

— TheKaylaPup Report User
There goes the greatest magician of our day 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Unless Monty the Magnificent was also a government law officer (ie. a cop) then no, its not entrapment in a legal sense. At least not in the United States.
I do believe however you could easily get the charges reduced to "involuntary manslaughter " or even dropped on the agrugement that you believed this was just part of the show, and did not believe your actions would result in the man's death or injury. There is actually something to be said for plausible deniability. Through, being in a cemetery with a gravestone that reads "I turned you into a murder" might hurt your cause on that front quite a lot.
Justifiable Abuse of Power 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
My sister had a friend in high school who put his phone in a "LifeProof" case, and then just didn't worry about his phone getting wet. He would take selfies while submerged at the pool. (The case was waterproof up to 6 feet) I assume he took it in the shower also.
The resistance is everywhere 75 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I disagree. I don't think entering our country is an equivalent crime to slavery or murder.
Aiding and abetting a runaway is a crime. And it's a crime which can mean you are helling a rebellious teen get away with drug abuse. But it's also a crime which can mean you are helping a scared teen that has an abusive homelife, but doesn't want to end up in the foster care system. I'm not saying it's a good thing to do, but it certainly opens the door to get area.
The resistance is everywhere 75 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Most immigrants came to the country legally, but their vistas expired and they never returned. And while that is still illegal, its not the crossing the border in the middle of the night sort of act many people think it is.
Also, stealing music is a crime, if you know about it and don't report it you are aiding criminals. The point I am making here is that "criminal" doesn't mean "dangerous individual".
Okay... 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex Perhaps I might convince you to be mindful when speaking to or around people with cognitive disabilities, especially older people.
Due to changes in the way these disabilities are treated, people face better and better treatment over time. Even the individuals I've worked with you lived in the institution were treated a lot better while in the institution than people who were in the institution just a decade earlier were treated. I believe someday there will be almost no maltreatment of people with disabilities in the United States, but that day isn't today, and it's been much worse within the lifetime of many people with disabilities.
Okay... 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I have people I work with who spent their early adult life locked in an institution-not allowed to interact with "normal" people. And they left that environment to be faced with hatred and extreme stigma. And the most common word some of them heard to describe why they were unacceptable and unwanted was "retarded". I am not trying to fight a lifetime of stigma to try and make a word acceptable. Its wrong-and I would definitely lose my job if I tried.
Okay... 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex I have read the definition. But what's important here isn't what the word means, it's how you make people with disabilities feel. The word caries a lot of stigma, and is genuinely offensive. The impact of the words you use is more important than the definitions. A word does not need to have contempt in the definition to be wrong.
Okay... 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Mentally retarded was used as a diagnosis for years, and well it has largely fell out of practice, it's still very offensive to some. I work with people with disabilities, and I have seen a woman with mild intellectual disabilities cry after being called "retard". It really hits home for people with those disabilities. Please don't use this word.
Okey, this is cool! 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
It didn't stop the fire, it only prevented the spread into the area being watered. Which is why it worked. It takes a lot less water to prevent the spread of fire than to put out an existing fire.
Now here's a revolutionary idea 16 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
... and the silicon ones aren't usually a problem for people who bite their straws the way metal ones are.
So, all said I think the best plan is reusable straws. And moreover, making good choices about what industries you support. If reusable just doesn't work with your lifestyle, and you don't want to use paper straws for texture reasons, they do make straws made of plant "plastic". They are compostable, which I realize won't prevent them from filling up landfills. It's just better to use the plant plastics than to use petroleum based products.
Now here's a revolutionary idea 16 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
And that's aside from the fact that a lot of straws are used for convenience. The average person could definitely drink without a straw while sitting down at a dinner table, but change the situation to walking down the street or driving a car, and the difference between straw and no straw prevents spills and potentially traffic issues [especially foot traffic issues, where people keeps stopping to drink in the middle of crowded sidewalks].
I think everyone should make a conscious effort to make good choices for the environment, and not using plastic straws is a good idea. However, a vast majority of pollution comes from companies, and the biggest impact the average consumer can make actually comes far more from making response choices in who they buy goods from and what industries are supported than what product waste they create.
And yes, paper straws are pretty terrible. But metal or silicon reusable straws aren't actually bad...
But it’s such a good game 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
You will always have the blocks nature of the world, but HD texture packs exist which make the game look a lot different. You may find using something like that would allow you to enjoy the game, so long as your computer could handle running Minecraft with those texture packs installed.
Just when you get ur priorities straight 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Normally it's an oil lamp.
Thank you Poland. Very cool 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Article 13 deals with copyright and the internet. I don't know all the details, but you might remember it as the "EU bans memes" ordeal.
A dad is letting his daughter into the gaming universe right from the beginning 18 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah, not because children should be exposed to older games first-because that's actually limiting access to a number of games designed for children. But because there are games that are very dark and too scary for youngsters, games that encourage racist tendencies, games with sexual content, ect.
You shouldn't censor your child's entertainment choices indefinitely. At some point there should be an explanation of why the racism in this game(or other media) is wrong and a discussion about it. And this should continue with exposure to harsher takes on reality as the child is old enough to handle it (ie. Depictions of addiction, unhealthy relationships, ect.) By the time your child is an adult, they should have been exposed to all sorts of media. You can't show your kid porn (and you shouldn't) but when your kid finds violent porn on the internet on their own (because they will) you want to have already had conversations about violence and unhealthy relationships.
If you sucked your own d*ck would you spit or swallow 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Still illegal if it wasn't reported properly. Also, the quality more than less likely suffered.
Wait... Which drink did I drug again? Ahh I'm sure it will be fine 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The police should have been called, and you should have waited for them to show up. Both because this should be reported, and also because you will look hella guilty if something were to happen to him after you left.
It's not what on the outside that counts but what's on the inside. Spoiler: 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Definitely the cannibal side of you. Or atleast the chief side of you.
Trustworthy seat though 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This sounds great, until a friend comes over and leaves the seat up and you don't notice at 4 AM when you are barely awake for restroom purposes. In your home, where do one in the house puts the seat up.
I could watch this show 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
House hunters is actually a completely fake show. You literally have to have already bought the house to qualify to be on the show, and the other houses are houses you need to find yourself. That's why there are never " For Sale" signs in the yards. The other houses usually belong to friends or family.
It's only just hit me, fuk 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually, most dates are otherwise activities that you likely have done, with a different social context.
You've been speaking with these girl for a couple weeks? So, you know how to communicate with her. You have interests in common. Try not to be too anxious, chances are it will go well. Just remember that she is the same woman you have been speaking to this whole time.
-You dumb b*tch 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Not vaccinating your child is something that should only be done due to health risks. People choosing not to vaccinate their children are the leading cause of outbreaks-which put children like your daughter at particularly high risk.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Imagine getting two ads then 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I don't think so. I just think we've had less active users since @Zeus let things go, which has lead to less new quality memes getting posted that aren't ripped off other sites by bots. Which doesn't necessarily mean more reposts, but they may seem like less of an exception to the rule.
I'm hopeful that @SuperDave will be able to make some recovery happen now that he is here. However I imagine it will take a little while and some user assistance to make this site better.
Again, along side the ability for users to flag others posts as NSFW (I would suggest it has to be flagged 5 times-then is hidden), the ability to tag reposts (maybe, it disappears after 25 users flag it as a repost, to avoid this being done maliciously to orginal content)
What’s in a word. 61 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Well stated @guest_. I can get behind 99% of what you said.
However. I can tell you will absolute certainty that increased wages for staff can benefit people in any institution. Especially one that has a difficult time with employee retention.
When an employer needs staff, but is struggling to get staff, they often will overlook glaring issues in their employees. There is a gaurd who takes pleasure in harassing inmates, but nothing they do is going to get the prison sued, so they keep that employe on anyway. Not to mention having to share the workload among who is there whenever someone just doesn't show up. If employees are over worked and underpaid, they will not be good to the prisoners.
So well I agree that prison labor should not be used to line the pockets of the people at the top, who already make good money, if it allows more of the budget to go towards wages, I'm not opposed to that so long as the prisoners are rewarded for their work in some fashion.
What plane goes to bikini bottom? 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Do people really pay $200 a month for cable?
Our household pays $92 a month for internet, and about $22 a month for Netflix & Hulu. My roommate pays $10 a month for YouTube premium as well, but I don't find it worth it.
$124 a month for internet, Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube premium. And I personally think that's a little excessive, but my roommate wanted faster internet and was willing to pay more for it.
Maybe it's just because I only make $9 an hour (before taxes). And don't get me wrong, if you can afford something and you like it, no one should tell you don't do it out of expense. I just personally find it baffling that people pay that much money to watch television with advertisements.
3 · Edited 5 years ago