

— TheKaylaPup Report User
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Not what she said. Or meant. Due to the distribution of wealth, most people would get more health coverage by higher taxation than they could by spending saved tax dollars on healthcare.
Also, yes. Higher taxes would not be a problem if our needs were being meet by government programs. Pure socialism does not work due to human selfishness. However, higher taxes and socialist programs can still be extremely good for a country so long as there is still a significant benefit to working hard.
And the fact is that sooner or later countries which fail to adopt socialist programs will start to lag behind internationally. Pure capitalism begins to break down when the highest classes have so much of the wealth that profit gains are to longer possible. Capitalism in its purest form demands constant growth. Investors will stop investing if it's not profitable to do so, and to do that requires a company to continue to grow every quarter....
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
No, I want higher taxes and better pay for public service officials. And we don't have a problem with too few military personnel. If we did, we would see the draft go into effect. They have raised the criteria for joining the military more than once over the last decade due to an ability to require better standards due to a surplus of volunteers.
If we could incentivize teaching and medical professionals in the same way, this would be excellent.
Knock knock 10 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Because ruining someone's life is an extreme and vengeful response which serves only to contribute to human suffering.
Knock knock 10 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Definitely what @zont said. Maybe evaluate your relationship. See if this is something you are going to work through or if that just isn't in the cards. Talk to your wife about your marriage and figure out why this was a problem.
If the other guy is a friend of yours, you'll need to evaluate your relationship too, and determine if its something worth salvaging.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Also, by this logic we shouldn't have a right to an education. And weather it not we should is less important than the fact that we are given free public education until we are out of high school. And this is good for everyone, not just the poor. Healthcare should be the same way. Providing everyone healthcare is valuable, especially with things like vaccines which benefit from herd immunity, but also with things like antibiotics, which can limit the spead of bacteria.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
No one is suggesting we shouldn't pay doctors. Doctors should just be paid from tax dollars like teachers or military are. And no one is even suggesting doctors be required to continue to work as a doctor if they should decide to quit. Being a medical professional would still be voluntary. That's pretty far from slavery for many reasons.
And young men are still legally required to register for the draft in the United States. And there are pretty serious consequences for evading the draft. The draft hasn't been used in a while, but this is largely due to high rates of military volunteers. So actually, the laws of the United States are founded on ideas which include "It is acceptable to force someone to do a service for the greater good, in times of crisis"
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... would almost guarantee that it would become good insurance because it would impact people who have power in government.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The best thing we can do to combat freeloading as a problem is to give assistance in the forms of housing, medicine, and food rather than money. And ideally, universal healthcare and universal government subsidies on food and housing. Then tax everyone more. It means no one benefits from not getting a job.
There is an unfortunate area where people don't make enough money but don't qualify for programs. Getting past this hurdle to the other side is ideal, but getting there often means you will spend weeks or months without health insurance and adequate food. You may also default on rent, car insurance, car payments, ect. If you lose your car you will almost certainly lose your job.
Staying on the government aid side of the line is safer. And giving basic assistance to everyone would solve this problem. And well the rich would still lose money, they would also have government health insurance and food assistance. In fact, requiring all people to have the same health insurance...
he was trying to finish the joke before his phone died 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I eat it. A number of people I know eat it.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
That's a fair approach, and certainly a useful one for self motivation. The problem is when this approach is used to justify policy which takes funding away from unlucky people who need assistance.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... a lot harder when you have a mental disorder of any kind, harder with some that others. And that's not to speak on other medical conditions. I know a woman with epilepsy who wants to work and works hard when allowed to work, and has a job, but can only get a couple hours a week, and it's not werid for her to be called off because they don't need her. She is looking for something else but has had very little luck. She gets such few hours because they won't let her bus tables, the thing she was hired for, after she had a seizure on the floor one day. I don't even blame her employer here, but it's not her fault either. She just was given really bad luck.
I think its important to own our own actions. I think everyone benefits from striving to be better than they are. And failure to take accountability for ones one actions is undeniably a factor in why some people are where they are. However, saying financial gain has more to do with hard work than luck is not giving luck credit.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I disagree completely. Everything from what school you went to to what internships are available to you has a lot to do with luck. A tiny handful of people who are both very smart or talented and very hard working can overcome some of these disadvantages through things like scholarships. But few people get significant scholarships. Small ones are common, but they don't get you very far.
And getting a scholarship at all usually involves working hard in school, maybe in sports or on some kind of art, but definitely takes hard work that isn't directly profitable. And that's fine for kids who don't need to work, but that's not everyone. Many kids need to work a least part time. And people do actually need social interactions and doing fun things for a healthy psyche too.
Also, many mental disorders are hereditary, or at least have hereditary components. And even when triggered by situation, these situations are often a matter of luck. Getting and keeping a job at all becomes...
Take that you stupid 9 year old 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The fact is we don't know. I am not saying by any means these are good actions. They aren't. But sometimes you don't need a good solution, you just need a solution. Without knowing more of the circumstance we can't really say anything constructive.
Take that you stupid 9 year old 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
He is not a genius. It's not that clever to do this, similar stories have been circulating for a while. And I don't this his suggestion of "slap the shit out of him" is good parenting either.
As for the parent, there isn't much here to say. I think any rational person realizes this is poor parenting. I don't really know what else to say. If your child is throwing a fit to get what they want, absolutely do not give in to them. By the time the child is old enough to know better and control their actions (so, like 2 years, give or take a few months depending on the child) then you should also add an additional consequence for the bad behavior (ie. Not getting any candy, have to go sit in the car, if the kid is old enough don't allow then to come next time)
I suppose I we could speculate what sort of issues lead to this point. Is this parent young and lacking supports go help then learn to parent well? Does this person struggle with conflict? Maybe she has too much on her plate.
Cuz' I got beat with my momma's belt 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
True, but I think it's too easy for physical discipline to be inconsistent out of emotion. Even if you aren't being abusive, smaking your kid harder than usual for the same action because you had a hard day at work is still unfair to the kid. It's also less effective in teaching the child good behavior when consequences are inconsistent.
And, you can definitely see parents giving harsher penalties when more stressed anyway, but it's a lot easier to counter when your consequences are varied in more easily quantifiable ways.
I don't think physical punishment is nessicary bad, just not the most ideal.
Cuz' I got beat with my momma's belt 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I disagree with the idea that physical punishment is idea for consequencing anyone. The important thing about consequencing a child is that you are consistent, and the child doesn't want the consequence.
And its possible to become a good person even with bad parenting. My family was emotionally abusive. I can remember being screamed at for accidents and being laughed at for crying. I can remember sitting against by bedroom door so it couldn't be opened and crying as silently as possible.
I easily could have become the sort of person who burrys their own emotions and expects others to do the same. Rigid and unsympathetic. But I committed myself to breaking the cycle. To being better than those before me. Today I was told "You're (my daughter's) best." By a parent who was grateful to how helpful I have been to her disabled daughter. And "best" in this case is undeniably "kind, patient, and understanding ".
Not that I don't have flaws, I do. I'm just not better for being abused.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The poor are getting paid more, however the cost of living is rising. For a simplification of the situation, imagine you can make double what you make now, if you move. And you think "wow, great idea." Then you get there and after a few months you realize you have less money going to savings than before. You crunch the numbers to find things here cost about 3x as much on average. That's basically what has happened to the poorest class of Americans over the last 50 years. While inflation still effects the rich, often less so. Especially if the rich person in question has been able to make 5x as much as before. Which, is not necessarily unrealistic. In general we are producing more goods per person, so some people must be getting more than before. Meanwhile we know that people at the bottom struggle with bills more than ever before.
Some may have to do will irresponsible spending. But even with good budgeting I've personally seen many struggle.
Stomp your feet and carry on 2 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
While the biggest reason rabbits thump is if they are scared, they may also thump when they are angry. Our rabbit thumps when he has just been scolded for something. And thumper explicitly says he just likes to thump, and is even scolded for doing so.
Get woke 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I don't know if this is true or not, but I do know that there are people now who would have supported LGBT events like pride parades ten years ago, but wouldn't do so now due to some of the inappropriate content, despite not having different views on homosexuality then they did then.
I'm definitely for gay rights, and I think pride parades are fine. However, I have definitely seen pictures shared online of such events which are not okay. Individuals dressed as genitalia or carrying sex toys is not an okay thing for a public street.
Sexual discrimination should not be tolerated, and people should be allowed to express their sexual identity however they should also be restricted to the same kinds of PDA acceptable for heterosexuals.
Take that you stupid 9 year old 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
So, I get that the kid shouldn't have been given the candy, but also, it's really not your place to parent other peoples children. You have no idea what that woman had on her plate that day. Are her actions systematically creating a problem child? Yes, definitely. But did your action actually help? No, probably not. Probably you just put more stress on a mother who clearly already can't deal with her child's fits. Sure, you punished the child once, but consistantly is extremely important when it comes to altering behaviors. That's why small but consistent consequences have a larger impact than one huge punishment. Sure, a punishment might be enough to deter someone's bad behavior even if it only happens once, but probably not if the punishment is "don't get the thing you were told no about after you threw a fit" that's the sort if thing that has an excellent effect when consistent. However doing it one time will only cause temporary unhappiness, with no long term return on investment.
Bruhhh, swear to god 2 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Way to real
Michael is a genius 12 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Yeah, but it's not available on Netflix yet, and many of us can only watch television if we can fot it to our schedules.
It’s a match 2 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
No, this is Patrick
title 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
She is a passionate kid who has been given a big platform. She clearly cares about important issues, but she also uses logical fallacies and emotional responses as much or more than she uses facts and logic. Not only does this reflect poorly on her, it also allows her to be used as a convenient strawman for people who disagree with her views.
Honestly, I think it's great that she is concerned about the environment and wants to take that concern and act on it. However I am concerned about what kind of effect the spotlight will have on her in the long run. Child stars often struggle later in life from the stress of being a famous child, and people have made outright violent suggestions in the direction of this little girl.
I hope that years will age her well and she will learn to be more eloquent and recount not her points, bit her manner of speaking in her younger years. I'm not sure we should be giving this kind if platform to her. I have mixed feelings.
Is my template right?? 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Fun fact: deaf people can still make sound, they just don't hear. This means not only do deaf people moan, they also have notidea they are doing so.