

— TheKaylaPup Report User
I'm not even British and this hurts 73 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I'm from the Midwest and any people I know don't own kettles, but some people I know do own kettles. It probably has a fair amount to do with what circles of people are in your life.
Personally, I have a small kitchen and don't find the difference worth the space a kettle takes up. But I drink a fair amount of coffee and cold brew or sun brew most of my tea
Nothing here. (91284930) 50 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Nothing here. (91284930) 50 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan? 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Don't take away the feeling of organism, take away the entire organism. Just allow people to keep building indefinitely. Similar to the bass that never drops.
Well millenials usually are bipolar 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Also, quickly. I don't want to suffer aside of other dying people for years as things get progressively worse. When we say we want to die, most of us mean quickly and personally with minimal damage to those around us
Nothing here. (91284930) 50 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I went fishing.
Dry af 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
As I bisexual woman I can confirm, I am not looking for "holes."
Mostly I am looking for the sort of intimacy where you press your body against that of another person and there is something spiritually comforting about that act. As if your very souls were also embracing.
Not that I don't see individuals whom I find just purely sexually attractive. Because I do, of both genders. Bot really one more than the other per se, but I definitely find some traits more attractive on men and some traits more attractive on women. And its definitely more person to person with people who fit less traditional gender roles.
It's just that who is sexually attractive doesn't really matter that much to me. We can turn the lights off, there are work arounds. The important thing is that you feel good to be close to. Atleast for me.
Lawful Evil is the way to go 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
No, this is a chatoic act. Maybe good, maybe evil, probably neutral if we are being honest. But definitely chatoic.
There's a lot of things I'd be willing to do for $50 an hour 22 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@mrfahrenheit never said his toe, just a toe. Werid job btw
Easily repairable 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I drop my phone all the time. That's why I invested in an otterbox. Sure, it was like $40, but I have also never had a problem with my phone being broken, and I drop it often, sometimes on cement. And its proven much cheaper than phone insurance in the long run
Another hand drawn battle map that I coloured in Photoshop for you guys. All feedback 14 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Really depends on the goals and technologies of each side. If the defendants goal includes surviving and the attackers have archery just removing the planks might not be enough.
Also, the defendants goal might be, cross the river with all our belongings and lives. And the attackers goal may be to steal valuables from the defenders and not die in the process. This would work well when the protagonists are the defenders, and the attackers are in fact bandits.
Oh. My. God. 16 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Not really. It's just a matter of getting him set up in a good position to ride.
What... What if 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
...for his creations to have wonder at the world he had made for them. He wanted them to be complex. To think and feel in a way he could relate to.
And he failed. He completely missed the mark on what be wanted to create. Humans can wonder at their universe but they will never become the creatures he could relate to emotionally. Humans were too simple.
More importantly for his grades sake, he didn't follow the assignment. Make 1 galaxy in which the conditions are correct. Allow life to evolve. Walk away with a decent grade. He wanted more. He wanted to create something meaningful. He wasted huge amounts of energy and matter that didn't need to be used on this project. He got a C-.
What... What if 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I agree, but hear me out. We aren't sitting on a shelf for a project some alien kid with even remotely comparable ability to human kind got a C- on. We are sitting on the shelf of a kid who is essentially a god and we are the C- that deserved better but it technically didn't fit the rules for the project. See, humans are our alien's flawed attempt to recreate something similar to itself. The creator of our universe made mistakes. He made humans too good at adapting the environment and too short sided to see what our actions would cause throughout the existence of the human race. His assignment was to create a contained galaxy which would evolve life. He went well beyond the intended scope of the project. He would stay up all year sometimes. He poured centuries of love and dedication into his project. He built a whole universe, and shaped creatures who were capable to wonder at its vastness. And he tinkered. He tweaked our genetic codes here and there as we evolved. He wanted ...
Peak bananas 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
You're welcome
Thousands of seaweed pods replace single-use plastic bottles and cups at the London 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
That may be true. Granted Festival drinks are always over priced, so there might not be winning on that front.
Thousands of seaweed pods replace single-use plastic bottles and cups at the London 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I think that's fair. But I also think festivals and such are the place these are most badly needed. Reusable bottles are an option for every day use, but keeping track of yours once its empty would be difficult at such an event. Plus, there isn't really good infrastructure to refill it. Plus, people leave their trash on the ground at festivals a lot. Ots not cool, but it definitely happens. Still not great to have these guys floating around for a couple weeks, but it's better than the garbage that sticks around forever.
It's not a once size fits all solution by any means. And I don't think we should stop looking for better solutions. However, for right now I think these have a good use in the right circumstances.
It may, however, 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I just think now might be a good time to remind everyone that what we are seeing probably has to due with population density in both circumstances. It's a correlation not causation situation. A similar example is that when ice cream sales are higher, so are rates of drownings. Ice cream does not increase you chances of drowning. But being near the water does, and people spend more time near water when its warmer. This is also when people buy more ice cream.
Running away from my conservative family and move far away from my hometown. Wish me luck 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
To anyone in a similar position to the orginal poster, I have two things for you.
1. Well wishes. I hope that wherever you go and whatever you do you find wellness and make a general positive impact in the world.
2. I want you to think very carefully about the consequences of your choices. Leaving a family who is financially supportive can be a much harder road than expected. The cost of living is high and wages are low relative to 50 years ago. And having a long job history and having bought a house when the market was in a better place for buyers has given previous generations a benefit in the current economy. However, on the flip side no amount of money will make you happy living in a toxic or abusive environment. Living in a cheap apartment eating ramen and pasta and living paycheck to paycheck working your ass off is still probably a better life than living in a nice house with no job and abusive parents. Just remember that every action hou take will have good and bad results.
Same 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
That is what the sign says, yes.
Peak bananas 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The short version is, bananas are a profitable fruit with a very limited region where they will grow. Therefore, banana companies would set up exclusive grow rights on bananas for entire countries, and demand large chunks of land to do so. Locals essentially had no choice but to agree because these companies had military backing. However, since there were multiple companies and they all had military backing, waring betaeen companies for the countries in the countries still happened. And locals did sometimes try to fight off the companies forces as well, occasionally having enough of an impact to change control from one company to another, or even pressure agreements which were more favorable to locals with the company in question.
The history guy does a good job of giving a basic overview if anyone is interested. He also speaks more on the history of the banana in general. It's on YouTube, and /h8vTt9Y1mkQ to the end if the url after the part that is always the same for every video.
Hopefully ya can't relate :D 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah, but some people need to hear it. Especially people with paranoia issues. I had a bit of a break from reality and suffered from serval schizo-affective disorder symptoms for about a week and a half. I was legitimately afraid if I told my therapist I would be forcibly hospitalized. Which I realize now wasn't a problem I would have faced, but I was scared. I didn't get help for a while for that reason.
Typically, you can't be court ordered to treatment if you have no criminal history whatsoever and haven't committed any crimes immediately. It requires a pretty significant burden of proof of need to force someone into treatment who hasn't yet done anything wrong. And even if you have a history, there has to be good reason to believe you are a hazard if not put in treatment.
So your therapist may recommend you are hospitalized if your issues are severe, you can't usually be forced. So long as you are your own legal guardian (most adults are), you nothing to worry about
Who do you trust? 17 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Nah. Between spin doctors and dr dre
Health benifits would be good too 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually, self check out mostly exist to cut down on the number of cashiers that a store needs to hire. And it will never get an employee discount because it would actually cost more. However in an attempt to get people to be more willing to use self check out a smaller discount could still be given to people who use self check out. And this might allow retail stores to move to more self-check out and replace more employees.
And I mostly use it because WalMart Employees have no idea how to handle filling my reusable bags.
That would make too much sense 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Except for the fact that a. We are still bad at getting students to understand where they belong in the job world. And b. Crappy 9-5 cog in the wheel jobs are going to be some of the first replaced over the next couple decades. Retail is already replacing some if their cashiers with robot cashiers. You are starting to see this more and more in fast good too. And this means each company who starts using robots will hire less humans. This is going to continue this way. And we are creating less jobs than we are replacing, while we continue to grow the population. Something has to give and no one is preparing for it.