

— ThatsWhatSheSaid Report User
lying ass whale 61 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
She just lives in her own little world, apart from any reality
Step by step 6 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
1) Smile and say hi
2) Go downstairs ;)
Use vaseline 7 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
But then there is no element of risk, and potentially scarring your children for life!
100% proven 16 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
Pay attention: This is the standard guys!
The most beautiful cinemas around the world 10 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
I'm sure in the first one, watching cinema is not the first priority
They say we are all humans 13 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
Where still all humans idk what u think we turned into
Perfect for school lunches 5 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 7 years ago
I need this in my life
Things that really matter 18 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
People pay to watch football, not for college students, that's like saying; oh Netflix makes so much money we should give it all to the poor, yah it sounds great in theory, but nobody is giving up their Netflix money for that
The rest of the world needs this 57 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Yah I think that shouldn't happen, but there shouldn't be a law against it. Whose to say what the temperature is? It's gonna be different for labs than chihuahuas, it's not the governments job to regulate every part of our lives. If a persons pet is dying and its their fault yah they should get a fine for animal abuse, but not because there is a law about what temperature your pets can be outside at.
Nevermind 2 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
One of my friends wrecked his car on it
My life 5 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Your being financially responsible and saving a lot of money- just look at it that way
It's illegal 16 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
It's illegal 16 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
What's the show?
It was 96 degrees today! I'm ready for hoodie weather. 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Texas is too hot! I sweat just walking outside
of course 5 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Even if this wasn't obviously fake I would be so pissed to get proposed to this way
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Oh sorry @pokethebear
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Why do you think we buy stamps? We pay for it through that and other expenses, what's your point
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
And before everyone gets all mad and assumes I'm advocating for no taxes and anarchy, lemme clear it up. Some taxes are needed, like the ones you said before (I.e. Police, teachers) but it's a thin line. If you tax too much it discourages working hard and trying to move up. Furthermore, I agree that education and healthcare are very expensive and something should cnage about that, but it is not the governments job to do so. They are not our parents, we continually give the government more and more power assuming they have our best interests are heart, but that is rarely true; just look at today's politicians (Trump or Hillary for example)
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Okay so let's say we raise taxes and have free education, free healthcare, and I'm assuming we are primarily using income taxes because those are everyone's favorite. There is not a whole lot of incentive for me to work hard to get a good job and make more money if I, since I am making for money am put in a higher tax bracket, since I am in a higher tax bracket I am taxed even more. The amount of money I am paying in taxes will increase substantially because education and health care are expensive. The higher level job you get, the more you pay in taxes, this cycle continues until there is very little incentive to work hard at all and try to get up the methaoprically ladder. This system of free health care and free education sounds amazing on paper and in theroy but in reality it just doesn't work
Cabbage...Finds a way 7 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure you would notice a f**king tree in your fridge
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Except that's the thing it's still not free, the government doesn't magically obtain money they get it from the people
That would be amazing 22 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
They would just raise the price higher so you would pay around the same amount even though it was a lower percentage. If you are really trying to save $ do the first 2 years at community, work during it and save, then finish the last 2 at a university
Itty bitty kitty committee. 4 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
I want one! I'll hide it in my drom
Not all borders are the same 6 comments
thatswhatshesaid · 8 years ago
Hey it least it's not like the border between North and South Korea