

— Tinycabbage Report User
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
Bucky and Spiderman look like they're having a thumb war.
Don't ever do this to a server... You f*ck up their balance 2 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
He looks terrified. Ah crap ah crap why i'm going to drop these crap crap.
Smart panda 4 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
How shocked/annoyed would they have been when they found out? Or would they just have found it hilarious?
Every Designer in this world! 4 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
I think this also applies to digital art
Pregame talk 2 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
Fire Emblem... goodbye Virion...
Seriously, it's not that hard 21 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
Theres no Darwin or Hobart either
Everyone in the town I live in 11 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
Looks like I'm getting hammered for Halloween 9 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
We saw lots and lots of Minions
Some of the most spectacular cloud formations 12 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
Second to last one is definitely a dragon
So I hear you like libraries? State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 10 comments
tinycabbage · 8 years ago
It contains Ned Kelly's armour and death mask (I think that's what its called) doesn't it?
Found this on FB, i relate so much. More in comments 37 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Family doesn't always end in blood, but it doesn't always start there either.
I wish it was 20 degrees...even if it was 20° C 13 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Anything below 25 degrees Celsius is cold
So I found out a thing 8 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
You could just record yourself talking to freak people out. Or have creepy music.
With 1/6 gravity you can work and be lazy at the same time 6 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Actually a lot of voice actors work really hard. In order to actually be able to make a living out of it you usually have to audition for a lot of parts, even the shitty ones that nobody wants to do. The more recognised VAs get parts whereas the newer ones don't because they haven't had a chance to prove themselves yet. They have to try and get a lot of expression done through their voices to make the character believable without actually doing what the character is doing. Then those roles that include a lot of screaming or voices like Gollum which are really taxing on the vocal cords. Voice acting is not easy.
Student shares a meal 18 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Kookaburras will steal your food.
If you remembered this, you're 36 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
PS1 controllers seem to work in a PS2. It might work the other way around, so maybe that is why.
Butt Oven. Only 90's kids remember 41 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
I'd ride down on my jumper if I had it or we'd bring a blanket to slide down on
Right foot red. 8 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Right foot red, left foot red, every bloody foot red repeatedly.
Really? 6 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
I was born in Australia and I am told by so many people that I have a British accent, the people in my family that are British live in England or Scotland and the two that live here have an Australian accent. Where the hell did it come from?
We need to protect the rhinoceros 49 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Isn't hair made of Keratin too? If so you could collect the hair that is cut off at hair dressers, melt it down (if possible) into a mould that looks like a rhino horn, or you could just use the hair as it is if melting it isn't possible.
Music shows the truth 33 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Can't sleep? Count pikachus! 258 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Pika 965, Pika 966, Pika 967, Pika 968...
Can't sleep? Count pikachus! 258 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Pika 937... Pika 938... Pika 939 Pika 940...
Cats, I'm a Kitty Cat 12 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Oh god I remember this
Can't sleep? Count pikachus! 258 comments
tinycabbage · 9 years ago
Pika 929, Pika 930, Pika 931, Pika 932... (We should stop at 999 or something)