

— TheKaylaPup Report User
Keep smiling 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Fair enough. I hope you and the frogs both find happiness
Keep smiling 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I meant your username was lying.
I'm sorry you are going though a hard time. Would it help to talk about it?
Keep smiling 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Lying frog!
Keep smiling 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Why are you happy frog boy?
That's perfectly reasonable 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The key here is to own a second calculator.
FaRenHeIt 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
0° C = 32° F
So, cold, but definitely not "extremely cold, you're dead" at least not quickly or more so than 0° F
You might be thinking of 0 K, equal to approximately -450° F. And yeah, undeniably going to kill you. This is the temperature at which it is so cold that there is no movement on a molecular level. It's also only a theoretical temperature, it can't actually get that cold
I also wanna hear y'all inside jokes :) 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
"There's a peach on the table." I literally don't even remember why this started or why it is funny. This doesn't stop ot from being funny.
10 Simple Rules for Surviving the Apocalypse (Spooky Story) 17 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The living don't knock-rude.
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
... a. Women weren't allowed in western armies until much later, and b. It makes for more tension and has advantages from a story telling/movie making perspective. Pocahontas is extremely different from the orginal story, and serves to capture the narrative Americans romanticize about their history. White men came to fight Indians, indians fought white men, love stopped the fighting. When in reality Pocahontas was far more useful as a delegate for practical reasons and not just because she was pretty and lovestruck, and she and john Smith never had a romantic relationship.
In short, these stories are being warped to better fit the culture they are being told in anyway. I don't know much about the inspiration for Aladin or Brave, so I have no real ability to speak on them accurately.
I think we should see more multicultural and multi ethic characters and stories. However in spite of the problems with years of white washing, I like changing the races of established characters.
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I concede to this points- however I want to make a couple of points here. 1. The reasons we thing of fairy tales as being apart from culture and other tales being cultural in their own right often has more to do with the westernization of the world than how rooting in culture the stories were. Art is a reflection of culture, it always has been. We only tend to notice it when our culture is different from the culture being shown. And 2. Mulan and Pocahontas are both incredibly different from their orginal stories. In the orginal Mulan story she joined the Chinese army openly and did not bring dishonor to her family for doing so. That happens in the Disney version because....
My life right now 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Maybe its just a person to person thing. Depression is usually associated with weight gain for me.
Yet they said alcohol only ruins your life 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I don't know the story with this woman-but I know that not everyone who uses a wheelchair for medical reasons is incapable of walking. Sometimes it's that you can walk-but it's very painful(or stressful to your body in a way that isn't healthy)to do so. So sometimes seeing someone standing from a wheelchair is less "I don't need the chair I'm just lazy" and more "I can do this one thing".
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I believe this is the argument for "The Little Mermaid" as well. It's a Danish tale, she should be at least passable as Danish.
I understand the problem with white washing. But the reason we have "white washed" fairy tales is because the fairy tales we choose to make into movies are of European origin.
Personally, I would like to see more stories based in African folklore, and orginal stories which have multiethnic characters.
My life right now 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Sounds good-doesn't work
Intresting if true 16 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
And this meant that you didn't always have to be able to kill a leader subtlety-you could just go to war. Again, this famously happened in the wake of Julius Cesar's death as the power vacuum hadn't been filled as concretely as before.
And this meant that the loyalty of numbers of soldiers was often more important than the loyalty of citizens in terms of keeping your position in government.
Ultimately that lead to, amongst other issues, certain barbarian tribes being hired as mercenaries to Roman rule. And said mercenaries were not loyal to Rome, and eventually turned on Rome from within.
So well Rome's superior building techniques were largely able to handle issues with barbarians at the gate, they ultimately couldn't handle the problem of barbarians inside the gate.
Intresting if true 16 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Well, a couple of things
1. Advancement in energiring technology does not necessarily mean advancement in political security or military defense
2. More directly: mostly because of greed. In some ways Rome began to fall before it had even become an empire. Roman leaders had a representative democracy, in some ways like the United States has today. Well, a number of people were really unhappy with the policies being pushed by a couple of politicians in particular, and those politicians ended up killed. And I'm not saying they were assassinated on behalf of other politicians, bit it certainly looked that way.
Well, by itself this is bad, but the people responsible, whoever they were, never faced charges. Which opened up murdering people as a valid option for control of policies. And that exact thing famously happened to Julius Ceasar-and it didn't stop there.
Furthermore-the Roman Empire allowed policy control to be dictated by military numbers instead of purely representatives.
Wholesome 1 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
"I would appreciate help again though. I am looking to purchase this food."
Because corporation is "family" 20 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I know that at my work, legally someone has to be here. And if my coworkers won't cover my shifts my manager is stuck working unpaid overtime (she is on salary). And getting people to cover extra shifts is very difficult. This is partly being understaffed a majority of the time, and partly because no one wants to come in on their day off and attempt to meet the needs of members they don't know well. And the bigger houses (like the one I work at, which has 5 members, including 1 tier 5 on a 6 tier system. A tier 6 will always have a 1on1 staff. Tier 5 sometimes have 1on1 staff. Ours does not.)
So, I know that every shift I take off increases the likelihood that my manager has to work unpaid overtime. And this won't stop me taking off if I am too ill, but I won't take off unless I am too ill to work. My manager is really considerate of my requests when I make them, I don't want to make her job harder.
Escalate 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Is this really a thing?
But bricks are heavier than feathers 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yes, however a pound of feathers does not equal a pound of gold.
Only comment if you can stand listening to the whole thing 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Same. I am dying. @lucky11 is right. However, I also love it.
Ahahaha so true 25 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I also want to point out that the whole "you can't write in cursive" thing is completely unfair. I'm 25 and my cursive handwriting is better that 90% of boomers I know, half of whom can write in cursive but its completely illegible unless you either spend forever deciphering it, or know their specific handwriting well enough to just read it.
I know I am the exception, but still. It's not exactly a useful skill to be able to write in a format that makes it hard to tell what you are writing without making it hard to figure it out if you wanted to take the time.
The lorde is testing me 22 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I live in Iowa and we were not required to take a finance class at all. In fact. My high school didn't really offer a fiance class. The closest thing you could take was an intro level accounting class. And almost no one did since it wasn't a practical class to take to fill any requirements for graduation
Wonderful painting I found on the web. Enjoy 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@SuperDave Is it possible we can get an ability to post like, one link an hour? You could even set it up so that attempting to post more than three resulted in a soft ban and altered you to a potential issue.
Links serve as a great tool to allow us to provide easy access to our source material. I find it beneficial that we are able to continue to do so, and I imagine a number of users would prefer an ability to post links with the risk of links to porn over the inability to post links.