

— TheKaylaPup Report User
I would take the blue pill cuz my dumbass still can't make 10 mil with a second 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Alright-so we are assuming your six year old brain granted your current knowledge?
Not only is this impossible from a physics perspective [time travel and brain relocation- theoridically possible] moreover is causes other issues.
You may know everything- but you lack the decision making and rational thought advancements your brain made. You would be able to learn language easier-but you would also struggle to problem solve relative to your current ability. Sure you have more experience to what things have and haven't worked-and you may even know why. But you are going to be impaired in reasoning out new solutions or accounting for consequences you haven't actually faced.
So you'd find new ways to get into trouble. And with years of extra knowledge, you actually have more tools to get in trouble.
Does this count 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Writers are inconsistent on details that don't actually matter often enough.
What's unfortunate here is that the writer's don't think weather Mertle's father is in her life is an important enough detail to bother being consistent about.
Rate My Young Ass. (You gotta admit it's pretty cute) 35 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
While I have been curious I know that they track that kind of thing and a click counts as a success on the part of the spam bot. I don't want to encourage it.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
The lorde is testing me 22 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Do you ever think that maybe part of the problem is reasonable financial skills are vastly under taught in schools and so as result people end up making budgets that seem sound on a surface level but fail to account for incidentals which leave you struggling to keep up with the lifestyle you budgeted for?
Also, even if you budget is perfect, accounting for incidentals as well as every single bill and having a savings which allows you room for growth or retirement, if your pay check doesn't raise at the same rate as inflation and you don't reform your budget accordingly, you are going to have the same sort of problem.
So well people l in bing beyond their means is something people need to take accountability for, its important to remember that people who are struggling are still struggling. And saying "you're problem isn't valid because mine is more severe " is always a dick move.
I would take the blue pill cuz my dumbass still can't make 10 mil with a second 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
But would you get renewed elasticity? Realistically the only way you know everything you know know is if your adult brain jumps into your 6 year old body. Which raises some questions about hormone interactions. Also, assuming otherwise, would you also loss your brain development as well, causing impaired reasoning skills?
Be good to each other 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
They can still use money in this realm. And clearly this is a homeless ghost trapped in our realm who is just looking for s on me food. Did you even read the post?
Starting out in Water colour 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Glad you are okay. Best of luck on your exams!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Violated really 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Ideally send them back if possible-and make the child use allowance to cover the shopping costs.
Good old times 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This actually seems to suggest that not much has changed. 10 year olds are given age appropriate technology for entertainment purposes, but also face certain dangers from some adults who decide to use the children for not age appropriate entertainment.
I've become so numb~~~ 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
At least a lot of office jobs have chairs that are better for your back, and you could probably bring in a chair that was better as you often have a desk space that is yours and you don't have to share.
I have to do an amount of desk work for my job, but it's done at a kitchen table and the chairs are table chairs. And I can't bring in a better office chair as there isn't space for one. Usually I only have a couple hours of desk work in a night, but some days I have more. The yesterday I was in that chair for about five hours total (it wasn't all at once). My back was not happy about it. It's not sitting in at a desk for 8 hours, 5 days a week, but if it was at least it would be in a office chair.
I would take the blue pill cuz my dumbass still can't make 10 mil with a second 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
So, important questions
1. Does anyone know I restarted my life? Either when I was six or when I catch back up?
2. Where does the money come from? Do I get a winning lottery ticket, am I given the money is a legal give away? Or do I have money and no way to explain where it came from? Because while not paying the taxes on 10 million dollars sounds nice-it results in a lot of legal issues when you actually try to spend that money.
Starting out in Water colour 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Is everything okay? You haven't been very active and you never posted more art. I know life gets busy, I just wanted to remind you that there are people who care in case you were going through a hard time.
Still would live to see more art when you have the time, either way. I know I speak for the community when I say that we are here if you need an ear.
How to spot chemically ripened bananas 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
All bananas in a majority of the world are ripened in the presence of ethylene gas. Bananas left to ripe "naturally" are starchier and less sweet than the bananas found in stores. None of which is to mention that the varieties of bananas most humans eat are cultivated to have tiny, almost nonexistent seeds and lots of meat. Wild bananas look and taste nothing like the world's most popular yellow fruit.
That being said-to address the matter of "vine ripening" VS "off vine ripening". Many fruits and vegetables are in fact picked before they are ripen and ripe "off the vine" in fact, sometimes entire tomato vines are transported in order to have the tomato ripe "on the vine". If you have even eaten a fresh garden tomato you understand what is being attempted. Does it work? Eh. I would say it makes a difference but not enough to bother transportation of vines and the extra associated costs. But some disagree certainly. But none if these methods are unnatural.
A softer side of prison 65 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@guest_ is actually really good at making points concise. Topics are complicated and he aims to be thorough and accurate.
Sinko de Mayo 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
My favorite part of history is when Ceasar Salaad , the 12th ceasar of Rome, changed legislation to allow greater nutrition in his poor subjects. Rome already gave bread to the poor, but in an effort to increase nutritional variety he called to have more foods given to the poor. Most notably, due to there relative abundance, romaine lettuce (so named for its prevalence in rome) and parmesan cheese. Croutons were readily made from bread that needed to be eaten before it moulded.The distinct Ceasar dressing was not added until later, but the more ingredients for the dish we know as salad were now being given away regularly. This cause people to consume these things together. The dish was named salad after the ceasar who provided it to the people.
Back home for the summer and it's 3 months of this shit 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Maybe, yeah. I'm not an expert, but I've yet to hear about a place having laws which are actually reasonable and serve the purpose of protecting child from abuse adequately
A softer side of prison 65 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@xvarnah gave a history lesson-and one I would agruge is a little misguided.
Either way- that's not a majority of prisoners- and advocating policy for many based on the needs of few is irresponsible at best.
A softer side of prison 65 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Maybe-but also maybe history is wrong. It used to be common practice to lock people up and use treatments that modern medicine understands to be completely useless and also really inhumane when someone was suffering from a severe enough mental health problem. Not even someone who had done anything wrong-just was crazy. And we as a society agreed to stop doing that because it is wrong.
Just because prison wasn't intended to be rehabilitation doesn't mean it shouldn't be.
And a selling point private prisons often try to use is that they have rehabilitation programs-and those programs are often designed to fail because more prisoners is a private prisons whole business model--so well the reasons behind the anger at prisons not rehabilitating people may be a little off, I think the justification is still easily there.
A softer side of prison 65 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Theoretically, but there a a couple of problems here. 1. You are assuming your example person has commuted these atrocities because he is evil, and real people aren't Disney villains-he probably has some pretty serious untreated mental health issues and genuinely needs help
And moreover 2. You are trying to strawman this agrugement. A vast majority of people in American jails are not guilty of murder let alone child murder and murder by fire. Most criminals are people who got themselves into bad places and couldn't easily get themselves out. Our jails are full of people who turned to stealing or selling drugs, or who just had issues using drugs. Seriously, over 45% of inmates are incarcerated on drug related charges. And nearly 19% of inmates have charges involving weapons, these are not charges related to killing people. Homicide, Aggravated assault, and Kidnapping combined only make up 3.3% of inmates.
22 · Edited 5 years ago
Back home for the summer and it's 3 months of this shit 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Maybe in some places. But in Iowa at least its actually really difficult to have a child removed from their parents. I know a girl who is 18 now, but when she was 16 she tried to run away from an abusive homelife, and the cops made her go home with her mother due to lack of evidence. This was after the cops saw this girl literally recoil out of fear when her mom came in.
Don't get me wrong, I understand why running away from home isn't the best plan in this kind of circumstance. But also, it's a problem when parents right to parent is more important than child's right to safe living environment.
She wasn't removed from her house largely because she was afraid to testify against her parents. And the cops escorted her home because her mother had the right to force her to go home. She didn't even spend a night in state custody. There was no investigation into her parents despite multiple people in her life reporting them to DHS. I didn't see her for weeks.
Be careful what/who you eat 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
...I was going to die. And it was terrifying. Like, it's super funny now. But it was not at the time. Anyway, I sit through the class because the only thing worse than dying from this disorder was surviving and having to retake this class I already paid for. I called my grandparents to come get me after class as I was in no state to drive. My grandmother accused me of being drunk, which I wasn't of course. I also was being honest when I told her I had no idea what was wrong with me. I slept the high off and was fine. Also, I don't have the disorder they were testing me for. I learned later that the experience was caused by drugs.
Anyway, the moral of this story is to be certain of the foods you consume. Being high on accident is actually a genuinely awful time.
Be careful what/who you eat 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Story time: So, I am 25 and I have only been high once in my life. I was 19 at the time, and I was so high. I consumed a hash oil brownie, and these particular brownies tend to cause drug users a good high for several hours for half of one. I ate one. And I had never done drugs in my life. But here is the thing: I didn't know. I learned the brownie was drugged more than a week after the fact. Anyway, I ate this brownie, and then went to Ethics class. The class started at 6PM. It hit me at 6:10. I was so high I was processing only every few seconds of my vision, and on a delay, so it looked like my professor (who was pacing) was echoed across the classroom like something off the cover of an animorphs book. And I was paranoid, really paranoid. Unfortunately for me, I was also being tested for a potentially deadly disorder that causes vision issues, which I was not sure if I had yet. Nor did I know the full list of symptoms. Between these things, I genuinely believed...
Shitty customer service from a shitty industry 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The problem with customer service having an Indian accent is two fold-and has nothing to do with bigotry.
1. The reason most people are unhappy: it is harder to understand someone who has a heavy accent, and it may be harder for them to understand you as English is likely not their first language. The ability to communicate effectively is important for customer service.
2. When American companies have customer service employees who have Indian accents, it's usually due to outsourcing their customer service. The average American isn't a huge fan of outsourcing, and doesn't want said outsourcing to be obvious to them. A consumer has an easier time overlooking a "made in China" sticker than overlooking the Indian accent that made it difficult to understand customer service for half and hour.
And I realize that reason two would have more weight if Americans actually cared about outsourcing enough for it to impact their shopping, but the ability to communicate IS essential.
God, explain this 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This makes sense, as the original text used a word that means "a period of time" and might be more accurately translated to "era" though it does not usually mean a long period of time, such as "era" usually means
Tower for rolling dice 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually, the design of this not only makes that unlikely, but also easy to fix. Unless the tower gets grimey, it will be as easy as shifting the tower to force the dice unstuck. If the tower itself becomes sticky, it will need cleaned. However, this should never happen is you should be able to easily avoid anything that would cause stickiness from getting on the tower.