

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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To abort or not to abort. Vaccination is the answer 15 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
OOOOOOOOO can I do it?!?!?!? PLEASE!!!!! Just the slapping part! I’ll leave the needle part to @who_cares!
· Edited 5 years ago
My friend got me into this recently. It's beautiful 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
You have an awesome friend!!
A fairy goat? 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Whoah!!!! Ok who took my pic in the future?!?!? Huh anybody gonna stand up an take responsibility?!?! I need to know when you too that pic, so I can at least put lipstick on. Geesh all up takin pics of me in the future an not gonna let me put my war makeup on!!!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
T r u t h 92 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Oooooo @bethorien GIRL you got ya an admirer!!!!! @granlobomalo this is SAWEEEEEET!!!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Obviously 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Whhhaaaatttt????? I like that my sis is happy an gettin her FRISKY ON!!!
Apparently somebody likes to eat shoes 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ohhhh we had to weeeee had to with that little TURD. She only ate the back of the right shoes for some reason! So we use to put them up on the computer desk until a cousin put a pair with lovely dog poop up there an it just so happens fell right into my dads keyboard. Yeah that was a very fun day for everyone!!
To abort or not to abort. Vaccination is the answer 15 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
This should be a common thing when a parent says they don’t want to have their kid(s) get the shots they need!!
This is not dark enough. So didn't post in dark humour 2 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hehehehe!! I know I’m not suppose to laugh but damn that was a set up to a winning play I don’t know what would have been then!!
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ooooo I love that quote!! An I like to consider my pops to be a man who stuck his nose into any and every thing he could. He wasn’t afraid to ask questions. An he taught me how to do the same without coming off as to nosey or pushy. He made sure I asked him at least 20-50 questions a day an if he didn’t know the answer he would make sure to find out an tell me at bedtime. Kinda like a bedtime story but with info instead of ferry tails. I miss him every day that passes. But he also taught me to not dwell on the past but push forward an learn all I can an teach all who are willing to learn. I’m always down for new info and to be asked questions.
IQ 20 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I don’t care if my mate has in IQ of a rock. As long as he/she don’t keep trying to eat their or my booger’s. Sniffs their hand after scratching their, my or a dogs butt. Knows how to put their shoes on the right foot an tie them. Can cook a meal without burning down the house an then feed themselves. An acouple of other small things. I’m good to go. Cause I’m not that smart. An hope the person I fall for is willing to over look that I’m not perfect or have an IQ the same or better than Stephen Hawking. I want them to love me for me an my defects as I will them!!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Obviously 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Even though I’m on a micro weird looking box right now. But I’d rather be out next to a campfire, on a semi chilly night. With a very cute boy who I know is actually into me for more than just a piece. An be on the back of his tailgate all snuggled up to each other. An have some buddy’s an even a Big Sis @aviva with her BOO next to her, giggling like crazy while they can’t keep each other hands an lips off each other. Drinking a cold refreshment an looking at the stars knowing this is just a very great night. Than be behind a tv screen watching others enjoy life on YT!! Life my be the longest thing you do. An ya may not know it but it’s also the FASTEST thing that is happening an it will be over before ya know it. So get out there an ENJOY it while ya can. Even if you are bed stuck there’s ways for you to get out there an DO SOMETHING!! Live your LIFE!! Not dream it!!!
Ich will 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@fiery_fields. Yup my pops, the old fart who introduced me to them, use to “sing” the song all the time with the you hate me. But oh well if this is the worse thing that happens to me today then I’m doin AWESOME! Hope ya have a great day my friend!!
Ich will 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Oh man really?!?!? Wow my friends an I been butchering it for YEARS!!! But thanks for the info so now I can correct them an Jam out the right way!!
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
My pops use to cry when he saw me after not seeing me even for just a week. He said I may not know it but he could tell i had changed from a kid into a beautiful young lady. Of course I say what ever an he would just stare an beg me to promise not to grow up to fast. He said think about it. When was the first time I could really remember when I was younger. I can remember when I was about 2.5-3yrs old. He said now think about it. I basically lived to what I am now an even though it’s been YEARS!! Doesn’t it feel like only a week had gone by an now I’m this age. He said don’t grow up life will make sure of that. Always enjoy the days you crack open your eyes an see the light of day. That means you are alive. Cause one day that day will never come an then what will you do. Wish ya had more time to do what you wanted to do. Or smile an say “Hell that was one HELLA A RIDE” an go knowing you left your mark on this blue marble an not having any regrets!
Ich will 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
2 · Edited 5 years ago
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Your kitty is just one big Fluffball of AWESOMENESS!!!
Ditto is best pokemon don't @ me 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
What you call me?!?!?
See? It IS possible for guests to be cool! :D 1 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
My Uncle D heard me play one of your older posts an got all happy cause he thought I was into GameGrumps. He said something about the older GameGrumps were better than the new ones. Some dude name JohnJon, JonJon, DonJon, Johntron or TronJon or something like that was or is the OG of the Game Grumps. He said they were awesome together but had a falling out an split. I watched some of the ones with the Jon dude an he was funny but kinda in an ignoring kinda way. I did laugh when they played Kirby.
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That is so darn adorable!!!! I wish I could have a kitty but my puppy an my Uncle D are both allergic to kitty’s. Both old farts are keeping me from gettin a kitty. But both old farts have an will always be there for me so I can’t complain! I love my OldFarts!!
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Weeeellllll might be a very small chance of that. But it’s so small that I won’t tell if you won’t!! What’s the kitty’s name?
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well I didn’t mean it as that I was just tryin to say they do it to make themselves feel better
Ditto is best pokemon don't @ me 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@calvinoot!! Tell me not to do what I wanna do. I’ll show you @calvinoot!! BOOM TWO TIMES!
@aviva asked so I deliver :P 18 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ya think ya can deliver me a Barrett M82 .50cal? Pretty please!!!
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Fair enough. Sounds like you know what you expect from yourself an I’m glad. So people change to make themselves happy, sex change, stomach staples to make themselves thinner, an then there’s the ones who don’t know what they want an change cause they think society knows what’s good for them. An they then get all jacked up doing surgery’s they don’t need to be doing an thus mutating their body til it’s unrecognizable