

— TheMassSnipe Report User
9 out of 10 people recommend it 13 comments
themasssnipe · 5 years ago
If that book made you cry, then your really not cut out for CS.
Hook line and sinker 3 comments
themasssnipe · 5 years ago
This statement is indeed true as woman have larger brains then men genetically, and no measurable intellectual advantage from it.
I would still be in debt. 5 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Damn, gender studies is getting expensive these days.
Got it? 34 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Everyone in my family mocks his grammar. He really should learn how to speak English properly. Hes lived in the US longer than any other country.
Got it? 34 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Hmm... Appeal to Authority fallacy. You dont have to speak to two langauges to criticize someone of speaking your native langauge poorly. My father's an immigrant to the US and has a terrible accent despite living and working here for over 30s. We criticize him all the time for it. Generally, you should always be looking to improve your langauge skills.
Getting roasted by America's Next Top Model 15 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Given her record she's still a massive pleb in the programming world. Stack overflow is not a good metric for anything. Theres massive amounts of miss-information there, and its only useful for looking up langauge syntax. iOS development is also exceptionally easy(React Native and Swift/iOS Objective C are actually a joke). iOS Dev and WebDev are both decently paying CS jobs, but they go hand and hand as being one of the most looked down upon careers because of little skill is actually required, regardless of gender. Guys get shit on all the time for going into this field
(C/C++/DirectX/OpenGL/x86 are currently my main API/languages btw)
Wages 27 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
9 dollars an hour is about 10% of income in taxes in the US. So they keep $8.10. The biggest discrepancy comes from the actually quality of a burger king outside the US. Anyone that's eaten at an American fast food establishment outside the US knows the quality of work and food is alot higher. In the US, you can pretty easily make 12/13 dollars an hour at a good chick fil a.
How healthcare should be 38 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Man you suck at math
How healthcare should be 38 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
I mean, if your paying about 16% more of your income in taxes going to health care, I can hardly see why it should be 391. It should honestly be free. The average Finnish person makes 43,000 a year. I mean you're paying 6000 a year for that, it should be free.
The 2 wizards 6 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
They're both definitely virgins, just not sure they're 30 yet.
Double standards 2 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
The dragon steal the riches. Jeff Bezos has provided a service that everyone uses and loves. Everyone shops on amazon since its easier and cheaper. Dragon = steals, Bezos = mutual transactions
Experiment 113 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Amir is an Persian name. I hope hes not forgetting the millions of Europeans that were enslaved and killed by Islamic countries between the 8th and 15th century. I heard they built all of the middle east and northern Africa. If you're talking about Slavery, historically, no one has done it better than the middle east. My dads also Persiqn and even he says that the United States has a clean origin story, compared to his country.
You must science 19 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Both have still been recorded to heavily damage and shrink brain tissue. Aderall just takes more time since you do take it in as high of a quantity. Stimulants are bad for you.
7 hours tops. 4 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Joking about a lack of mental health is such a boring ass meme. I keep seeing these shitty millenials jokes about how they're their lifes in shambles. I dont think anyone really cares and if it really is a problem then you should stop joking and get help. Put your life in order.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
I mean almost as many people lost their healthcare as gain healthcare in Chicago, due to Obama care.
Realistic 56 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
I didnt really care about her being a woman... I cared more about the fact that she had a prosthetic arm... like wtf. Now that's some desperate diversity shit. I guarantee you, very few people would have their arm blown off and pay a living fuck ton of money for a prosthetic during this time, and then go back to fighting in the war. Might as well make her a LatinX trans person while their digging for diversity point.
Solar power 46 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Also most European solar statistics only cover consumer energy use which is roughly 1/3 of a first world countries' energy consumption. Until someone makes affordable electric carnes, you're not getting of diesel and coal.
Quote from Vala afshar 7 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Also another note. Most deforestation has nothing to do with wood and trees as a resource. It has to do with creating more space for housing and farm land, especially in 3rd world countries. It's pretty well know that the world has a carrying capacity, but with technology, it continually rises. We are able to build more high rises in areas we couldn't previous develop, cause in point some where like LA. This fact is full of bias. If it had stopped after the first few sentences the statement would have been correct
Disabled girl proves herself 36 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
I found out I had sever dyslexia when I was 20. Never found because I my brain memorized the overall shape of every word I read. I was always the fastest reader in all my courses since I never actually had to fully look at the words. I was only when I focused on the words that I realized I didn't know what the fuck I was looking at. Graduated with dual degrees in Engineering.
Adulthood 5 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
I'm in college doing 100 hours of hw a week for two different Engineering degrees. Homework is no joke.
It's not that bad 16 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Mate I've gone 12 days with nothing but water and a little salt to prevent cramping. Not eating for a long period of time is really easy when you're used to it.
Life is tough 41 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
With food and internet, that's 24k a year, which is still less than a minimum wage job in any city where rent is 1.2k. You can still save, you just suck at financies and probably spend money on shit you don't need. You can literally mass buy decent quality chinese cotton clothes for dirt cheap.
Anotren? 179 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Uropman.... EuropeMan
F.Y.I 14 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Wow, I didn't know I could read that fast. I've always had to stop and reread everything cuz I keeps moving.
He's tweeting from hell 35 comments
themasssnipe · 6 years ago
Young Nut