

The Unbannable

— ThugLife2Win Report User
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Any woman would accept 15 g's for a date, even I would. If they're 18, hmu lmao I'll take them both for 30k
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Hmm, I'm gonna be paying that much either way in the long run, is she a qt 3.14?
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
I have money, but you're down right hustling me lol I will not stand for this
My bestie and I traveled back from the future 3 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Yes, that hair color is so dope
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
What a business woman you are lmao
Boi he gona do it! 3 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Wassup my shiny, we out here doin bad shit shiny
Well-groomed tender chilly Hawk 5 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Hmm, I wonder what else she's good at
I'm just a regular everyday normal motherf*cker 6 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Nothin special bout you motha fucka
Oof 13 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Here's another
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
It gave me a good laugh lol and @aviva I guess I'll take whatever buns you have lmao
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
@aviva I'm still "after them buns" lmfao
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Lmao I fuckin love this. But I'm going to politely decline and end this game of charades on my end. I'm purely heterosexual and to all those wondering, no, I do not think being gay is a sin. Since there are some dense ass mfs out there that actually took me seriously. Have a good day, all
Oof 13 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Here, have an upvote
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
/b/ro the average sales lead in the US and Canada makes roughly 40k a year, by the numbers you gave me, you were claiming to make 6 figures. Which is completely false. No sales lead makes over 100k in a salary position. Not even ones selling medical equipment in bulk to government facilities. Seriously I have better things to do than sit here and listen to you lie out your ass lol if you took basic economics which you'd have to take in order to even get into sales you'd know that. Gg tho, I'll let you win since it's clearly so important to you haha and @sunflowers I'm not a homophobe lmao he stalked a convo I had on a different post and just used it to justify his anger, if he actually read it in full, he would have seen I was messing around with a member of LGBT who knew I wasn't serious at all.
Nobody uses the word faggot unless they're mad, and as you can tell, he is clearly mad. But I'm sure he'll keep commenting, I'm sorry for antagonizing this specimen and I'll end it here.
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
I'm assuming you're a "sales lead" if you even do have an actual job lol and I'm sorry to inform you only an idiot would believe anything you're saying lol if that's indeed what you do, you're making 40k at best a year, nice try. This "faggot" is done here hahaha, have fun earning "6 figures" being a sales lead crumb. Lmao
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Don't be a pussy
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
I highly doubt you do anything of the sort, I'm sure that's what your dad does if he's even in your life judging by the angry comebacks you choose to dish out lol "now you're just a loser I'm picking on" hahaha you clearly do nothing that you say you do and it shows through your anger. If you were making anywhere near that amount, someone of your caliber wouldn't even be bothering with me or the mindless use of the word faggot like a 16 year old prepubescent boy. "We're moving to the company to Panama to avoid tax" a job that pays as much as you say is clearly not entry level and that would mean you're not young like you've stated earlier. So quit portraying yourself as this high end business man when you're clearly just a crumb trying to win an argument over the internet. What's the company name? How long did you go to school to get this job? How much tuition did it cost? Judging by the math, you're making 6 figures? Highly unlikely yet again. Yawnnn*
Oof 13 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
That was actually half Palpatine and half Vader. I love that all you have left is calling me a faggot lol
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
It's okay though, I understand the position you're in, I too use to be a useless crumb such as yourself, as long as you set your mind to it, anything is possible but since you're clearly the only "beta" /b/ro here and can only come up with calling me a "faggot" I can tell that you're nowhere near being an actual useful asset lol
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
You never said anything about owning anything, you just said Vancouver has the 3rd most expensive real estate which doesn't prove anything other than that the cost of living is much greater than in the US but I do understand it is for good reason and the tourist attractions must be off the wall as well. That still doesn't change the fact that you probably live in lower middle class poverty. What is it that you actually do for a living if you're "earning" more than me answering phones? Lol I have no problem telling you what I do, I buy and sell stocks and bonds 5 days a week, I make an average of $350 to $400 a day. That's not including days that there's a huge bull run in the market, my biggest profit in 1 day in the last year or so of doing this has been about $2,900 if I remember correctly. I also have a full time job in doing men and womens haircuts at a salon in the eastern suburbs outside of St. Paul which pays well in itself, I average about $200 a day doing that.
Oof 13 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Good, good. Now release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me
And then you f**k it up more 79 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Lies, I tell you, lies! 18 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
Or shes just a big gal
Zippy spurious concerned Stingray 36 comments
tbag2win · 5 years ago
The fact that you've gotten even more mad just proves that there's some truth in what I had to say lmao and I'm still astounded that you believe anything that I say when it's not directed at someone getting so butt hurt such as yourself. Also, I don't hate gay people at all hahahaha "slapping your faggot ass around between calls" I'm weak in the knees right now. I'm rolling at the fact that you've gone as far as to go through my profile. This was a great after breakfast read. Again, thank you for this. What will you come up with next? Lol hopefully something that involves the 3rd most largest real estate actually having anything to do with you. While I'm out making real money, I'll wait for whatever comes to your mind next "in between calls" haha call center crumb.