

— TheMassSnipe Report User
Can't carry the joke 9 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
I was 18 when I first squated 555. This defiantly confused the shit out of me till I realized the person in the snap had leggings and was probably a girl. 24 inch quads btw.
Wind power ruin the landscape 5 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
The massive amounts of refined Neodymium needed to create one windmill(1200lb) produces 40 gallons of acid water and a gallon of radioactive waste. Also the mines in china where they get this shit look roughly same if not worse than a coal mine.
The sarcasm 48 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
Wind turbines use alot of rare earth elements such as neodymium. This has created two problems. One alot of acid water and radioactive waste is created from mining it. Two were running out of readily available neodymium, which means they're going to get significantly more expensive. If you actually give a shit about the environment, hydro and nuclear are the only legit solutions.
Larry brown 15 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
Well Psychiatry is bullshit in the US. Try a psychologists. You know... the people that actually try to solve mental problems without drugs.
Ironic 5 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago 5
We really just need to make this change already. 24 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
We already have. It was passed into law decades ago - which is my physics teachers favorite joke was: How many Americans does it take to change a light bulb. Answer: What do you mean by change?
Side note. He was also gay, so that joke had multiple connotations.
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS *flies into the sun* 19 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
das funny
Find you a man 9 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
Economics is all about rarity. The more rare something is, the more its worth. Having "hands" and doing manual labor is not a rare commodity and thus pays very little. Knowing how to run a business and being able to take calculated risks is a rare skill and thus CEOs are payed alot. I bet most people dont even know how to even set up a buisness.
Bye bye capitalism 48 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
I've both talked and listened to a multitude of economists and economic professors in the last year and I can assure you that capitalism is not dying. In fact its actually evolving into a new type of capitalism which has been given many names. I like the term theoretical physicist Michio Kaku uses which is Perfect Capitalism. A world where everyone has information on every product.
I also dont understand how anyone can take the gaurdian seriously when half their claims or opinions have either no evidence or not enough substantial evidence.
Simmer well pupper 158 comments
themasssnipe · 7 years ago
simmer well pupper
to clarify the meaning of feminism 48 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Despite your opinion on what the word "feminist" means, most woman in the US do not like the new feminist movement. This all based on both pew and gallup polls. Only 18% of females actual identify as feminists and men only pole im the single digits. Its never about what the name of the movement means, its about the actions and beliefs of their constituents.
I mean hey, it's a woman that said it! 38 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Equity without equality. Equal oppurtunity without equal out come.
Kobe and shaq 5 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Yea. He ended up settling in court. His PR agent is really good and very few people know about the rape case.
Well they do have a point 23 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
By this logic we could say 3D space isn't real. A meter is just a label for 1/10,000,000 the distance from the equator to the north pole. Therefore distance is just a construct. Obviously this is not the case. All these "labels" we have are measurements that are extremely useful in understaning the world arround us. Einstein proved to us how real our measurement of time was with his equations on relativity, which showed times correlation to space. Saying time is a construct is an insult to science.
College education for everyone 11 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Free college is an incredibly stupid idea for many reasons. First its not actually free. The money to pay for "free" college comes out of tax payer money. With the current deficit, we would have to increase taxation to pay for this "free" college or else the value of the dollar will decrease. Either way, free college is not free and you will inevitably pay more than you would have. Second, we have the best universities in the world due to its privatization. He may have terrible high schools, but our university grads statitically preform far bettter that a majority of the world. I could continue but its too long. Tl;dr free college is bad.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
I have a dream. 25 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Firefox still lets you listen to music on a locked screen. I use chrome for everything and switch to firefox when i want to listen to music.
Inspired by that tomato post 8 comments
themasssnipe · 8 years ago
Don't worry about the difference. A lot of people don't know it, including the person who made this. Intelligence is the ability to adapt and learn. Knowledgeablity is the ability to memorize and is often atributed to "smartness". Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge effectively.