

— TheKaylaPup Report User
That's Bananas 9 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The problem with bananas is that making the fruit the cheap and well adored food it is today came at the cost of several wars and unethical labor conditions.
Anyone get it? 10 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
No. It's a song reference
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Quite rare indeed 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
$70 million dollars. I have someone I love deeply and who loves me, and that's enough for me. I have decisions I regret, and things have happened to me that were bad, but I am who I am today because of those things.
Shoes mark the spot 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I don't know if that is specifically true. I think anti-semitic propaganda probably caused many people to think very poorly of Jews even without being Christian
The moisture content of anger is too damn high 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
There is also hot anger and cold anger. Hot anger is when your passionate and your face turns red and you have to keep yourself under control or someone may get hurt. Cold anger is bitter and disconnecting. Hot anger may lead to a crime of passion but acts out of cold anger are calculated.
Fantastic window conner in the stone 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I know! I love it
Star Wars Lamp 3D Night Light Millennium Falcon 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
It has a buy now button! Thanks @SuperDave
Shoes mark the spot 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... people believed as much. Once something because well known, its difficult to contradict, even when it's wrong. So by WW2, a charismatic leader saying "the Jews are also to blame for the problems in our country today" was easy to believe as many people still believed Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.
Shoes mark the spot 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
One prevailing reason is that some Christians (it used to be a far greater number of Christians) blame the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ. "The Jews crucified Jesus" has been said to me. When I was a child I remember being taught that the Roman's offered Jews a choice to let Jesus go free, or to let go free a known murderer and the Jews choice to free the murderer. Historically, this is inaccurate. And even as a child I can remember thinking "Why would they do that? It makes no sense." But as a child I also believed it because I was a child being taught a "fact" by an authority figure.
In the times of early Christianity, the church was the authority on all biblical knowledge. In fact, a majority of educated people were part of the church. Most people couldn't read, and even if you could, you wouldn't have access to the kind of fact checking resources we have access to today. So when the church taught that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus...
Aren't you sitting on the porcelin throne right now? 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I haven't been sitting here long, and there is an open toilet.
Fantastic window conner in the stone 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I wish you could do that in the sims 4. No diagonal windows. Atleast not in any of tha packs I own. If there are, please tell me where
Amazing 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
So, I read this outloud to my roommate just now. And then I said "Makes sense, that equation is stupid it's like 4/3 pi-is that what it is?" And its (4/3)(pi)(r^3). I took calculus in high school and I can tell you that I never use this equation, it just stuck with me for some reason.
Too accurate 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... some of my peers buckle under it. Many of my classmates were straight A's students from affluent families. So, for many of these students, this was literally the first time they struggled to do something they believed mattered. One girl literally sat in class and cried over a failed test. It was a classroom full of very stressed 17 year olds that fall. Our school guidance counselor came in to speak with us one day about stress management.
Regardless of the value of actually knowing calculus (minimal in most classes) and the fact that, due to not having college credit and a history of student failure most colleges wouldn't actually let these students calcus 2 (a fact I think has more to do with calcus 2 than the shortfalls of the high school curriculum, having taken calculus 1 and 2 in college) I still believe this was one of the more valuable classes offered at my school. Because it gave something to struggle with in a safe environment to struggle.
Too accurate 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
All of this is true, but I don't think getting rid if gifted programs is the answer. I think adding curriculum on to help shore up these weak spots is a better answer.
Where I went to school there were advanced math courses available in high school if you did well enough in elementary school to get into them. However, rather than teach these students in advanced classrooms, they were simply shuffled into the regular classroom for older students. This meant the material was taught at a phase the average student could handle, and explained accordingly. Upon reaching our senior year, and being in our own class for the first time since middle school, these students began to learn calculus 1. Firstly, no one was prepared for calculus 1, as precalcus at our school was not really taught to adequately prepare students for calculus 1, and secondly, many students weren't prepared for classwork being hard.
And I, with my personal history having prepared me for stress and struggle, watched...
Just give the customer what they ordered and stop being an asshole 21 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Honestly, I feel far far worse for children who grew up with the "take no chances" style of parenting. The minor risk of death or serious injury that comes with living is 100% the life you get to live by taking those risks. Obviously their is a point where you need to take a step back and say "the risks are too high, not worth it". And being a responsible person is in part being aware of risks and knowing when you shouldn't take them. But living in a bubble isn't living.
This Is the Only Disney Live Action I Wanna See 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
It won't happen. Disney is only remaking classics due to copyright law being the way it is. They don't actually value Treasure planet enough to make a remake.
5 layer cookie dough 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Egg substitute is usually pasteurized which kills salmonella. If you want eggs in your dough but don't want to buy egg substitute, washing yours eggs actually matters. While you are unlikely to get salmonella from eggs anyway, its noteworthy that the most common culprit is actually the outside of the shell, which can be washed to prevent it from cross contaminating your dough.
Thanos: *heavy breathing* 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... to hire humans, companies will use more robot labor. Bypassing the need for higher wages.
I'm not say in ng robot labor is bad. I think it has the potential to allow for a world that is better than the world we ever could have without it. But it creates some issues with labor. The fact is, the less people there are fighting over the same number of jobs, the better each worker will be treated.
The real problem with high unemployment rates isn't that deadbeat people are feeding off the system. The problem is that high unemployment rates are symptomatic of more people than jobs. And this hurts everyone. When there are more people than jobs (many) employers no longer need to pay competitive wages. Humans are a dime a dozen. Someone will work for minimum wage. Employers still need to pay more for skilled labor, but less when there is a surplus of skilled laborers, such as is created when difficulty getting a job that pays the bills leads people to educate in droves.
Thanos: *heavy breathing* 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
A plague wouldn't do for us (developed countries) now what it did for Europe then. Not because we don't have overpopulation, we most certainly do have overpopulation. The biggest economic shift that followed the black plague was caused by a shortage of workers. If you don't have enough workers, you have to offer better wages to attract more people, and this means your competitors have to offer more wages or they won't have enough workers. While this leads to some inflation, not enough to outweigh the pay gain when resources are so plentiful relative to population size.
A plague now might allow more resources per person, but we are suffering from a lack of resources as much as a lack of distribution of resources. (At least in the United States). The only reason more companies haven't moved to robot labor is that it is not yet cheaper than paying wages. Some work still needs to be done by humans, but we have learned to do a great deal without human help. If it becomes to expensive...
Very cute yet unhelpful 8 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I'm pretty sure the bear is small and the pillow is just small. If I had to guess I think the blanket is actually a dishcloth.
Just give the customer what they ordered and stop being an asshole 21 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Vegan orders and gluten free orders too.
The gluten free thing I know many people know already. Celiac disease is a real problem and any amount of gluten can be very problematic for people who have it.
As for vegan orders. Please remember that poultry allergies aren't uncommon. And allergy to other meats definitely do happen. And its often easier for someone who has meat allergies to ask for vegan than to ask for vegetarian as people are more likely to over look things like chicken broth if someone orders vegetarian food. Especially if they also have a lactose intolerance or egg allergy. I had a friend who was deathy allergic to meat (poultry, red meat, pork, basically all meat. She could eat fish) had a pretty serious egg allergy, and a lactose intolerance and she ordered vegan options because it was easier than trying to specify all her allergies.
Knock knock 10 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I do agree that you should hold your wife first and foremost responsible. (Unless courson was involved).
And holding the other man also accountable is super fair, especially if they were a friend, but the idea that it is mostly their fault perpetuates some really sexist ideals.
Poor font choices 20 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I don't know, I was just running with the theme.
· Edited 4 years ago
Poor font choices 20 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Only if you are a child
· Edited 4 years ago
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
... At some point, there is just literally no way to grow your profit. You have all the possible customers buying as much as they can afford. Companies who stop making enough profits get bought by companies who do. The ultimate would be one mega company who cannot grow because they already have all the everything in ng possible. However, more realistically, as this point approaches for too great a number of companies, exploitive measures will become more extreme, and more short term. We can see these effects pretty clearly in the video game industry right now. However, this happening on a large scale with industries we need for survival, such as food, will result in more protests, riots, and ultimately revolution.
We can put this off by utilizing more things like anti-poverty propaganda and robot labor. However sooner or later the sheer number of people in poverty will mean rebellion.