soooo anyways I just wanted to throw that little bit of info into the mix. Y’all have fun an make sure she is home at a decent time. I don’t need to be up all night worrying! Good night big sis. Bring a jacket cause it might get cold!! Talk to ya tomorrow sometime!!
Hershey's Chocolate-Like Substance 27 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Do they even sell Hershey’s candy bars over there? I’m too lazy to look it up myself and I’m laying in such a wired ass position that it looks like it should be hurting badly but I’m actually very conferrable. Can only really type with my left hand by holding my phone with it and typing with my thumb. Oh well back to my offer!! So if someone hooks me up either by looking up if they sell Hershey candy bars in Britain or if ya live or know someone who lives there an can tell me the answer!! I’ll get ya back on a lookup another day! Deal???
Hey there, yeah you. Hope you're having a great day because you deserve it and you're epic 47 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hey Miss. Mialinay. Ya think ya maybe might have..... ummmm let’s see how to put this without jinx ya or make it look like I’m a pervert. Soo how bout do ya think ya might have one in the oven cooking? It’s just a guess not trying to jinx ya by NO MEANS!! But I do wanna ask ya a question if I can? It’s nothing personal/ perverted by no means! It’s just a normal question if I can please?
When hot water meets -30 degrees 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Mmmmmm.... ya got it. When the water is heated up it causes the air that’s in the water to bubble up and expand. That’s why ya see little baby bubbles start to form on the bottom and sides of the pot, when ya start boiling water. Well when ya throw it up into subzero weather the water molecules are trying to push the air out of it an thus the hotter water has less as to cool off thus turning it into powder. An ya gotta throw it so the water thins out. If ya just dump it ya will cause a huge mess!
Women should suicide more to fill the gap 37 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I was talking about suicide in general. I lost my dad who was an active member of Funsubstance back in October and my Uncle couple of months before that to suicide. He was also an active member here too, his screen name was LiquidE,. I don’t care who you are, who you think you are, or anything like that. If ya think suicide is the answer I beg that you try an find a different way to ask the question. Cause you just end up passing the pain to someone else. An they too just might think suicide is the answer to their problems.
When hot water meets -30 degrees 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Oooooo 10pts if someone can explain why HOT water will do this an cold will not! I learned about it. Just wanna see if anybody else knows!
Glistening noisy amusing Hedgehog 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
DANGIT!! The lion king circle of life song just got freaking stuck in my head after reading the last of the title!!
Women should suicide more to fill the gap 37 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well maybe English is not their native tongue. So writhing it so people can read what they found is hard for them. An I know the first one all to much!! Lost my Dad and Uncle Chris,LiquidE on here,to it! This goes out to anybody who is thinking that suicide is the only way. Please think about what you will be leaving behind. You also only transfer the pain to someone else. Who in turn might commit suicide too. Do you want them to die cause you put the burden onto their shoulders? I have more questions than answers an I miss them both very much. Life is not the same since they left to soon! Please seek help by any means. You are not a looser or weak for asking for help. You are actually very strong to know you have a problem and need help to get on the right track! PLEASE DONT DO IT!!!! PLEASE!!!
Every. Single. Time 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Helping my Dad work on his race car by holding the light for him.
Dad- S are you able to see what ya need to see with the light?
Me- Yes sir!! I sure can!!
Dad- Well don’t you think ya need to shine it so the one who is fixing the car can see what I’m doing, so not to mess it up!
Me- Ummmmmm........ Yeah I guess that would help!
Dad- Thank you that’s mighty kind of you to do that for your old man!!
Me- Glad I can help!!
It's funny though 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
LMFAO!!! That would have been awesome to see two “adults” an a kid racing towards a kids hoalloween costume an the “adult” dad winning the race an then trying to accept his trophy but getting stuck in the process!
To an earlier post about Jellyfish patties. (May be gross) 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
WOOT!! Now we just gotta find someone who has the good shit. Not the shitty jellyfish, you deserve the top shelf jelly.
Tourism in Britain 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’ve heard them say fuck, shit an various other stuff that would deff not allowed to do over here.
"It's just one straw, it's just one disposable cup, it's just one 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
They say it’s an actual island that you can stand an walk on. Now if that’s true or not I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Cause we’re killing Mother Earth an she is done. She gonna cleanse us from her soon. May not be today maybe not next week. But I’m sure within a 100yrs or so!
To an earlier post about Jellyfish patties. (May be gross) 24 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I will if you will!