

— TheKaylaPup Report User
Baby donkies are underrated 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Rate my young ass
Know thyself 24 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
This also gets a little meta with younger people being more likely to accept all pokemon, while older fans have a preference for the older pokemon.
Thanks Judi 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I feel like we go over this every few months due to reposts.
Require the child to replace the scissors with new ones. She needs to buy them. This forces her to take responsibility for her actions while also teaching her the value of fabric scissors is a real world monetary sense. At minimum she is unlikely to repeat her mistake due to the fact that fabric scissors aren't cheap and she likely wouldn't want to spend the money on replacing them. Likely this would also help cement the idea that she should do her best to correct her mistakes whenever possible.
...Two ships passing in the night 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Are we not going to talk about the kids making out in the background?
Physically cringed 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Maybe NSFW?
Reality has spoken 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
You also don't have to buy your children cell phone plans. It's not unreasonable to say "if you want a cell phone you need to pay for it"
My kids will be devastated when they wake up 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
This is clearly supposed to be an elf on a shelf. Remember this gag is on children who already believe in elf on a shelf.
Do your paternal testing today - better now then when you are 60 and realized your life 31 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I think it would be really difficult to prove it was intentional to trick them. I know a woman who got pregnant with twins from a man she thought was infertile. And we know the kids are his, but what if he had not be the only man who could be the father baised on timing. It would be so reasonable to assume the children were the other man's children.
Happy holidays, see you soon! 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Have fun, be safe, see you next year @catfluff
Impossible 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
That might be reasonable if dinner is made at a consistent time, or if you knew dinner was being made, but that isn't a reasonable expectation for many situations
State of the Union 26 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Some pro-captialism idiot: "School lunch debts were a thing when I was a kid, and we dealt with it. If you managed your money better, you wouldn't be in this situation. Giving free lunches to children now would be unfair to those of us who went hungry. "
My mom actually taught me this 15 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Obviously this doesn't do anything for unexpected expenses, and its definitely ideal to have an extra savings for unexpected expenses. Unexpected expenses are the other thing I've seen create real financial hardship. Obviously you should save and take care of your car and your health, pay your insurance consistently. But if you fail to do so and you end up with needing to take your car into a mechanic or yourself into the doctor you just sort of have to figure that out. You probably need your car in order to keep your job, and you definitely need to be in good enough health or you'll die.
My mom actually taught me this 15 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
But even that gets more complicated. Sure, don't get fancy, luxury items when you can't afford them. But you still may want to buy a more expensive option if it will be warmer or last longer.
You also need to consider not just "Can I buy two of these things literally right this minute?" But rather "Can I really afford this within the realm of everything I need to buy and the income available to me?"
My experience has been that people find themselves struggling to pay for things not because they didn't have enough money to buy something luxury, but rather because they didn't think far enough ahead and couldn't afford a bill they only pay annually or their rent was due before their next payday rather than after.
The simplest way to prevent these things from happening is to add up all your recurring bills, figure out how much of each paycheck needs to cover those bills, and set that much of each paycheck aside each payday, only to be used to pay billls.
My mom actually taught me this 15 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
That makes sense until you start thinking about transportation or housing. Continuing to take the bus until you can buy two cheap cars and then buying one cheap car which itself quickly becomes a money dump is not good practice. There is nothing wrong with buying a car in need of repair. The problem is when you need to keep repairing the car constantly to keep it on the road.
Housing is a little more complicated, but the same basic concept is here. It is difficult if not impossible for many people to ever afford a house outright. Even more so when considering buying two houses. You should strive to be able to put down 20% and your mortgage+insurance+property taxes+ (all other housing related costs. HOA fee, lot rent) should not be more than a third your income. Ideally less than that if you want to save. I would aim for a forth your total income, but I wouldn't allow a 27% total to be a deal breaker. However, I am far from an expert.
A little filosofy 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
It's fair to point out there is a huge difference between equal opportunity and equal outcome. Equal opportunity is giving everyone free early education, and giving free continued education to all to meet the passing standards of early education. Equal opportunity is giving a job to the most qualified candidate regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity.
Equal outcome is whenever every child gets a participation medal but no one actually gets any other prize. Equal outcome is when everyone is allotted the same budget regardless of what they do or how well they do it. Equal outcome is giving everyone the same healthcare.
Freedom is also complicated. It is often been suggested that your rights end at the point they start infringing on another's rights. And while this sounds good, two things are true: 1. People argue about which rights should take precedent. 2. It's nearly impossible to enforce the purest version of this.
I need answers 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I shall.
Hippo likes you 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I deadass thought this was a toy and wondered how the tongue worked before it hit me
I need answers 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I will have to try it next time I buy alchohol.
Nose, get on it 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Thanks. A lapse in breathing is exactly what my night needed.
I need answers 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Is it really that amazing? I've been considering trying it but I hadn't heard anything about it.
When one of the buddies doesn't know yet 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I can't find a good link, if anyone else has one for @jokur_and_batmon
Facts low key fire 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The song is titled "Jellyfish Jam"
Who knew anime was teaching us life lessons 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I like "I have yet to reach my full power." It accomplishes the same things while also sounding far more eloquent.
15 · Edited 4 years ago
I know it is true ... And I like it 12 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Thank you for hiding the content. :)
I know it is true ... And I like it 12 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Well, yeah. The bots are okay as long as they stay in line. Users want bots to keep things safe for work. When they don't, we need to say something. Though, ideally we should add a @SuperDave so he knows what's up.
3 · Edited 4 years ago