

— TheKaylaPup Report User
That would make too much sense 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I agree that parents shouldn't expect teachers to parent their children. However, I also think teachers who do so when its needed are part of what makes the world a better place. I can't imagine who I would be today if it wasn't for good teachers who helped my find my way when parents just weren't there. And I think having more funding in our schools and higher standards so as to get more good and less burdened teachers is not only good for education itself, but also for the growing of a better society. Good teachers have the ability to break cycles of abuse and encourage children from bad homes to become good people. And that is good for everyone.
Danlamorte is one seriously funny dude 1 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
That is because you have never seen star wars.
I've actually never seen it either. And it's always frustrating to me when people want me to see it. Because I hate spoilers. And there is no way to not have Star Wars spoilers it's been too popular for too long. And for that reason I have absolutely no interest in seeing StarWars.
Let me see what you have- A KNIFE 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I work with people with disabilities. And part of my job is helping people make better social interactions. There is one woman in particular who I often find myself saying "Maybe next time try saying [insert less rude way of saying the same thing]" it's an active effort not to say this when people are rude around me
Shhhh... This actually happened, probably 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Probably female. Could be a unisex bathroom but the teacher is definitely female, and they are using the same restroom. I know multi person unisex bathrooms exist, but mostly I only unisex restrooms which are one room no stalls.
Most true thing I’ve heard today 17 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Huh. Interesting.
I knew a woman who printed with one hand but wrote cursive with the other. She did a lot of things with her left hand, but also a lot with her right. It seemed mostly to depend on how she did it when she first learned.
· Edited 5 years ago
And then the stork brought her a baby 12 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
When my cousin was four he asked where baby's come from. My aunt told him "When a mommy and daddy want to have a baby then daddy plants a special seed inside of mommy and it grows into a baby." And he considered this for maybe a minute and asked "How does Daddy get the seed inside of mommy?" He and he brother were both c-sections and he has seen the scar and knew it was from where the doctor removed him and his brother from his mom. My aunt told him "he uses a special tool." And this was good enough for him.
Why not both? 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
...a better option when the disease doesn't need further cure. After all, sideffects are a real and serious problem.
That being said-herbal medicine should never replace seeing a medical professional. Especially if you have a serious illness. People attempting to treat cancer or aids with herbal medicine are usually doing little more that offsetting some of the symptoms while the disease continues to kill them just are sure as it would while doing absolutely nothing.
As a rule of thumb: If what the doctor prescribes is to treat the disease, you need to follow medical advice. If it's to treat the symptoms, its probably safe to self medicate. If you don't know: ask your doctor.
Why not both? 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yes. However two things are true. 1. People have a bad tendency to discount an herbal remedy because it doesn't work as well as the pharmaceutical products, or because a doctor didn't recommend it. And 2. Pharmaceutical companies benefit from people preferring something they can patent and control over something they could grow in their own garden.
Both of these mean that herbal medicine, and I mean medicine which is found naturally in plants without the need for pharmaceutical processing (as opposed to quackery), is largely discredited. And homeopathic remedies are largely what people thing when they hear "herbal medicine" and unfortunately a lot of that is quackery and advertisements.
Unfortunately as long as profit is such a key motive in developing treatments, we are not going to see a good answer become obvious. Ideally we should avoid putting more drugs into our bodies than we really need- and whole food herbal medicine (such as honey for a sore throat) is probably...
Shiny 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
It's the only song on the movie that isn't heavy influenced by Indonesian music. I personally don't think it fits well with the rest of the songs in the movie. Also, its annoying. So is "You're welcome" the rest of the songs are great actually. And I don't mind listening to any of the songs when the movie is actually playing. However I don't listen to shiny by itself ever
Transcript translation of the Bible by John Wycliffe (1320-1384) 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I really think it depends on the anime. Some english dubs sound great-others don't. There are some where the English sounds better even. But also, sometimes the voice acting in the English just isn't good, or isn't a good fit for the character. And this often only needs to be true of one major character to make the entire experience unenjoyable.
Pizza, Indian, tacos, repeat 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
My advise is to get two or three options which are not particularly expensive, not terribly difficult to make, and are reasonably healthy. If you don't know what you want it is one of these bad boys. If you still don't know flip a coin. I would also recommend a recipe or two that is harder to make but you really enjoy. Try to avoid anything that is easy and you enjoy, but is particularly bad for your health. That one often becomes the go to when you just don't want to make dinner and you don't care about your health tonight.
I know this is simplistic advise, and that things like health are complicated and often more expensive or take much more work. However as long as you can find options that you don't mind making even after a long day which is within your good budget and is atleast decent for your health it makes an excellent fall back. The fact is we tend to struggle the most with choosing dinner after a already taxing day, and this often leads to eating fast food.
So... This exists 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This kind of marketing can be really powerful. Even if the drink contains nothing that helps you feel any better, if people believe it will make them feel better then it will actually make them feel a little better.
Of course this can also lead to people being willing to pay more than is responsible within their budgets for it. And that can be damaging. I think so long as they aren't making empty or misleading claims, and it is just a name, then it's fine. Consumers have a responsibility to read the label and make responsible decisions. However companies should also be clear and not misleading in their marketing.
Pro tips! 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
That depends. Landlord is the title for someone who manages the property, but this often is the person who owns the property. So depending on where you live, maybe.
Most true thing I’ve heard today 17 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@nicengelman Do you wear glasses? If not, have you had your eyes checked? If so, is your prescription the same for both eyes?
Also, if my suspicion is correct you should also be better with left handed darts, tennis, and archery.
I suspect you may be right handed, but left eye dominant. This means you prefer to use your left eye. I have the same thing, most likely because I ser significantly better with my left eye, and I have my entire life. I do bowl right handed, but I am rubbish at it so maybe I've been doing it wrong. I write and do needle crafts right handed, but I play tennis left handed.
When you can't like anything that isn't already popular 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah, it I'd be willing to bet that the poster means movies that are considered canon for the current marvel cinematic universe.
Being a vegan doesn't make you a better person 24 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
For the record, I don't think atheists are unintelligent: Only that it does not require intelligence to be an atheist.
I apologize if that was not clear.
Being a vegan doesn't make you a better person 24 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I'm agnostic. I don't know if there are any deities. But what I said really isn't affected by my beliefs.
Being a vegan doesn't make you a better person 24 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Many atheists believe there is no god for the same reason that many theist believe there is one: that is what they were taught. There is no logical process, it requires absolutely no intelligence to do.
School makes me 12 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Children should still be given challenges and stresses. But they should also be taught skills to deal with that. I firmly believe children should have the choice to take extra coursework from a much younger age, with encouragement and even reward for doing so, but without punishment if they don't take it on, and the option to back out if they need to. In life you can find a job that is less demanding, or cut back on your hours if work is too much. And obviously some people can't afford to and that can be a problem. But, this still gives children some ability to manage their own stress input, which can help teach them how to do so.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
School makes me 12 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Ideally we would also see the world a better place for mental health. Either way, if the problem is that it creates kids who aren't ready for the harshness of the world than the school isn't "mentally supportive". A mentally supportive school should teach classes on coping with stresses and managing healthy relationships. Children should be being taught when they are young what abuse looks like and that it is wrong. Children should be taught how to break up big tasks into smaller more manageable tasks on their own. Children should be taught healthy coping skills for stressful situations and then be allowed to use those skills. Kids should be taught what is a healthy and appropriate response when someone tells you about their problems, and how to talk about their own problems in a way that is healthy and constructive. Older kids should be taught what is normal and what is abnormal psychology and where to get help if you are struggling with a mental illness.
Choose your fighter 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Only the woofer, master of all four doggos could stop them. But when the internet needed him most, he vanished.
· Edited 5 years ago
The Happier Ending to Harry Potter 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Harry went to school, always had clothes that were weather appropriate, didn't show up with bruises. I don't really know how it is in the UK, but Harry would not have been reported to DHS if he grew up where I live.
Incoming deck pics 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The deck isn't even censored.
The Blue Java banana with vanilla flavour and ice cream consistency 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually, bananas are naturally varied fruits with many strange variations. We see very few varietys as most bananas are difficult to transport in a cost effective manner.
· Edited 5 years ago
It's that simple 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
... (6 cont.) Being mindful of each others schedule is big here. Also, if you know your partner has an allergy, be mindful to avoid bringing the allergen into your home (pet dander, plants) OR IF the allergy is food, make sure food containing it is well labeled (especially if their allergy is to something less obviously in the food)
7. Save competition for game night. Don't compete over earnings, chores completed, or other life skills/tasks. You are partners, this things should be collaborative. Playing competitive games is often fun and good hearted-just don't let that go to far either.
I know this list is incomplete, but I hope it's still useful to anyone struggling with relationships.